

Industry Manipulator Reconfigurable Pneumatic Clamping Devices Based on the Series Combination of Force Amplifier

【作者】 杨益

【导师】 钟康民;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 机械工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 传统的气动工业机械手夹持装置,当由外夹持转换为内夹持,或由夹持小尺寸工件,转换到夹持大尺寸工件时,一般都需要重新设计和制造,这势必显著延缓交货周期。此外,由于气压传动压力较低,在需要较大夹持力的场合,气缸体积较为庞大和笨重,也是长期存在的技术难题。本论文介绍基于串联组合增力机构的工业机械手可重构气动夹持装置的创新设计思路,分析了串联组合增力机构的技术特点,对串联组合增力机构与以串联组合增力机构为基础的工业机械手夹持装置的技术性能进行了较为系统的综合分析,说明了其工作原理和技术性能特点,给出了夹持力的计算公式和力学特性曲线。所创新设计的可重构气动夹持装置,以几何形体极为简单的杆件为基本构件,并通过基本构件的形状改变与位置重组,可迅速满足对不同尺寸的工件,来进行内夹持与外夹持的需求,以及不同夹紧力的需求。所设计的夹持装置由于以串联组合增力机构为基础能结合各种装置的优点,并且采用气缸内置的总体布局,结构极为简约紧凑,能扬长避短,实现效率最大化和体积、成本最小化。该夹持装置以气压传动为动力源,气压传动以洁净的压缩空气作为传动介质,相对于容易对环境产生污染的液压传动而言,在绿色化方面具有显著优势。由于该夹持装置采用多级串联增力机构,解决了一般气压传动夹持装置因系统压力较低而导致夹持力不足的缺点,可在一定范围内代替容易造成环境污染的液压传动夹持装置。论文给出的力学计算公式和曲线,对工程界具有实际参考价值。

【Abstract】 The traditional clamping mechanism of industry manipulator,When converting from outside to inside clamping, or clamping a workpiece of small size conversion to a larger clamping workpiece, Generally need to design and manufacture, This will significantly delayed delivery cycle. In addition, due to the low-pressure pneumatic drive, in need of large clamping force is a heavy and huge volume of cylinder, and the technical problems exist for a long time. This paper describes a new innovation design idea of reconfigurable pneumatic clamping mechanism based on series-connected force amplifier .Analyses the combination in series force amplifier in the technical characteristic , compare with series-connected force amplifierDesigned clamping device due to the series force amplifier as the basis to combine the advantages of various devices, and the overall layout with built-cylinder, the structure is extremely simple and compact, able to exceed and to maximize efficiency and volume, cost minimization . The pneumatic clamping device to drive the power source, pneumatic drive to clean the air as the transmission medium, as opposed to easy on the environment in terms of pollution of hydraulic transmission, In the protection of the environment has a significant advantage . Using the two-step or three-step force-amplifier, the device solved the shortcoming of lower press result in the smaller force of pneumatic drive system, and thus can be instead of the hydraulic clamping device in certain extent which easily leads to environmental pollution. The graphic example, corresponding formula of output force and mechanics characteristics curve are given which of important reference value and the guide meaning for engineering fields.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 01期
  • 【分类号】TH138.9;TP241.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】285
  • 攻读期成果

