

Analysis of the Landscape Pattern in the Saihanwula Nature Reserve

【作者】 苏龙高娃

【导师】 敖特根;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 草业科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文以内蒙古赤峰市赛罕乌拉自然保护区为研究区域,以2007年卫星遥感影像TM数据、赛罕乌拉自然保护区地质地貌图、内蒙古赤峰市巴林右旗DEM数据等为基本资料,经过2008年8月和2009年8月两次实地调查,在ENVI4.2、Arcview GIS3.2、ArcInfo等软件的支持下,应用景观生态学的相关原理及方法,对研究区景观进行分类,分析景观空间格局及各景观类型的分布与坡度、坡向、海拔等地形因子的关系,得出如下结论:1.研究区景观划分为山地森林、山地草原、山地灌丛、山地草甸、河谷湿地、沙地草原、沙地灌丛、农田、山地流石滩、人工林、辽代古城、水库等12个景观要素类型。2.研究区山地森林景观面积最大,优势度、形状指数、多度、边缘密度均最大,人工景观斑块较自然景观斑块规则,各景观类型破碎化不是很严重。3.研究区景观多样性指数为1.771,不是很高;均匀度指数为0.712,处于中等水平;优势度指数为0.714,较高;破碎化指数为0.007,较低;偏离度指数为0.068,较低。4.研究区山地森林主要分布在海拔1200—1600m阴面及半阴面的缓坡和斜坡;山地草原主要分布在海拔800—1200m阳面及半阳面的缓坡;山地灌丛主要分布在海拔1000—1200m阴面及半阴面的缓坡;山地草甸主要分布在海拔1800m以上阳面的缓坡和斜坡;河谷湿地主要分布在海拔800—1200m阳面及半阴面的平坡、缓坡和斜坡;沙地主要分布在海拔800—1200m的平坡和缓坡;农田主要分布在海拔800—1200m的平坡;山地流石滩主要分布在海拔1600m以上阴面及半阴面的陡坡和急坡。

【Abstract】 The study was based on the software of ENVI4.2, Arcview GIS3.2 and Arc Info to analyze the date of satellite remote sensing of TM , geological map and DEM data of Balin Right county in 2007 and field investigations in August .2008~2009 at Saihanwula nature reserve area , Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia that classified the landscape type and definite the hypostasis of landscape with slope, aspect and elevation etc. The result showed that: 1.There were 12 main landscape types in this study area .They were the Mountain Forest, the Mountain Steppe, the Mountain Shrubby, the Mountain Meadow, the Valley Wetlands, the Sandy Grassland, the Sandy Shrub, the Farmland, the Mountain flowstone beach, the Plantation, the ancient city of Liao dynasty, and the Reservoirs.2.In this study area, the Mountain Forest was the biggest in the landscape area, the dominance, the shape index, the abundance and the edge density .The artificial landscape was more regular than other nature landscape and there was no serious fragmentation in all type of landscape.3.In this study area,, the diversity index was 1.771 and it was not very high. The evenness index was 0.712 and it was in middle range. The dominance index was 0.714 and it was high. The fragmentation index and deviation index were low, respectively 0.007 and 0.068.4.The Mountain Forest was mainly distributed in the slope and the half shaded halves of gentle slope and the shaded halves at the altitude of 1200~1600m.The Mountain Grassland mainly distributed in the gentle slope and semi-sun side of exposed halves at the altitude of 800~1200m. The Mountain Shrubby mainly distributed in the shaded halves of gentle slope and the half shaded halves at the altitude of 1000~1200m. The Mountain Meadow mainly distributed in the gentle slope and the exposed halves of slope above the altitude of 1800m. The Valley Wetlands were mainly distributed in the flat slope, gentle slope and the exposed halves of slope at the altitude of 800~1200m. The Sandy land mainly distributed in flat slope and gentle slope at the altitude of 800 ~ 1200m. The Farmland mainly distributed above the sea level of 800-1200m′s flat slope. The Mountain flowstone beach mainly distributed above the altitude of 1600m of steep slopes, rapid slope of the shaded halves , and the half shaded halves.


