

Water Conservation Efficiency Analysis to the West of HeLan Mountain under Returning Pasturing Area to Forest Project

【作者】 董茹茹

【导师】 常金宝;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文应用森林拦蓄降雨极限容量的原理,对贺兰山西坡自2000~2004年退牧还林封育工程实施5年来退牧还林封育区内森林水源涵养效益的动态变化状况进行了测定,2008年又进行了后期观测。主要通过枯落物层的蓄水能力、枯落物干重的变化、土壤表层物理性状的变化、土壤表层蓄水能力、明水区域情况等方面的观测分析,研究了退牧还林封育工程对贺兰山西坡水源涵养效益的影响。计算出了枯落物层、土壤表层的的最大蓄水量,并将其转化为经济价值,即将贺兰山水源涵养效益货币化。比较了退牧还林封育工程内各指标的发展趋势,主要研究结果如下:1、退牧还林封育工程有助于枯落物的积累和蓄水能力的提高。狭子沟、哈北沟、乱柴沟三条沟在头5年退牧还林封育期内,枯落物层干重均值增加了1.38t/hm~2。三条沟枯落物层的最大持水量均值增加3.92t/hm~2。枯落物层的最大持水量可达自身干重的2~3倍。2、退牧还林封育工程有利于土壤物理性状的改善和蓄水能力的提高。2000~2004年贺兰山西坡在退牧还林封育工程期内土壤非毛管孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度均值分别上涨了2.43%、11.13%和13.55%;土壤层最大蓄水量均值增长了677.5 t/hm~2。3、退牧还林封育工程改善了贺兰山明水区域出水情况,增加了供水量。2004年与2000年相比,3条沟由无出水状态转变为季节性出水;12条主沟道、18条分支沟道由季节性出水转变为常年出水。2008年出水的主沟道和分支沟道共增加8条。其它沟道的水量也不同程度的增大。贺兰山西坡2000年森林最大调蓄水源量171650175t,2004年增增长到231956730t。4、退牧还林封育工程增加了森林水源涵养经济价值。自来水市场价格法显示2000年整个贺兰山西坡森林水源涵养经济价值为47200.24万元,到2004年,达到63787.97万元,比2000年增长了16587.73万元。水利工程影子替代法显示2000年整个贺兰山西坡森林水源涵养经济价值为98012.42万元,到2004年,达到132447.15万元,比2000年增长了34434.73万元。5、各指标在退牧还林封育工程的头两年变化很小,2002~2003年间,各指标值上升均较快,2003~2004年各指标值逐渐趋于稳定。2008年的后期观测显示各指标值变化不大,只有很细微的增长。

【Abstract】 Using principle of maximum capacity of forest inception storage to test forest water conservation dynamic variation in closure area in the west of HeLan Mountain from the year 2000 to 2004, and a following test in the year 2008. Mainly surrounding 5 indexes studied the influence of closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation to HeLan Mountain, and also assessing its value. The main conclusions are:1. Returning pasturing area to forest project contributes to the composition and water storage of litter. In 5 years, the litter weights 1.38t/hm~2, and its maximum water holding weights 3.92t/hm~2. The maximum water holding capacity of litter can be 2-3times compares to its dry weight.2. Returning pasturing area to forest project contributes to soil physical properties and its water storage capacity. From the year 2000 to 2004, the mean value of soil noncapillary porosity, soil capillary porosity and soil total porosity respectively increases 2.43%,11.13% and 13.55%;he mean value of soil maximum water holding capacity increases 677.5 t/hm~2.3. The water value of open channel changes a lot. From the year 2004 to 2004, some open channels changes from having no effluent water to have some seasonal water, or from seasonal water to perennial water. In the year 2000, the forest maximum water holding weights 171650175t, in the year 2004 the forest maximum water holding weights 231956730t.4. Returning pasturing area to forest project contributes to increase forest economic value. The two methods of calculating economic value of forest maximum water holding shows that from the year 2000 to 2004, the forest maximum water holding values 63789.7 thousand Yuan and 1324471.5 Yuan respectively in the two ways.5. All the indexes get little change in the first two years, from the year 2002 to 2003, all the indexes changes a lot. After the year 2004, all the indexes reach to a steady state.

  • 【分类号】S718.56
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】96

