

The Farmer’s Satisfaction of Microfinance

【作者】 杨秀珍

【导师】 孔荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 小额信贷农户满意度是指农户对于信贷机构所提供的小额信贷这一金融产品和服务的满意程度。当前,农户已成为我国小额信贷的主要服务对象,农户对小额信贷满意与否将直接影响到小额信贷在农村地区的发展以及国家政策的落实。信贷机构也只有全面了解农户需求,站在农户的角度来设计信贷产品,才能提高农户满意度,更好地实现机构的可持续发展。因此本文将顾客满意度理论引入到小额信贷领域,试图通过构建指标测评体系来研究农户对这一金融产品的满意程度,找出影响农户满意度的因素,为小额信贷和信贷机构的发展提供一些有益的建议。在对国内外关于小额信贷和顾客满意度研究进行梳理的基础上,本文首先对小额信贷、顾客满意度以及小额信贷农户满意度做了概念上的界定,并介绍了几种目前常用的顾客满意度测评模型和测评方法,这为小额信贷农户满意度体系的构建和实证研究提供了理论基础。然后通过对小额信贷农户满意度影响因素的分析,构建了一个包括机构环境与形象、机构服务质量、信用等级评定、小额信贷发放、对农户的价值和贷后事项等变量在内的小额信贷农户满意度测评指标体系。之后根据所构建的测评指标体系设计调查问卷,并以陕西和甘肃两省的贷款农户为样本,采用因子分析法和加权平均法计算得出小额信贷农户满意度综合得分函数和具体满意度值。最后,针对研究过程中发现的小额信贷不足之处,提出要对现有的小额信贷产品进行创新、开放金融市场、引入农业保险机制、加强机构内部管理和实行差别化的金融服务等提升农户满意度的建议。通过研究发现,在单项指标上农户对交通的便利性、小额信贷对农户生活水平的改善和信用评定等级合符实际这三项指标的评价最高,而对贷款手续复杂程度、营业网点数目和贷款利率水平的合理性评价最低。小额信贷农户整体满意度的平均得分换算为百分制为62.4分,处于基本满意状态,但满意的程度并不高。此外对小额信贷的感到满意的农户更有可能成为小额信贷的忠实客户。本文的创新之处在于站在农户的角度,将小额信贷视为一种金融产品,采用顾客满意度理论对小额信贷进行研究。首次提出了小额信贷农户满意度的概念,构建了用于小额信贷农户满意度研究的测评模型和指标体系。

【Abstract】 The farmer’s satisfaction of microfinance is the degree of farmer’s satisfaction on the financial product——microfinance which offered by credit institutions. Currently, the farmer has become the main client of the microfinance. Whether the farmer is satisfied with the microfinance or not directly influences the further development of the microfinance in rural areas. Besides, microfinance institutions can increase farmer’s satisfaction and achieve sustainable development only when they understand the demand of the farmer and design their financial products from the angel of the farmer. This paper introduces the theory of customer satisfaction into the microfinance, and tries to study the farmer’s satisfaction of microfinance by setting up the measurement index system. It aims to find the effect factors of the farmer’s satisfaction and provide some useful advice for the development of microfinance and microfinance institutions.After reviewing of the microfinance and customer satisfaction, the dissertation, in the first instance, defined the concepts of the farmer’s satisfaction of microfinance, then expatiates some frequently-used customer satisfaction measurement model and index, which provides a theory foundation for the farmer’s satisfaction of microfinance. Next, the dissertation establish a measurement index system include institutional environment and image, the quality of service, credit rating, lending, farmer’s value and things after loan. The paper has designed a questionnaire according to the measurement index system, and collected the date from the farmer in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. It uses factor analysis and weighted average method to calculate the farmer’s satisfaction. In the end, it offers some suggestions to enhance the farmer’s satisfaction such as creating new product, opening financial market, setting up the mechanism of agricultural insurance, strengthening internal management of rural financial institutions and carrying out the service differentiation.The result indicates that farmer give high praises to the convenience of traffic, the help to the farmer’s living standard, credit rating conforms to reality, and they give the lowest praises to the loan formalities, the business outlets and the loan rate. The overall farmer’s satisfaction of microfinance is 62.4, not very high. Besides, the satisfied farmer more likely becomes a loyal customer.The innovation of this thesis is that it stands on the point view of farmer, treats the microfinance as a financial product, and studies the microfinance with customer satisfaction theory. It defines the concept of farmer’s satisfaction of microfinance, and set up a measurement model and index system.

【关键词】 小额信贷农户满意度
【Key words】 MicrofinanceFarmer’sSatisfaction

