

Communicative Translation Approach to C-E Translation of Public Signs

【作者】 王晶晶

【导师】 陈少康;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着全球化步伐的加快,中国与世界各国的交流不断增多,城市公共场所的公示语配上英语译文也已经成为普遍现象。在公共场所双语标识越来越多的同时,各种不规范的翻译甚至误译现象也不断出现,严重影响了我国的国际形象。为改善公共场所的汉英双语环境和人文环境,更好地服务于对外宣传与交流,提高公示语的翻译质量成为一项紧迫的任务。本文立足汉语公示语英译的现状,基于公示语定义、分类、功能和语言特征,例举的大量来自于期刊,书籍,论文和翻译网站的公示语,通过对英汉公示语的比较分析,找出公示语汉英翻译中存在的问题,并尝试把纽马克的交际翻译作为公示语汉英翻译的指导。通过研究发现汉语公示语英译的问题主要出现在拼写、语法和词汇的语言层面和汉语风格的英语、过于强硬的语气和误用不同文化内涵的表达的文化层面。纽马克认为采取何种翻译法取决于文本类型、受众身份和翻译目的三个因素。根据他的文本类型理论,公示语的文本可以分为表达型文本、信息型文本和呼唤型文本。在翻译过程中译者应分别遵循遵循作者、真实性和读者第一的原则。汉语公示语的英译应充分考虑到目的语读者的身份,用地道的措辞和表达实现跨文化交际的目的。在交际翻译理论的指导下本文提出了提高译者双语能力和责任感、尊重英语国家公示语表达习惯、注重公示语语用功能和美学特征等翻译建议。

【Abstract】 With the speeding up of globalization, China has gets more opportunities to communicate with countries all over the world. Offering English version for the Chinese public signs in public places has become a common phenomenon. However, with the increasing of English public signs, many improper or even wrong versions come to exist, which derogate the image of China. In order to improve the bilingual public sign and human and culture environment and provide good service for international communicating activities, improving the quality of public signs has become an urgent task.Based on the current situation of C-E translation of public signs, by introducing the definition, classification, function and stylistic features of public signs, analyzing the differences between Chinese and English signs and providing lots of examples of signs which are from journals, books, thesis, and translation websites, the thesis finds out problems in sign translation, and attempts to adopt communicative approach as a theoretical guidance for C-E translation of public signs.The research shows that the main problems in C-E translation of public signs lie in spelling, grammar and lexicon in the language aspect, and chinglish, harsh mood and misusing expression with different cultural connotations from the cultural aspect. According to Newmark, the translation method is decided by text type, the nature of readership and purpose of translation. Thus the text of public signs can be divided into expressive, informative, and vocative text accordingly. In the process of translation, the translator should abide by the author, fidelity and reader first principle and take the readership into consideration in order to realize cross-cultural communication by using idiomatic expression. Under the direction of communicative translation approach, the thesis put forward that the translator should improve their language proficiency in both source and target language and possess a high sense of responsibility, respect the habit of expression in English-speaking countries, attach importance on the pragmatic functions and explore aesthetic features of signs.


