

Study on the Climatic Zoning of Viticulture and Grapevine Variety Zoning of Xinjiang

【作者】 汪慧

【导师】 李华;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 食品科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究的数据基础为中国气象局气象信息中心提供的全国各气象站点的日值,采集新疆102个气象站点连续30年(1979—2008)的各气象因素的数值,主要包括最低气温、最高气温、平均气温、日降水量、相对湿度、日照时数、风速7个气象学指标。在李华等的研究基础上,将无霜期和生长季的干燥度分别作为热量指标和水分指标对新疆产区进行酿酒葡萄气候区划;并在上述研究基础上,结合不同葡萄品种对于生物量的不同要求,以活动积温作为指标,进行酿酒葡萄品种的区域化。运用Excel软件对数据进行分析处理,最后依据区划的结果用ARCGIS软件做图。主要研究结果如下:(1)根据30年的气象数据,分别计算出无霜期,生长季干燥度等指标区划得出酿酒葡萄适宜种植区和不适宜种植区,并将适宜区划分为4个气候区,最后用ARCGIS作图。Ⅰ区:沙湾、石河子、玛纳斯、呼图壁、昌吉、米泉、阜康、吉尔萨尔、奇台、木垒、巴仑台、库米什、乌恰Ⅱ区:博乐、精河、克拉玛依、乌苏、炮台、伊宁、察布查尔、尼勒克、新源、巩留、乌鲁木齐市、若羌、且末、和静、和硕、焉耆、乌什、拜城、阿合奇、塔中、铁杆里克、策勒、民丰、于田、哈密Ⅲ区:轮台、尉犁、库尔勒、鄯善、托克逊、阿克苏、温宿、新和、沙雅、柯坪、阿拉尔、阿瓦提、阿图什、伽师、阿克陶、喀什、巴楚、岳普湖、英吉沙、麦盖提Ⅳ区:吐鲁番、库车、莎车、叶城、泽普、皮山、墨玉、和田、洛浦并通过对这些地区的数据分析,综合无霜期与生长季干燥度对各适宜栽培区进行了评价,划分为优质酿酒葡萄产区2个,优良酿酒葡萄产区2个。在这些产区,酿酒葡萄都能获得很好的品质,但是要结合当地的供水条件,进行具体的操作。(2)依据以上划分的新疆酿酒葡萄适宜栽培区1979~2008年的气候数据,整理出各气象站点生长季的活动积温进行新疆酿酒葡萄品种区域化。区划结果如下:Ⅰ乌恰、霍尔果斯、霍城,活动积温2800~3100℃,适宜栽培米勒、白比诺、黑比诺、灰比诺、霞多丽、沙斯拉、琼瑶浆、西万尼。Ⅱ奇台、乌鲁木齐、拜城、察布查尔,活动积温3100~3360℃,适宜栽培雷司令、西拉、鸽笼白、霞多丽、桑娇维塞、法国蓝。Ⅲ焉耆、伊宁、阿克苏、精河、石河子、沙湾、玛纳斯、呼图壁、昌吉、米泉、阜康、和硕、和静,活动积温3370~3640℃,可种植品丽珠、赤霞珠、歌海娜、梅尔诺、佳利酿。Ⅳ皮山、于田、克拉玛依、乌苏、且末、阿拉尔、哈密、库米什、莎车、民丰、库车、轮台、喀什、安德河、轮台、尉犁、沙雅,活动积温3650~4000℃,可种植赤霞珠、品丽珠、梅尔诺等中、晚熟酿酒葡萄品种。Ⅴ和田、铁干里克、柯坪、库尔勒、巴楚、若羌、吐鲁番、洛浦,活动积温4000℃以上,可种植赤霞珠、品丽珠、梅尔诺、歌海娜、佳利酿、晚红蜜。

【Abstract】 Based on the climate data of 102 cities and counties of Xinjiang province in 30 years (1979~2008 ), the study was carried on,including 7 meteorological indicators to determin the zones of viticulture and grapevine,such as minimum temperature, maximum temperature, average temperature, precipitation, relative humidity, sunshine duration, wind speed and so on. Excel software was used for data analysis and processing, ARCGIS software was used to draw the zoning plans according to the data analysis. Based on LiHua and others research, use the frost-free period as the heat index and the dryness index in growing period as the moisture index,to division grapevine variety zoning. Based on the previous studies, considering the requirements of biomass of different grapes was different,using the effective accumulated temperature as an indicator of grape varieties in Xinjiang of regionalization. The results was shown as follows:(1)Based on the 30 years of meteorological data,the climatic zoning of viticulture of Xinjiang province was studied according to the data of Frost-free and dryness index in growing period. The results showed that the index system could divided into four climatic zones,including the suitable and unsuitable area for cultivation of Xinjiang, finally use ARCGIS to draw the picture. The basic frame is shown:Ⅰ:Shawan, Shihezi, Manasi, Hutubi, Changji, Miquan, Fukang, Jiersaer,Qitai, Mulei, Baluntai, Kumishi,WuqiaⅡ:Bole, Jinghe, Kelamayi, Wusu, Paotai, Yining, Chabuchaer, Nileke, Xinyuan, Gongliu, Wulumuqi, Ruokang, Qiemo,Hejing, Heshuo, Yanqi, Wushi, Baicheng,Aheqi, Tazhong,Tieganlike,Cele,Mingfeng,Yutian,HamiⅢ:Luntai, Weili, Kuerle, Shanshan, Tuokexun, Akesu, Wensu, Xinhe, Shaya, Keping, Alaer, Awati, Atushi Jiashi, Aketao, Kashi, Bachu, Yuepuhu, Yingjisha, MaigaitiⅣ:Tulufan, Kuche, Shache, Yecheng, Zepu, Pishan, Moyu, Hetian, LuopuAfter the analysis and comparing of the climate of these areas, evaluating the suitable areas for planting according to the the data of Frost-free and dryness index in growing period,divided into two high-quality areas and two good areas.In these areas, the wine grapes have access to good quality,but the local water supply conditions need to consider to carry out specific operations.(2)According to the 1979~2008 climate information of the suitable viticulture areas in Xinjiang province, the accumulated temperature was obtained. The grapevine varieties was divided by compared with the active accumulated temperature .The result was as follows:Ⅰ: The accumulated temperature in Wuqia,Huoerguosi, Huocheng et al was 2800~3100℃, which was suitable to plant Pinot Gris, Chardonnay,Pinot Blanc, Sylvaner,Chasselas,Muller Thurgau,Gewurztraminer,Pinot Noir.Ⅱ: In Wuqia,Huoerguosi, Huocheng et al, the accumulated temperature was 2800-3100℃, which was suitable to plant Chardonnay, Colombard, Riesling,Syrah, Sangiovese and Blue French .Ⅲ: The accumulated temperature in Yanqi, Yining, Akesu, Jinghe, Shihezi, Shawan, Manasi, Hutubi, Changji, Miquan, Fukang, Hejing et al was 3370~3640℃,which was suitable to plant Cabernet Franc,Cabernet Sauvignon,Merlot, Carignane, Grenache, and Zinfandel.Ⅳ: The accumulated temperature in Pishan, Yutian, Kelamayi, Wusu, Qiemo, Alaer, Hami, Kumishi, Shache, Mingfeng, Kuche, Luntai, Kashi, Weili, Shaya et al.was 3650~4000℃,which was suitable to plant Cabernet Franc, Cabernet Sauvignon,and Merlot that were the late-maturing variety.Ⅴ:The accumulated temperature in Hetian, Tieganlike, Keping, Kuerle, Bachu, Ruoqiang, Tulufan, Luopu was more than 4000℃,which was suitable to plant Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot Grenache, Carignane,and Canepabn.


