

Study of Assembled Small Water Tank Structure

【作者】 李红艳

【导师】 朱德兰;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前在我国雨水集蓄中多以胶泥、水泥砂浆抹面或混凝土防渗来修建水窖或蓄水池等作为雨水存储设施。针对现有水窖建设周期长、费用高,且较深的水窖或蓄水池施工危险、成窖过程技术要求高,大规模施工质量难以保证,成窖后水窖易渗漏,水质得不到保证等现状,研究开发快速成窖集雨蓄水技术是发展雨水利用技术的迫切要求。本研究通过实地调研、理论分析、结构计算,设计出现场成型水窖,取得如下研究结果:(1)研究了一种新型竹塑复合材料装配式水窖。首先利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对六边形和八边形水窖进行结构应力分析,分析结果表明:在相同厚度下,八边形装配式水窖承受应力状况要优于六边形设计,两种形式水窖,最大拉、压应力均发生在板件相接处与窖底。以水窖耗材量最小为目标函数,以材料许用应力和应变为约束条件,在满足水窖强度和刚度的条件下,对八边形水窖结构尺寸进行优化设计,提出加单围箍装配式水窖、局部加厚装配式水窖、加双围箍装配式水窖以及局部加厚且加单围箍装配式水窖等不同装配方案。优化分析结果表明:局部加厚及加单围箍的八边形竹塑复合材料装配式水窖耗材料少,空载情况下的窖壁最小厚度为7.2 mm,满载情况下的窖壁最小厚度为6.3 mm,以此为基础,可以制作新型竹塑复合材料装配式水窖。(2)研究了一种中空PVC-U板材缠绕式水窖。首先利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对不同宽深比(1/2、1/1、和2/1)、不同壁厚(12、16、21、27、31和36 mm)的中空PVC-U板材缠绕式水窖进行空间结构应力分析,然后对容积为10m3、宽深比为1的水窖进行优化设计,结果表明:圆柱形水窖的拉压应力集中在水窖底部,空载为最不利工况,容积为10 m3,水窖壁厚为31 mm和36 mm、宽深比为2时,水窖在最不利工况下受到的应力满足要求。经水窖优化设计得出,窖壁厚度为12 mm,其底部加厚度为27 mm,高度为0.382 m的围箍,符合强度与刚度要求且造价最低。根据此计算结果,可现场制作PVC-U板材缠绕式水窖。(3)开发了水窖结构有限元计算模型。采用有限元分析法构建水窖结构有限元分析模型,利用其内置参数化语言APDL建立了新型水窖的有限元分析命令流,在此基础上利用UIDL界面设计语言,将新型水窖的计算过程制作成菜单和功能对话框,添加在有限元分析软件ANSYS的界面中去。(4)评价了新型水窖的适用性。对竹塑复合材料装配式水窖和PVC-U缠绕式水窖与混凝土水窖和砖水窖相比较,结构表明两种新型水窖具有造价低、经济效益好、材料运输方便、施工简单、施工量小、施工期短的优点;与柔性环保橡塑水窖比较,造价相对较高,但是其具有直立性能,更易应用推广。初步分析认为新型水窖具有很好的适用性。

【Abstract】 At present, China harvesting rainwater mostly used the clay, cement mortar or concrete spread plate the building of water tanks and cisterns surface to impermeableness, as storage facilities. For current water tank has too long building time, high investment, deeper water tanks or cisterns have construction risk and need the technically demanding, difficult to ensure the construction quality of large-scale, easily leak after build the water tank and the water quality can not be guaranteed, the quickly build water harvesting technology is the urgent requirement of developing technology of rainwater utilization. Through field research, theoretical analysis, structural calculation and so on, we studied out spot assembled water and obtained the following conclusion:(1) This paper developed a new multiunit material with bamboo and plastic water tank, by solving the problems of tank construction——difficulty to construction, high costs and lack of structure and size theoretical basis. Firstly, this paper had calculated the stress distribution of two water tanks with the same wall though analyzing the water tank structure by ANSYS software. The results showed: the ability of octagon assembled water tank suffering from stress is superior to the ability of hexagon assembled water tank; the pulling and crushing stress consisted in the panel joints and the bottom of two kinds of water tanks. Then, this paper carried on the structure and size optimization design of octagon water tank, with the minimum of water tank materials used as the objective function and allowable stress of the material as the constrain condition, satisfying the intensity and rigidity conditions of water tank, there were five difference assembly programs, respectively assembled octagon water tank, adjunction a enclose hoop assembled water tank, partially-thick assembled water tank, adjunction two enclose hoops assembled water tank and adjunction a enclose hoop partially-thick assembled water tank. The results showed: partially-thick octagon assembled water tank of the multiunit material with bamboo and plastic need less material; the least thickness of wall is 7.2 mm under unload, the least thickness of wall was 6.3 mm under full-load. So the new assembled water tank of multiunit material with bamboo and plastic could be built.(2) This paper invented a new hollow PVC-U plates intertwined water tank. This paper analyzed the structural stress of the different breadth depth ratio (1/2, 1/1, 2/1) and different thickness(12, 16, 21, 27, 31, and 36 mm) hollow PVC-U plates intertwined water tank by ANSYS software. The results showed: the stress consisted in the bottom of cylindrical water tank. No-load is the most unfavorable conditions. Water tank has a capacity of 10 m3 the breadth depth ratio is 2/1, which stress satisfied the specification under the no-load when the wall of water tank is 31 mm and 36 mm. This paper optimized design with the lowest cost for objective function in order to reduce the cost of the tank. The results showed: the water tank has the lowest cost and satisfied strength and rigidity requirement when 1.17 m in radius, 2.43 m in height, 12 mm thickness of tank wall, and has a the 27 mm in thickness and 0.382 m in height of enclose hoop. Based on this, hollow PVC-U plates intertwined water tank could be built.(3) Developed ANSYS calculate model of new assembled water tank. This research solved new type water tank structure calculation problem, through ANSYS analysis to creation water tank ANSYS model, used its built-in parameters of language APDL to creation ANSYS order flow, on this basis use UIDL interface to design language, make these calculation system to menu and function dialog box, add to ANSYS interface, this way not only reduce the workload, but also improve efficiency.(4) Evaluated the applicability of the new water tank. Through evaluated the applicability of difference material water tank, and compared with concrete and brick water tank, multiunit material with bamboo and plastic water tank and PVC-U winding water tank had low cost, economic efficiency, lighter transport, easier to installation, saved construction work hours and short construction period advantages. Compare with soft green rubber water tank, they were high cost and low economic benefits, but they had better vertical performance and easy to promotion. Preliminary think spot assembled water tank has a good applicability.


