
大麦虫Zophobas morio的生物学特性及其对塑料降解作用的研究

Study on Biological Characteristics of Zophobas Morio and Its Function on Plastic Degradation

【作者】 苗少娟

【导师】 张雅林;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 大麦虫属鞘翅目(Coleoptera)拟步甲科(Tenebrionidae)昆虫,幼虫体内含有较高的蛋白成分,营养价值相对较高,主要作为宠物饲料。本文通过对大麦虫的生物学特性以及人工饲养条件的研究,为大麦虫的养殖提供技术支持。在养殖的过程中发现大麦虫有取食塑料的能力,试验研究了大麦虫幼虫对不同塑料制品的喜食情况,并对幼虫取食塑料后的排泄物进行热重分析同步差热分析和傅里叶转换红外光谱分析,以期探明大麦虫对塑料的取食降解作用。主要结果如下:1、大麦虫为群居性昆虫,分成虫、卵、幼虫、蛹四种虫态,在北方一年发生一代。成虫和幼虫均具有负趋光性、趋湿性、自相残杀等的习性,同时还会咬伤卵和蛹,故应将各个虫态分开饲养。在温度为27±1℃,相对湿度70±5%,光周期为14L:10D的条件下,成虫期100~160天,卵期7天左右,幼虫期150~200天,蛹期10天左右。2、大麦虫卵的发育起点温度为14.6℃,卵期的有效积温为92.3日度。预蛹的发育起点为10.7℃,有效积温为102.4日度,蛹的发育起点温度为4.8℃,有效积温为257.6日度。3、大麦虫卵的发育速率与温度呈正相关关系,27℃时卵的孵化率最高。大麦虫幼虫在第一个月内最适温度为30℃~33℃,一个月以后27℃左右最利于其生长发育。预蛹期、蛹期的发育速率与温度呈正相关。温度越高化蛹率越低,高温下用于化蛹的幼虫大多缩小变黑死亡,蛹容易被细菌感染,羽化出的成虫大多为无繁殖能力的畸形成虫。4、大麦虫幼虫在第一个月宜采用配方4(麦麸重量:甘蓝重量=1:3)饲养,一个月以后宜采用配方3(麦麸重量:甘蓝重量=1:2)进行饲养。5、幼虫的饲养密度设置为第一个月12~15头/cm2,第二个月3~9头/cm2,第三和第四个月3~6头/cm2,第五个月3头/cm2时更利于幼虫的生长发育。幼虫平均体重呈逻辑斯蒂曲线增长,在第三个月时体重增长最快。6、大麦虫幼虫对不同种塑料的取食有选择性,对薄、软、泡沫化程度较高的塑料较为喜食。取食塑料和麦麸混合饲料的大麦虫可以正常发育。7、幼虫取食低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)后的排泄物中LDPE基本特征与性状未变,但有新物质组分出现,可能是大麦虫幼虫肠道分泌物。8、幼虫取食乙烯–醋酸乙烯共聚物(EVA)的排泄物中EVA的基本特征未变,且无新物质出现,但性状有所改变。9、幼虫取食线性低密度聚乙烯(LLDPE)、珍珠棉(EPE)的排泄物中LLDPE、EPE基本特征未变,但性状变化较大,排泄物中物质组分也产生较大变异。10、幼虫取食聚氯乙烯(PVC)和可发性聚苯乙烯(EPS)泡沫塑料后排泄物中原料基本特征变化较大,物质组分也产生较大变异。

【Abstract】 Zophobas morio belongs to Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae. Its larvae are rich in protein with high nutrient value and are mainly used as pet food. Biology and artificial rearing methods of Zophobas morio are studied in this research. Zophobas morio are found being able to feed plastic in the rearing. The preference of Zophobas morio larvae on different plastic products is observed, and the excretions of these insects fed with different plastic materials and products are collected separately and identified with TGA-SDTA and FTIR to reveal its function of degradation on plastics. Results are as follows:1. Zophobas morio is a kind of social insect, experiencing egg, larvae, pupae and adult stages in its life. It has one generation per year in lab in northern part of China. Both adults and larvae have negative phototaxis, hygrotaxis, cannibalism. The lavae bite their eggs and pupae, so they should be separated from their eggs and pupae. The adult stage lasts 100~160 days; Eggs hatch after oviposition about 7 days; the larva stage takes 150~200 days; pupal stage is about 10 days.2. Egg’s developmental threshold temperature is 14.6℃and effective accumulated temperature 92.3(℃·d). Prepupa’s developmental threshold is 10.7℃and effective accumulated temperature 102.4(℃·d). Pupa’s developmental threshold temperature is 4.8℃and effective accumulated temperature 257.6(℃·d).3. Egg’s development rate is positively correlated with temperature. The highest hatching rate is obtained at 27℃. Larvae are better under 30℃~33℃in the first month and 27℃is more favorable to the growth in the following months. Development rates of prepupal stage and pupal stage are positively correlated with temperature. The higher the temperature is, the lower the pupation rate is. Under high temperature, most larvae are used to pupate shrank and become black and then die. Pupae are more easily infected by bacteria and most infected emerged adults are non-reproductive and deformed.4. Formula 4 (weight of wheat bran: weight of cabbage = 1:3) is better for feeding larvae in the first month and formula 3 (weight of wheat bran: weight of cabbage = 1:2) can be used for feeding after the first month.5. Setting rearing density as 12~15 caput/cm2 in the first month, 3~9 caput/cm2 in the second month, 3~6 caput/cm2 in the third and fourth month, 3 caput/cm2 in the fifth month is favorable for the growth of larvae. Average weight of larvae increases with time in form of logistic curve and weight of larvae grows fastest in the third month.6. Zophobas morio larvae prefer the plastics that are relatively thin, soft and of higher degree of foam to thick, hard plastic products. The larvae fed with mixture of bran and plastics can grow normally.7. Excretion of Zophobas morio feeding on low density polyethylene (LDPE) has been found containing new components which may be intestinal secretion of larvae.8. Properties of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) in excretion of Zophobas morio feed on EVA have been changed.9. The basic characteristics of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) and polyethylene foamed sheet (EPE) in excretion of Zophobas morio feed on LLDPE are not changed, but new components are found and properties have been changed greatly.10. Excretion of larvae feeding on Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and expandable polystyrene (EPS) foam has significant changes in basic characteristics and components in excretion vary a lot too.


