

Study on Perfecting the Laws and Policies on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction in China

【作者】 李汶

【导师】 王育才;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 能源是人类生存的物质保障,与人类生活和社会经济发展息息相关,正因如此,开发能源也始终贯穿于人类社会文明的发展过程当中。然而,伴随着世界工业的不断发展,能源消耗强度不断提高、资源开发规模扩大,供需矛盾越来越突出。能源所引发的“蝴蝶效应”使得气候变化和能源安全已成为当今世界备受重视的综合性全球问题。面对严峻的环境和能源形势,人类开始反思提高能效的重要性,逐渐使降低能源需求和减少排放的新理念深入人心,并且转化为各种以节能减排为主题的绿色行动在世界范围内开展起来。中国作为发展中国家,尽管发展经济依然是我们的工作重心,但在全球气候变化的大背景下,也要主动承担节能减排的国际责任。减少排放、保护环境是我们以人为本发展理念的基本要求,也是我们可持续发展的内在需求。本文以基本原则为节能减排具体制度的基础和出发点,在理论分析和实证分析的基础上,对我国节能减排的重要性和紧迫性进行思考,指出我国现阶段节能减排的重要意义。全面系统介绍国内外节能减排法律政策现状,对比分析认为,法律政策上的支持是节能减排发展的根本动力。因此,我国应建立一套综合的节能减排法律与政策运行机制,以保障节能减排工作的深入持续性开展。为了构建稳定、经济、清洁、可持续的能源供应及服务体系,提高能源效率,保障能源安全,推动资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设,就要建立以政府为主导、企业为主体和全社会参与的节能减排综合机制、节能减排激励与制约机制。而良好的法制环境是该机制建立和运行的保障,完善的立法应将节能减排机制运行法定化、刚性化。因此,本文在我国现有法律框架内,以节能减排基本原则为指导,贯穿可持续发展理念,从宪法到基本法律规章、从执法到法律监督等各个方面层次性阐述节能节能减排法律制度。本文希冀提出较为全面的节能减排法律制度,为国家节能减排长效机制的建立和运行提供相应依据,以此提高能源利用效率,缓解能源瓶颈制约。本文突破传统思路,以节能减排法律与政策长效运行机制为视角进行研究,提出了节能减排的的具体政策措施,分析了我国节能减排法律制度的现状与不足并提出建设性意见。本文具有鲜明的时代感,对实践科学发展观,解决能源问题,实现可持续发展,建设资源节约型环境友好型社会具有重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Energy is the material basis for human existence, and is closely related to human life and social economic growth. However, with the continuous development of industry, the consumption of energy is improving, and the development of resources is on a large scale and accelerated, which lead to the sharp contradiction between supply and demand. The "Butterfly Effect" caused by energy make climate change and energy security become the world’s highly regarded integrated issues. Faced with the grim situation of environment and energy, human beings began to reflect on the importance of energy efficiency, gradually the new concept of cutting of energy demand and reducing of emissions enjoys popular support, and were transformed into a variety of green actions with the themes targets for reducing emissions and conserving energy around the world. China, as a developing country, although economic development remains our focus, under the background of climate change, we should take the initiative to undertake international responsibilities. Reducing emissions and protecting of the environment is our basic need in the people-centered philosophy and is also our internal requirement for sustainable development.In this paper, the basic principle is taken as the foundation and starting point of energy conservation. In the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis, the target of this paper is to think of the importance and urgency of energy conservation and emission reduction, and to point out the present significance of energy conservation. A comprehensive and systematic introduction of the law and policy related to energy conservation and emission reduction is included. By contrast analysis, the support by law and policy is the fundamental driving force for the development of energy conservation and emission reduction. Therefore, China should establish a comprehensive law and an operational mechanism of the institutional policy to ensure that the work of energy saving will be carried out in-depth continuously. In order to construct a stable, economical, clean and sustainable energy supply system and service system, to improve energy efficiency, and to ensure energy security while promoting energy saving and the construction of an environmental-friendly society, it is necessary to establish comprehensive mechanism, incentive mechanism, and restriction mechanism of energy conservation and emission reduction in the basis of multi-elemental participation, enterprise as the main body and a community wide participation. A good legal environment is the security for the establishment and operation of this mechanism, and could improve the legislation of the operation mechanism of energy conservation and emission reduction and make it become rigid Therefore, this article in our existing legal framework and with a basic principle of energy conservation guidance, through the concept of sustainable development, from the Constitution to basic laws and regulations, from legal supervision of law enforcement to explain the aspects of energy conservation law system. This article is hoping to make this more comprehensive legal system of energy saving, and provide corresponding basis for construct a long-term mechanism for energy saving and emission reduction, in order to improve energy efficiency and ease the bottleneck of energy.This article breaks traditional way of thinking, study on the long-term operational mechanism with the law and policy of energy saving and emission reduction and put forward concrete policy measure of energy saving and emission reduction. This article analyzes the shortage and the current situation of the legal system of energy saving and emission reduction in our country and it also put forward a constructive opinion. This paper contains clear-cut features of the time and is of great significance for fulfilling scientific concept of development, solving energy problems, achieving sustainable development and building resource-saving and environmental friendly society.

  • 【分类号】D922.6
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】866

