

Study on the Conservation of Endangered Specie Nipponia Nippon

【作者】 高岳芳

【导师】 胥耀平;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 野生动植物保护与利用, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 朱鹮(Nipponia nippon),隶属于鹳形目(Ciconiiformes)鹮科(Threskiornithidae)朱鹮属(Nipponia)是我国四大国宝之一,被列为国家一级重点保护动物,2000年前,被IUCN列为国际极危物种(CR)。20世纪50年代之前,朱鹮曾广泛分布于中国的大部分地区、朝鲜半岛、西伯利亚以及日本等地。但是,由于人类过度的经济开发和对朱鹮栖息地环境的破坏,从而使西伯利亚、朝鲜半岛以及日本的朱鹮种群在不到一个世纪的时间里相继灭绝。在中国,曾经被认为已经灭绝的朱鹮种群,经过科研人员3年的野外考察,于1981在洋县姚家沟被重新发现,中国政府和科研保护人员经过29年的艰苦努力,中国朱鹮在就地保护、易地保护和野化放飞、再引入等方面均取得了巨大的成功。截止2009年底,朱鹮种群数量已由当初7只的弱小群体发展到了1300余只,其中野生种群600余只。朱鹮的保护管理工作所取得显著的成绩已经成为国家和国际上拯救其他濒危物种的成功范例。通过实地调查、资料收集、查阅文献等方式,本文研究了(1)朱鹮衰退的原因(2)朱鹮野生种群繁衍的规律和扩大的可行方法(3)朱鹮保护的自然环境和人类社会之间的关系(4)自然条件下朱鹮种群扩大的生物学特性(5)人工干预下朱鹮种群扩大的生物学特性。从中得出的朱鹮保护和发展理论,为朱鹮的进一步保护管理和其它濒危物种的拯救提供科学依据。取得的主要研究结果如下:1.我国朱鹮保护和研究工作是最为科学和成功的,且得到世界范围上专家和组织的认可。2.朱鹮种群的衍续和灭绝与朱鹮自身的适应能力和栖息地环境密切相关。3.开展科学系统的研究,彻底掌握朱鹮的生态学和生物学习性,是保护朱鹮以及其他濒危物种的有效途径。4.系统分析并深入探究朱鹮繁衍过程中的主要问题,可有效地促进物种的优化及种群的扩大。5.社会认识,人们的自觉保护行为以及广泛的保护宣传教育,是保护朱鹮的重要保障。6.随着朱鹮种群数量的增加,朱鹮的繁殖生态学发生了一些变化,主要表现在营巢密度增高,巢址向低海拔迁移。7.朱鹮保护的成功经验对保护其他濒危物种具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。

【Abstract】 As one of four great national treasure of China, the crested ibis (Nipponia nippon), belonging to the Nipponia of Threskiornithidae of Ciconiiformes, is the first-grade state protected animal in China. Before 2000, it was ranked among the extremely endangered species (CR) by International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN). Moreover, as long ago as the 20th century 50’s, crested ibis was widely distributed in the most areas of China, Korean Peninsula, Siberia, Japan, and so on. However, the crested ibis population was successive extinction during less than one century in Siberia, Korean Peninsula and Japan because of excessive economic development and destroying of its habitat environment. Fortunately, thanks to scientists’field observation for three years, the crested ibis population that had been considered to be extinction was rediscover in Yao Jia Gou region of Yang country of China in 1981. Furthermore, over the twenty nine years hard working, Chinese government and scientist achieved great successful in terms of in and ex situ conservation, wild-exercising and returning nature and reintroduction of crested ibis. By the end of 2009, the amount of crested ibis population was increased from only 7 to more than 1300, in which there was more than 600 wiled population. The remarkable achievements resulted from the conservation and management of crested ibis has became an outstanding example of protection of other endangered species in the world.In this paper, by field survey combining with data collection and consulting document, we studied on (1) the reason for the decline of crested ibis (2)the law of propagation and viable feasible ways of expansion for crested ibis population (3) the relationship between natural conditions of crested ibis and human society (4) the biological characteristics of expansion for crested ibis population under nature condition (5) the biological characteristics of expansion for crested ibis population under manual intervention. More importantly, those theory obtained from above research can be used to provide the scientific basis for crested ibis in further conservation and protecting of other endangered species. All results are reported as follows.1. It is the most successful for the conservation and research of crested ibis in our country. Moreover, the results are approved by the expert and organization all over the world. 2. The propagation and extinction of crested ibis population is closely related to its adaptability and habitat environment.3. It is the effective way to protect crested ibis and other endangered species by scientific research for knowing their ecology and biological characteristics well.4. The optimization and expansion of species can be promoted by the research on the problem occurred in propagation of crested ibis.5. On the other hand, it is very important to protect crested ibis by society and personal together with education.6. With the amount of crested ibis increasing, the biological characteristics of propagation will be changed. For example, the density of nest will be increased and the nest-site will be migrated to lower altitude area.7. It is reference and guiding significance to protect other endangered species with the successful experience from crested ibis conservation.

【关键词】 朱鹮保护繁衍生物学特性
【Key words】 Crested IbisConservationPropagationBiological Characteristics
  • 【分类号】S863
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】540

