

Study on Landscape Pattern in Tianhua Mountain Nature Reserve

【作者】 宋先先

【导师】 王得祥;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 景观格局是人类活动和环境干扰促动下的结果,同时反映一定社会形态下的人类活动和经济发展状况。景观格局的复杂程度与社会发展阶段是紧密联系的,人口增加、社会重大变革、国家政策变化等都会在景观格局上表现出来。随着人类社会文明的发展、农业发展和工业化的极大进步,人类的生活环境变得越来越不适宜人类的生存,重大自然灾害如长江洪水、沙漠化等频繁发生。环境的严重恶化给我们敲响了警钟,也给我们带来了巨大的挑战,分析这些问题的原因,我们会发现它们是与景观格局变化密切相关的。为了维持可持续发展和区域生态安全,必须对土地利用方式进行研究,进而重新调整及优化景观格局。本文运用景观生态学原理,采用景观指数法,通过ArcGIS和Fragstats3. 3软件对天华山自然保护区12种景观类型的格局进行了分析。所使用的景观格局指标包括平均斑块面积、斑块所占景观面积比例、斑块密度、边缘密度、最大斑块指数、景观形状指数、聚集度等。研究结果表明:1.天华山自然保护区景观类型较丰富,而各景观类型拥有的斑块数分布很不均匀,从面积和斑块数来看,以硬阔的斑块数最多,面积最大,为保护区的主导景观,但其景观形状指数较大,形状比较复杂,斑块较离散,可能是人类活动正在对其产生影响,这使得景观整体蔓延度较低,保护区显现出破碎化的趋势;而且Shannon多样性指数为2.18,处于较高水平,也可能是人类干扰活动的增大,破碎化程度增加的体现。但从景观连通度指数和Shannon均匀度指数分析来看,景观连通度尚处于较高水平,均匀度较大(0.73),这样的景观格局对于很多物种的定居、繁衍与扩散可能暂时不会产生很大的影响。2.保护区内除了居民地,硬阔的斑块密度较大,说明这类景观人为活动干扰较大,而且硬阔的边缘密度最大说明该景观类型的开放性很强,易于同周边斑块进行物质、能量和信息交换,这对于增加物种多样性具有一定的促进效应,但对该景观类型的发育和保持结构和功能的稳定都是不利的。3.通过研究与分析,对天华山自然保护区景观格局分布有了一个定性和定量的描述,为科学合理地利用和保护该区的资源提供了更为科学的依据,并对保护区优化提出了相关优化措施。

【Abstract】 Landscape patterns are the results of human activities and environmental interference, reflecting a certain social forms of human activity and economic development. The complexity of the landscape closely linked with social development, and the population growth, significant social changes, changes in national policy will be manifested in the landscape pattern. With the development of human civilization, agricultural development and industrialization, human living environment is becoming increasingly unfit for human survival, major natural disasters such as the Yangtze River floods, desertification were frequently happened. Serious deterioration of the environment sounded the alarm for us as well as tremendous challenges. According to analysis on the cause of these problems, it could be found that they are closely related with the changes of landscape pattern. In order to maintain sustainable development and ecological security, studying on land use, and then re-adjustment and optimization of landscape pattern are necessary.Based on the landscape ecological theory, the study used the method of landscape index to analyze 12 kinds of landscape patterns in Tianhua mountain nature reserve employing the ArcGIS and Fragstats3.3 software. Indicators to evaluate landscape patterns include mean patch area, percentage of landscape, patch density, edge density, maximum patch index, landscape shape index, aggregation index.The results showed that landscape patterns in Tianhua mountain nature reserve were rich, but the number of patch in each patterns was uneven. From the area and number of the patch, the nature reserve was dominated by Hardwood patch which has the largest area and number. However, because of its higher landscape shape index, Shannon diversity index of the landscape and disperse patch, Hardwood patch was probably greatly affected by human activity, which resulted in low spreading degree and trend of fragmentation. According to the analysis of landscape connection index and evenness index, the landscape connection and evenness degree (0.73)were high, this landscape pattern would not temporarily affect the settlement, reproduction and dispersion for many species.In nature reserve, Hardwood patch density was higher in addition to residents area, indicating a great disturbance from human activities. The maximum edge density of wide showed that the higher openness in this kind landscape, it is easy to exchange material, energy and information with surrounding patches, which will make a promotion for increase of the species diversity while will result in a negative effect on the development of the landscape and the stability of the structure and function.Through research and analysis, qualitative and quantitative description on landscape pattern distribution in was made, this provides the scientific basis and optimal measures for the rational utilization and protection on this area resource.


