

Study on the Sexual Reproduction and Survival Strategy of the Quercus Variablis Population in North Slope of Qinling Mountains

【作者】 周民建

【导师】 张文辉;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 植物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis Bl.)广布于我国华北、华中、华南、西南22个省区,是我国温暖带落叶阔叶林区地带性植被主要建群树种。本研究以秦岭北坡不同生境条件下的栓皮栎纯林为研究对象,通过野外调查和控制实验的方法,探讨了栓皮栎种群的有性繁殖过程,主要包括生殖物候、种子雨、种子库动态和幼苗库特征等内容。结果表明:1.在秦岭北坡殿镇、田峪口和西楼观三个不同生境条件下,栓皮栎种群径级结构呈现进展特征,种群静态生命表表明1-3a个体死亡率最高,存活曲线呈DeeveyⅢ型。随着径级的增加,种群死亡率在大体上呈现“高-低-高”的式样。2.栓皮栎实生林7~9a时开始开花,萌生林5~6a即可以开花;不同林龄的栓皮栎林生殖物候和生殖能力有差异,幼龄林低,老龄林高;开花结实等生殖过程受光照影响最大。3.栓皮栎种子雨开始于8月底,持续到10月中旬。种子雨中包括3种类型的种子:完好种子、败育种子、虫蛀种子。种子雨中所占比例最大的是虫蛀的种子(56.8%)。高峰期种子雨平均强度为16.8个/m~2。4.种子库中的种子可以分为6种类型:完好种子、败育种子、虫蛀种子、霉烂种子、萌芽种子和被动物捕食的种子。各类种子在不同生境的种子库中所占的比例是变化的。种子库强度峰值出现在种子雨高峰期后几天。土壤种子库主要的亏损途径是被动物捕食和虫蛀。与人为干扰和动物捕食强度呈负相关。种子的自然萌发率较低(5.4%)。5.三个不同生境条件的栓皮栎种群幼苗密度差异较大。不同生境中的实生苗随着龄级的升高,空间分布格局由集群分布转变成随机均匀分布。不同生境条件下栓皮栎幼苗地上部分和地下部分的生物量差异大,但随着龄级增加这种差异逐渐变小。

【Abstract】 Quercus variabilis Bl. is widely distributed in 22 provinces in north, central, sorth and southeast China and also is the constructive species of zonal vegetation in deciduous broad-leaf forest of warm-temperate region. In this research, based on several approaches as fiel investigation, control experiment and mathematic analysis, the reproduction process of Quercus variabilis is discussed, which mainly contains: reproductive phonology, seed rain, seed bank and seedling bank characteristics. The results are as followed:1) The population structure from the North Qinling Mountain Slope (Louguantai, Tangyu) shows progressive type, and the static life table shows that the mortality rate of annual to three-year-old individuals is high. The survival curve shows DeeveyⅢ. With the increase of diameter class, the mortality rate shows the trend of“high-low-high”.2)Q. variabilis seedling forest start the first reproductive activity at 7~9a, while the sprout forest started at 5~6a. There are differences in phonology and reproductive ability between forests at different age. The young forest exceeds the old forest. Sunlight is the most influential factor to anthesis and fruit.3) Seed rain of Q. variabilis started in late August and ceased in mid October. There are three types seeds in the seed rain: viable seed, immature seed, and seed infected by larvae. Seed infected by larvar takes up the most percentage of the whole(56.8%). Mean seed rain density at rush period is 16.8 ind/ m~2.4) Seeds in soil seed bank are classified into 6 types: viable seed, immature seed, seed infected by larvae, decayed seed, budding seed and predated seed. Ratio of six types changes in the whole process. Density of seed bank reaches its peak a few days after the peak of seed rain. Predation and infection are the two major way of seed bank loss. Human disturbance and mammals predation activity are correlative. Seed budding probability in the wild is low(5.4%).5) There are considerable discrepancy in seedling density among three different habitates. The distribution pattern of seedlings switches from colony distribution to random and well-distributed as the age level rised. Biomass of aboveground and underground differs, but the difference become weaker when the age level rises.


