

Effects of N&K and Temperature on Yield Andquality of Tomato in Greenhouse

【作者】 陈连发

【导师】 邹志荣;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 设施园艺工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以金棚1号番茄为材料,分春秋两茬研究了不同温度和氮钾肥水平对番茄产量和品质的影响,并以此来获得番茄优质高产的最佳施肥量和温度水平。秋茬试验采用随机区组设计,每区组设3个氮钾肥(1:1.44)处理;春茬采用裂区,设置3个日均温度主处理和4个氮钾肥副处理。研究表明,氮钾肥和温度对番茄的形态、生理、产量和品质指标有显著的影响,在春秋两茬中的表现不同。具体结果分述如下:1.施N 9.50g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1时,秋茬番茄株高和茎粗最大,而春茬只在后期(≥50天)中低肥处理植株高。日均温24.72℃和23.69℃处理株高在各时期均较高。不同施肥水平对秋番茄出叶数影响不大,中低肥(N≤9.50g·pot-1, K2O≤13.68 g·pot-1)有利于春茬植株后期(≥60天)叶数增加。温度对春番茄出叶数影响不大。2.施肥水平对同时期叶绿素含量影响不大。春番茄叶片氮(N≤13.50 g·pot-1,K2O≤19.44 g·pot-1时)和钾含量随施肥量增加而增加。日均温25.49℃的处理叶片氮含量前期(≤50天)高,后期低;钾前期(30天)随温度降低而减少,后期相反。春茬叶片细胞膜透性随施肥量或温度的增加而增大,而施肥对秋番茄细膜透性影响不大。3.秋茬番茄茎、叶的干物质分配系数随施肥量的增加而增加,果实相反。根的分配系数、各器官干重、单株干物质积累量和生物产量与施肥量表现出明显的二次抛物线关系,在施N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1时最大。番茄单株产量和单果重随温度降低而增加,在施N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1时最高。4.秋茬番茄施N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1时果实总糖和还原糖含量均最高,分别为7.62%和1.32%。温度对还原糖含量影响不大,而总糖在日均温24.72℃时达到最高。番茄施N 13.50 g·pot-1,K2O 19.44 g·pot-1时果实可溶性蛋白含量最高,分别达到了7.00 mg·gFW-1和2.93mg·gFW-1。秋茬番茄果实中Vc含量在施N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1时达到峰值。春茬中低肥水平(N≤9.50 g·pot-1, K2O≤13.68 g·pot-1)有利于提高Vc含量,温度的影响不大。番茄果实中有机酸和硝态氮含量随氮钾肥水平的降低而下降,施N 5.50 g·pot-1,K2O 7.92 g·pot-1最好。在秋茬番茄可溶性固形物与氮钾肥用量关系不大,但春番茄中表现出抛物线关系。总之,N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1处理和日均温23.69℃处理番茄产量均达各自最高,且二者耦合番茄单株产量也最高,达2507.5g·pot-1。品质上,秋茬番茄施N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1品质最好,春茬25.49℃处理时和施N 5.50 g·pot-1,K2O 7.92 g·pot-1处理均能使果实达到各自最佳品质,且二者耦合能使番茄品质达个水平间最佳,且经济合理。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, Jinpeng 1 tomato was planted to study the effects of temperature and N&K on yield and quality of tomato in spring and autumn, in order to get the best levels of fertilizer and temperature.Randomized complete block design was applied in the autumn test. Three nitrogen and potassium (1:1.44) treatment were set up each block. Split plot design was applied in the spring test, in which three main treatment about daily mean temperature and four sub-treatment about N&K were set up. The results showed that N & K and temperature significantly influence tomato morphology, physiology, yield and quality .The performance in spring and autumn was different. Specific results were as follows:1. When N is 9.50 g·pot-1 and K2O is 13.68 g·pot-1, increment of plant height and stem diameter in autumn were maximum, while in spring the plants of T2 (N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1)and T3 (N 13.50 g·pot-1,K2O 19.44 g·pot-1) were only higher in the late (≥50 days).The height of MT2(daily mean temperature 24.72℃)and MT3(daily mean temperature 23.69℃) were higher than MT1 (daily mean temperature 25.49℃)in all periods. Different amount of fertilizer applied had little effect on the number of tomato leaves in autumn , Middle or low amount of fertilizer applied conducive to increase the leaves’ number of spring tomato in the late growth stage (≥60 days). The effect of temperature on the leaves’ number of tomato was little in spring.2. The amount of fertilizer applied had little effect on chlorophyll content at the same time. Nitrogen ( N≤13.50 g·pot-1,K2O≤19.44 g·pot-1 ) and potassium content of leaf increased with the increase of fertilizer in spring. Nitrogen content of MT1( daily mean temperature 25.49℃)was the highest in early growth stage (≤50 days ) but late stage was the lowest; potassium content early ( 30 days ) decreased with the decrease of temperature, post-contrast. The cell membrane permeability increased with the increase of fertilizer or temperature in spring, but fertilization level had fine little effect in autumn.3. The dry matter distribution coefficient of stems and leaves increased with the increase of amount of fertilizer applied, fruit on the contrary. The distribution coefficient of root, the each organ dry weight, amount of dry matter accumulation per plant ( total dry weight per plant ) and biological yield appeared obviously parabolic relationship with change of amount of fertilizer applied, which peaked at T2 ( N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1 ). Tomato economic yield and fruit weight per fruit increases with reduction of the temperature, appeared obviously parabolic relationship with change of amount of fertilizer applied, VT2/T2 ( N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1 ) is highest.4. In autumn, the content of soluble sugar and reducing sugar in fruit were highest at T2, 7.62% and 1.32% respectively. The effects of temperature on reducing sugar content were little, while soluble sugars increased with increasing temperature, reached the peak at MT2(daily mean temperature 24.72℃). Soluble protein content of T3/VT3 ( N 13.50 g·pot-1,K2O 19.44 g·pot-1 ) were highest, 7.00 mg·gFW-1 and 2.93mg·gFW-1 respectively. In high temperature environment, soluble proteins content of tomato was higher. Vc content in fruit in autumn peaked at T2( N 9.50 g·pot-1 K2O 13.68 g·pot-1 ). But in spring, the middle or low fertilizer level ( N≤9.50 g·pot-1, K2O≤13.68 g·pot-1 ) can promote the improvement of Vc. The effects of temperature on soluble protein in spring were little. Organic acids and nitrate nitrogen content in tomato fruit was the lowest at T1/VT1( N 5.50 g·pot-1,K2O 7.92 g·pot-1 ). In autumn, the relationship of amount of soluble solids and fertilizer was not significant, but in spring appeared obviously the parabolic curve with change of fertilization level.In summary, the tomatoes reached the highest yield at T2/VT2 ( N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1 ) or MT3(daily mean temperature 23.69℃). When temperature and fertilizer interact, the highest yield was MT3VT2 ( daily mean temperature 23.69℃and N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1 ). In autumn, the fruit of the best quality was from T2( N 9.50 g·pot-1, K2O 13.68 g·pot-1 ). In spring tomato fruit of MT1 (daily mean temperature 25.49℃) or VT1( N 5.50 g·pot-1,K2O 7.92 g·pot-1 ) can have the best quality. Under the conditions of temperature and fertilizer interaction, MT1VT1(daily mean temperature 25.49℃and N 5.50 g·pot-1,K2O 7.92 g·pot-1 ) can optimize the quality of tomato.

【关键词】 番茄产量品质氮钾肥温度
【Key words】 tomatoyieldqualityN&Ktemperature

