

State-Owned Corporate Culture Research in Baoji

【作者】 张诗雪

【导师】 张磊;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 上世纪八十年代,国外的企业文化研究进入高潮期,而我国由于受到工业化推行滞后的自然约束,对企业文化的研究,在很长的一段时间内,依循着西方企业文化的研究路径开展本国的企业文化研究。但是,我国的公有制性质决定了国有企业这一特殊的组织形式,在企业文化建设方面的独特性,所以对国有企业文化建设的研究越来越成为我国企业文化研究的高地。我国的国有企业文化建设研究,必须结合国有企业生存发展的经济社会环境,尤其是国有企业改制转型过程中,对企业文化重建的冲击。企业文化的作用在于能够把对职工的约束内化成其本能,变成群体心理的一种共识,这较之于用制度来管控效果要显著,也避免了制度管制过程中的投入成本过高等问题。越来越多的国有企业将企业文化作为企业竞争力的首要指标。本研究依据特定地域国有企业文化建设的现状,结合对本地域经济社会发展的外部环境分析,通过实地调研,梳理该地域国有企业的演化发展历程,总结国有企业文化建设存在的问题,依据企业文化建设中要素的分析,构建适合这一地域的国有企业文化建设框架。由此,本研究一共涉及以下五部分:第一章:导言。在分析背景的基础上,提炼出本研究的主要问题——优秀的国有企业文化是什么样的。通过国内外企业文化研究现状分析,找到研究的切入点,确定与研究主旨相适应的主要研究方法及技术路线,构成研究方案。第二章:概念、理论基础与研究综述。首先解析了“文化”这一使用广泛但各家含义并不一致的关键术语,确定在本研究中的文化的性质、国有企业文化的特征及我国国有企业建设的进程等等,构成了本研究的理论基础。第三章:历史视角。宝鸡市国有企业文化建设的历史进程及各阶段的特点,有助于对宝鸡市国有企业文化建设现状有一个总体性的把握。第四章:案例分析。在宝鸡市国有企业文化的形成与变迁过程中企业改制对于文化提出哪些新的要求;国企文化建设存在哪些问题尚待解决。第五章:要素与路径。以企业结构层次理论作为基点对宝鸡市国有企业文化建设进行模型建构,并确定各个阶段的目标与建设措施,力求为国企文化寻求一个有最大普适性的建设方案。

【Abstract】 Foreign corporate culture research was in it’s heyday in the 1980s whereas in China, due to the natural lagged constraints of industrialization, corporate culture research, in a long time, was just a slavish imitation. However, the uniqueness of China’s ownership of state-owned enterprises make the study of cultural construction of in the nature of state-owned enterprises becoming a research highlands.The studies of China’s state-owned corporate culture must be combined with economic and social environment where the state-owned corporate survive and develop, especially in the process of transformation and reform. The role of corporate culture is that it can internalize the constraints of the workers into their instincts, becoming a group psychology of a consensus. The administration via corporate culture is more effective when compared with using the control system, and can also avoid the high-costs in the process of institutional control. More and more state-owned enterprises viewed corporate culture as the primary indicators of the competitiveness of enterprises.Based on the present corporate cultural construction status in a specific geography, this research combines the analysis of external environment (local economic social development) with field research, carding regional state-owned enterprises development process, summering problems in cultural construction, then, according to enterprise culture factor analysis, providing a suitable geographical framework of state-owned corporate cultural construction. Thus, this study involves a total of five parts:Chapter I: Introduction. Based on the analysis of context, this dissertation extracts the main issues of this study-what is an excellent state-owned enterprises culture. Through corporate culture analysis by both domestic and international, the study found an entry point and then identify research methods and technical routes, constituting research programs.Chapter II: Concept, theory and Research review. Firstly, this dissertation analyses the widely used term“culture”, which is not consistent in the various meanings. Secondly, determines the culture property, cultural characteristic of state-owned enterprise and the process of cultural construction of state-owned enterprises in China, and finally, outlines theoretical basis of this study.Chapter III: Historical Perspective. The dissertation outlines the historical process and the characteristics of cultural construction of state-owned enterprises in Baoji City, giving an overall understanding of cultural construction.Chapter IV: Case Study. In the course of formation and transition the of corporate culture, what are the new requirements proposed by enterprise restructuring.Chapter V: Key Factors and Path: The dissertation regards a hierarchy of corporate structures as the basis of model construction, determining the target and measures of various stages for seeking a biggest cultural universality of construction scheme.

【关键词】 国有企业企业文化宝鸡模型
【Key words】 state-owned enterprisescorporate cultureBaojimodel

