

Study of Assessment Methods of Energy and Protein in Laying Hens’ Feed

【作者】 王鹏宇

【导师】 龚月生;

【作者基本信息】 西北农林科技大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 试验一套算法评定蛋公、母鸡饲料能量、蛋白质的研究本试验主要比较了蛋公、母鸡评定饲料能量、蛋白质的差异,并测定了成年单冠白来航公母鸡对饲料原料玉米、小麦、高粱、稻谷、麸皮、豆粕、棉粕、菜粕、花生粕、鱼粉的表观代谢能值和粗蛋白代谢率。结果表明,能量饲料表观代谢能测定结果母鸡明显高于公鸡,玉米、小麦、高粱、麸皮分别为+1.73MJ/Kg、+0.71MJ/Kg、+0.35MJ/Kg、+0.95MJ/Kg,稻谷表观代谢能公母之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。蛋白类饲料豆粕、棉粕、菜粕、花生粕、鱼粉测定结果公母之间表观代谢能差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于能量饲料玉米、小麦、高粱、稻谷、麸皮,蛋公、母鸡之间比较粗蛋白代谢率差异不显著(P>0.05);对于蛋白类饲料豆粕、菜粕、花生粕公母之间粗蛋白代谢率差异显著(P<0.05),母鸡测得的数据比公鸡高7.86%、9.95%、5.67%,而棉粕、鱼粉公母之间粗蛋白代谢率差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验二套算法与排空强饲法评定蛋公鸡饲料能量、蛋白质的比较研究本试验比较了套算法与排空强饲法评定饲料能量、蛋白质的差异。选用健康的成年白来航公鸡48只,公鸡之间体重差异不显著(P>0.05),通过两种不同方法对10种原料的表观代谢能值和粗蛋白代谢率进行了测定比较。结果表明,套算法与强饲法测得能量类原料的表观代谢能值,玉米、小麦、高粱、稻谷公母之间差异显著(P<0.05),其中玉米、小麦采用强饲法测得的结果高于套算法,分别高出0.83、1.37MJ/Kg,高粱、稻谷用强饲法测得的结果低于套算法,分别低1.22、1.49 MJ/Kg,两种方法对麸皮的表观代谢能值测定差异不显著(P<0.05)。对于蛋白类原料,两种方法对豆粕、鱼粉的表观代谢能值测定比较差异显著(P<0.05),豆粕用套算法测得的表观代谢能值低于强饲法1.89 MJ/Kg,鱼粉正好相反,套算法表观代谢能值高于强饲法1.13 MJ/Kg;对菜籽粕、棉粕、花生粕的表观代谢能值比较差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于能量类原料,套算法与强饲法测定原料玉米、小麦、稻谷、麸皮的粗蛋白代谢率差异显著(P<0.05),用强饲法测定蛋公鸡的粗蛋白代谢率比套算法测定值分别高7.44%、5.56%、3.8%、5.36%,两种方法对高粱的测定值差异不显著(P>0.05)。对于蛋白类原料,套算法与强饲法测定原料豆粕、菜粕、棉粕、花生粕、鱼粉的粗蛋白代谢率差异显著(P<0.05),套算法测定的值分别比强饲法低10.19%、11.84%、14.51%、14.87%,对于鱼粉,套算法测定粗蛋白代谢率比强饲法高6.50%。

【Abstract】 Experiment 1 Sdudy of Assessment Substitution of Energy and Protein Values between Roosters and Laying hensThis experiment was conducted to evaluate ten kinds of diet value by testing the apparent metabolism energy (AME) and the apparent digestibility of crude protein between comb white leghorn roosters and layers. Ten feed sources were corn, wheat, sorghum, paddy and bran(P<0.05), and the average AME values in White leghorn layers were higher than that in white leghorn roosters as much as 1.73MJ/kg, 0.71MJ/kg, 0.35MJ/kg and 0.95MJ/kg, respectively. There was no significant difference of AME in paddy between hens and roosters (P>0.05). No significant differences of AME were found on soybean, cotton seeds, rapeseed, peanut and fish between hens and roosters (P>0.05). There were no significant difference of apparent digestibility of crude proteins between hens and roosters on energy feeds like corn, wheat, sorghum, paddy and bran (P>0.05). The apparent digestibility value on protein feeds like soybean, rapeseed and peanut on hens highered 7.86%, 9.95% and 5.67% than that on roosters (P<0.05). No significant difference of apparent digestibility was found on cotton seed and fish meal (P>0.05).Experiment 2 Study of Substitution and Empting-force Fed Method on The Assessment of Energy and Protein Values between Roosters and Laying hensThis experiment was conducted to evaluate the difference between substitution and empting-force fed method. Forty eight adult white leghorn roosters with similar body weight were selected. Two methods were used to test the AME and apparent digestibility of crude protein. The results showed that the AME values of corn, wheat, sorghum and paddy were significant difference between hens and roosters tested by the two methods (P<0.05). The AME values tested by empting-force fed method on corn and wheat highered 0.83MJ/kg and 1.37MJ/kg than that tested by substitution, respectively. The AME values tested by empting-force fed method on sorghum and paddy lowered 1.22MJ/kg and 1.49MJ/kg than that tested by substitution. There was no significant difference between two methods on bran (P<0.05). The AME value was difference between two methods on soybean and fish meal (P<0.05), and the value tested by substitution on soybean lowered 1.89MJ/Kg than that tested by empting-force fed method, but the value tested by substitution on fish meal highered 1.13MJ/kg than that tested by empting-force fed method. No significant difference of the AME value was found on rapeseed, cotton seed and peanut (P>0.05). The apparent digestibility of crude protein was significant difference between the two methods on energy feeds such as corn, wheat, paddy and bran (P<0.05), and the value tested by empting-force fed method highered 7.44%, 5.56%, 3.8%, 5.36% and 6.74% than that tested by substitution. The apparent digestibility on protein feeds like soybean, rapeseed, cotton seed, peanut and fish meal were significant difference (P<0.05), and thevalue tested by substitution on soybean, rapeseed, cotton seed and peanut meal lowered 10.19%, 11.84%, 14.51% and 14.87% than that tested by empting-force fed method, respectively, while the value on fish meal was 6.5% higher.


