

Research on the County Authority Reform to Promote the Economic Development of the County

【作者】 徐小玲

【导师】 田淑英; 范先汉;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 财政学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 党的十六大明确提出了“壮大县域经济”的发展要求。近年来,发展县域经济得到了前所未有的重视,传统的“市管县”体制阻碍了县域经济快速发展的步伐,各省都在积极寻求县域经济快速发展的道路。浙江省走出了第一步,它的“强县扩权”改革在实践上极大地促进了县域经济发展,其成功实践,使得强县扩权成为当前诸多省市寻求县域经济腾飞的一条有效途径。在浙江省之后,全国有24个省市在扩大县(市)管理权限方面进行了尝试,并取得了比较明显的效果。2007年5月,安徽省也开始了强县扩权的尝试,扩权后,增强了安徽省扩权县经济发展的自主性和统筹计划能力,明显提高了行政效率,有力推进了县域经济的快速持续发展。本文围绕强县扩权促进县域经济发展问题这一主线,以集权分权和授权理论、区域非均衡发展理论、制度变迁理论为理论基础,综合运用实证与规范分析、定性与定量方法,针对当前正在进行的“强县扩权”改革,从理论和实践两方面,分析总结出强县扩权改革对于县域经济的发展具有很明显的促进作用,有必要进一步深化改革,分析出改革也存在很多问题,基于这些提出相应的对策建议。(1)强县扩权改革是一种体制创新,市管县体制的弊端是其产生的直接动因。在市管县体制下,县级政府由于缺乏社会管理权而使得发展县域经济缺乏主动性和积极性。(2)很多的实践证明,强县扩权改革是促进县域经济发展的一条有效途径,扩权对县域经济发展必然存在内在运行机理,本文假定可以通过财权、事权的扩大带来县域经济发展来衡量这些效应,为下面的分析提供理论支持。(3)机理效应的分析只是从原理上阐述了强县扩权能够对县域经济发展有促进作用,本文接下来从各省的实践中梳理出强县扩权实施中的采用的各种模式,为分析安徽省的强县扩权改革提供实践基础。(4)为验证强县扩权促进县域经济发展理论,结合安徽省正在进行的强县扩权改革进行了案例分析。分析得出,扩权改革成效明显,激发了县域经济发展活力,促进县级政府的体制创新,改善了经济发展的软环境等,但是在研究中也发现存在亟需解决的各种问题:权利下放政策有待进一步落实完善,公众参与缺失、缺乏必要的权利监督制约机制和市县的协调配合不够等。这些问题的解决需要提高对扩权改革的认识,扩大扩权力度和切实落实已有的扩权政策,完善监督约束机制和协调市县之间的关系。强县扩权改革不只是一项扩权改革,它的发展趋势是进一步精简机构,减少行政层级、提高行政效能,实行“省管县”代替“市管县”。核心目的在于促进县域经济发展,富民强省、留利于县,提高人民的生活水平,促进城乡一体化发展。

【Abstract】 Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly put forward developing the County Economy. In recent years, the development of county economic has been paid unprecedented attention, the traditional city control county system hindered the pace of rapid development of county economy, and the provinces are actively to seek the good way of economic development. Zhejiang Province started the first step, its County Authority reform in practice greatly promoted the development of county economy, because of its successful practice, County Authority has become an effective way that many provinces and cities would like to find.After Zhejiang Province, the country has 24 provinces and cities has been tried the expansion of the county (city) administrative rights and made remarkable results. May 2007, Anhui Province started the County Authority, after that, it increased economic development in Anhui, expanded their power and autonomy of the county and coordinating planning capabilities, significantly improved administrative efficiency, effectively promoted the county’s economy rapid and sustainable development.This paper flowers the clue of the County Authority for economic development, based on the centralization, decentralization and authorization theory, regional non-balanced development theory, and institutional change theory, comprehensive use of empirical and normative analysis, qualitative and quantitative methods. In light of the "County Authority" reform, the paper summarizes the reform obviously promote the county’s economic development both in theory and practice. It needs to further develop. There are also many problems, based on these, propose suggestions.(1)County Authority is an institutional innovation, the abuses of City Managing County is the direct result of its formation. Under the City Managing County, the county government management makes the lack of social economic development in counties and makes the lack of initiative and enthusiasm.(2) A lot of practice proved that the reform of the County Authority reform and county economic development is an effective way to promote county economic development. There be must exist inner operation mechanism of expanding their power on the county’s economic development. This article provides theoretical support for the following analysis on the basic of assumes that we can measure these effects through the expansion of finance rights and powers to bring economic development to the County. (3) Analysis of mechanism of effect is just explained the County Authority can promote economic development on theory. As practical basis, this article continues summarizes the various models from the provinces practices for the analysis of the County Authority Reform in Anhui Province.(4) To verify the theory of County Authority promote county economic development, it analyzes the County Authority reform in Anhui Province as a case study. The reform obtained success, it stimulates the county vitality and promotes county government’s system innovation, improves the economic development of the soft environment and so on, in research also found that there are many problems:decentralization should be further improved, lack of public participation, lack of supervision and control mechanisms and inadequate coordination between city and county. These problems need to raise awareness of enlarging the authority reform, to expand the degree of expansion of power and to make certain about existing policies, to improve supervision and restriction mechanism and to coordinate between cities and counties.County Authority Reform is not just an extended tenure reform, and its development trend is to further streamline the organization and reduce the administrative level, to improve administrative efficiency and Province Control Counties instead of City Control County. The core purpose is to promote the county’s economic development, enriching province and remain conducive to the county to raise the standard of living, speed up the integration of urban and rural development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

