

On China’s Diplomatic Efforts for Lend-lease Assistance from America during the Anti-Japanese War

【作者】 郭倩

【导师】 周乾;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着战争局势的变化,蒋介石逐步意识到由于英国和苏联自身处境的日益艰难,中国继续寻求它们的援助已不现实,遂将争取外援的重点集中在美国,全力开展争取美援的外交。蒋介石并派遣宋子文作为其私人代表前往美国,以加强在美国外交活动,争取美国对中国抗战的大规模援助。在抗战前期,国民政府曾获得美国的多次贷款援助,这些援助对于加强中国的军事力量,提高中国军队的士气起到重要作用,但是到1940年底,早期美国对华提供的小规模贷款已无法继续维持中国抗日战争的巨大需要,而且由于此时中国经济面临全面崩溃,财力几乎枯竭,无法以桐油、钨、锡等土产或矿产品为抵押来获得美国贷款。因此,中国的抗战迫切需要新的更加及时有效的援助。无独有偶,1940年底,英国所面临的形势与中国极其相似,它也迫切需要美国更大规模的援助,但同时英国的国库和外汇黄金储备已经枯竭,也没有力量继续支付进口美国武器所需的巨额资金。美国罗斯福总统意识到英国对德国侵略的抵抗与美国国家利益与安全有着极其密切的联系。罗斯福决定将援助英国的政策进行重大调整,放弃“现款自运”的办法,计划以租借的形式向英国等反法西斯提供大规模的军事和经济援助。罗斯福当即提出《租借法案》的设想,并提交国会讨论。当美国政府和国会开始酝酿和辩论援助反法西斯国家的新政策的时候,以蒋介石为首的重庆政府敏锐地察觉这对中国是一个极其重要的机会,蒋介石立即指示一直在美活动的宋子文及中国驻美使馆在美积极开展外交活动,以争取美国将中国与英国同样对待,作为第一批租借援助对象。在美国通过租借法案之后,中国派遣郭泰祺为大使赴美国访问,实际就是争取美国尽快发表正式的租借援华申明,他多次和美国当局官员会谈,并发表公开的演讲呼吁美国加紧援助中国。随即,美国总统公开发表声明,决定实行租借援华。在战时美国对盟国的租借援助中,英国和苏联被置于优先考虑的地位,中国则一直被置于次要地位。国民政府及蒋介石认为负责分配物资的军火分配委员会没有中国参加,是中国的要求被忽视的一个重要原因,所以多次要求加入该委员会,但是都被拒绝。为了提高中国在美国租借援助盟国的地位,争取美国更多的援助,战时蒋介石曾派遣夫人宋美龄访美。宋美龄在美国国会和民众中多次发表演讲,宣传中国的抗战,在美国政界、媒体、民众中引起强烈的反响。战时中美在租借物资的矛盾还集中体现在蒋介石与史迪威的矛盾上,1944年春中国战场的失败更加剧这一矛盾。1944年10月,史迪威被召回美国,此时第二次世界大战的局势已经根本扭转,这样中美围绕战时租借物资的争端和矛盾遂逐渐缓和。中美在租借援助问题上的分歧和矛盾,首先是双方在战略问题上的根本分歧。对于中国来说,其面临的困难远远超过英国、苏联等反法西斯盟国,中国理所当然地主张盟国应该首先击败日本,美国应该首先援助最困难的中国。然而,中国的这一主要并不能得到美国总统罗斯福的认同。因此,在太平洋战争爆发前及开始后的一个相当长的时间里,美国援助中国的主要动机,仅仅是利用中国战场牵制日本的大量兵力,以缓和美国及盟国在太平洋上所面临的日军压力。除此之外,蒋介石在抗战后期采取的保存实力,消极抗战的政策;他与史迪威关系的紧张;中共因素;中美在缅甸作战问题上的分歧,更加剧了中美两国在租借援华问题上矛盾。中国政府通过各种途径不断的表达自己的不满和抗战的困难,试图通过积极的外交活动,来化解这些矛盾,但是从总体上来说成效甚微。直到1944年底的战争尾声阶段,随着形势的缓和,美国军火生产能力的扩大,战时中美在租借援华问题上的矛盾才基本解决。魏德曼来华后,世界反法西斯的胜利大局已定,美国开始从战后政治利益来考量中国,为了战后在亚洲的利益,防止苏联独大,在战争的后期,美国开始有意识的去保存中国的实力,将源源不断的租借物资开始运达中国,中美战时围绕租借援华问题上的矛盾与纷争最终画上了句号。

【Abstract】 With the situation of the anti-Japanese war changing, Chiang Kai-shek realizes that it is impossible for all of them to aid China but the USA is the focus of external assistance of China for the reason that both England and the Soviet Union are in trouble. Chiang Kai-shek decides to expand diplomacy with the U.S. in hope of getting American aid and he sets Tse-ven Soong as his personal representative to American with the mission of promoting diplomatic move in the USA and seeking large scale assistance for China’s anti-Japanese war. During the initial stage of the war of resistance, the national government gets aid loans from the U.S. for several times which contribute greatly to enhance China’s military forces and morale. But by the end of 1940, America’s early small-scale loans are no longer enough to maintain the great need of anti-Japanese war in China. Besides, during this time, Chinese economy nearly comes to completely collapse, money is almost running out. China can not provide tung oil, tungsten, tin and other native products or minerals as mortgage to obtain loans from the U.S. Therefore, China’s War of Resistance is in urgent need for more timely and effective assistance.It is not a unique instance, but has its counterpart. By the end of 1940, the United Kingdom faced a very similar situation with China, it is also an urgent need for the U.K. to obtain more large-scale assistance from the U.S., Britain’s national treasury and foreign exchange and gold reserves have been nearly depleted, and there is lack of required force to continue paying the huge funds for importing U.S. weapons. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt realizes there is an extremely close tie between the British resistance to German aggression and national interests and security of the United States. Therefore, Franklin D. Roosevelt decides to make a major adjustment of the assistance policy for the United Kingdom by giving up the "cash and carry" policy and planning to provide large scale of military and economic assistance in the form of land and lease. Roosevelt immediately put forward the "lend-lease Program" proposed to be discussed by the Congress. When the U.S. government and Congress begin to prepare and debate on the policy assisting anti-fascist countries, the Chongqing government headed by Chiang Kai-shek acutely aware that it is an important opportunity for China, Chiang Kai-shek has been immediately directed Tse-ven Soong and the Chinese embassy in the United States to carry out diplomatic activities actively with the hope that China can be treated in the same way as the United Kingdom as the first several countries to be provided with lend and lease assistance.After passing the "lend-lease Program" in the United States, China sets Guo Taiqi as an ambassador to visit the United States. Factually, he is set for the task of asking the United States to issue a formal lend-lease statement as soon as possible. He talks with officials of the United States authorities, and makes a public speech urging the U.S. to step up assistance to China. Immediately, the U.S. President makes a public statement and decides to implement the loan aid to China.During the war, the U.S. places the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union in a priority status, while China has always been relegated to a second place. National Government and the Chiang Kai-shek think that China’s absence in the Munitions Allocation Committee which is in charge of distributing military goods is the main reason. Although they apply to attend Munitions Allocation Committee for many times, they are refused at last. Chiang Kai-shek attempts to contract with the United States for many times to seek more aids and he sends his wife May-ling Soong to visit America, who delivers speeches in America Congress and in the public to publicize China’s resistance war and arouses great echo in the U.S. political circles, media and even in the common people. The lend-lease contradictions which also embody in conflicts between Chiang Kai-shek and Stilwell become worse after China’s loss in the spring of 1944. Stilwell was recalled to the United States in October 1944, when the situation of the Second World War has been reversed, all of which smooth the dispute and conflict about lend-lease materials between the U.S. and China.The fundamental divergence on strategic issue between the U.S. and China is the first reason accounts for all of the lend-lease conflicts and disputes. It is reasonable for China’s quest that the allies should defeat Japan first and the U.S. should assist China which is in the most urgent needs. However, the American president Roosevelt holds an opposite opinion. Therefore, during a long time before the outbreak of the Pacific War the America’s motivation of assisting China is to moderate the Japanese pressure to the American allies in the Pacific Ocean by restraining multiple Japan military forces in China’s battlefield. In addition, Chiang Kai-shek’s passive attitude in resistance in order to preserve power, his tension relationship with Stilwell, influence of Communist Party of China and Sino-US conflicts about operations in Myanmar are among the important factors which aggregate the Sino-US contradictions.The Chinese government continues to express their dissatisfaction and difficulties of resistance during war by various means and attempts to resolve these problems through active diplomatic activities, but achieves little success on the whole. Until the last stage of the war in the end of 1944, with the smoothing situation and improvement of the U.S. military materials production, the Sino-US contradictions based on the lend-lease conflicts are to be solved completely. After Weidemann visiting China, the worldwide anti-fascist struggle is certain to win. From then on, the United States begins to measure China for the reason of post-war political interests and preserves China’s strength consciously in order to obtain interests in Asia and restrain the Soviet Union by transporting large-quantities of lend-lease military materials to China. The Sino-US disputes and conflicts on lend-lease assistance to China come to a conclusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

