

Study on Peasants’ Ability of Cooperation under the Background of Social Structure Change for Example Anhui Xiaogang Village

【作者】 钱高霞

【导师】 李远行;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 社会学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 本研究是对当前学术界关于“农民合作困境”的争论和社会主义新农村建设对农民组织化要求的思考。如何摆脱农民合作困境,增进农民合作能力达成有效的农民合作成为本文研究的切入点。本文在社会结构—社会关系—社会行动的分析框架下对农民合作进行了初步探索,农民合作作为嵌入在一定的社会结构与社会关系之中的一种社会行动,是由农民所处在的更为广阔社会关系及社会结构决定的。传统中国农村社会是建立在“差序格局”关系结构之下的,整个社会的组织制度安排都是按照血缘和地缘进行,村落内的秩序安排也是按照家族进行的,因此共同构成了一个熟人社会,加深了人与人之间的信任,在小范围内促进了农民之间的合作,但特殊主义的处事原则也根本上关闭了建立平等协商的合作关系的大门。人民公社化时期的中国农村社会的基本特征是“一大二公”,在“政社合一”和“党政合一”的公社体制下,国家通过对农民的全面控制实现了对农村资源的汲取,农民只是全面依附与服从于国家,强制性的结合在一起,农民之间建立起来的是一种理想化的“同志式”关系,无法建立起真正意义上的合作关系。转型时期货币关系的泛化经济交换关系逐渐代替了人情往来,姻缘关系、拟似血缘关系与利益进入差序格局使得差序格局理性化,农民的合作的目的更加趋向自身利益的获得。但农民依靠差序格局网络内的礼尚往来来解决问题的行动逻辑没有改变,正是这种通过私人的亲友关系网络寻找关系资源以获得单独的解决问题的行为方式,使得农民无法有效地建立起各独立个体之间的平等且普遍的社会关系,阻碍了农民之间广泛而平等的合作的建立。安徽小岗村的合作历史及合作现状向我们表明,农民合作能力的大小取决于农民个体能否在一定的社会结构条件下有效地调动社会关系来共同行动、农民对合作利益的预期,同时也取决于合作过程中的相互信任和协调行动。共同目标是合作的前提条件、信任是合作的基础、结果的互惠性是维持合作的基本动力也是合作的基本特征、有效的动员是合作的催化剂,因此在市场经济条件下提升农民合作能力就要从确立农民的主体地位、培育乡村精英、国家介入三个方面入手。

【Abstract】 The research reflects on arguments of current academic on rural cooperative dilemma, and a new socialist countryside construction requirements on the organization of peasants’. How to get rid of the plight of peasants’cooperation, enhance cooperation in capacity of peasants’to achieve effective cooperation of peasants’would become an entry point for this paper. With the framework of the social structure-social relations-an analysis of social action,conducted a preliminary exploration of peasants’cooperatiion.It is determined by the more extensive social relations and social structure, as embedded in certain social structures and social relations of a social action.Social acquaintances and trust promote cooperation between peasants’on a small scale,as raditional Chinese rural society is based on "pattern of difference" structure,the entire social system arrangements were carried out in accordance with blood and geo-,and the order of arrangement within the village was carried out in accordance with the family. Special doctrine of practice closed the door to consultation on an equal partnership.In the Commune period, the basic characteristics of China’s rural society is" concerning the people’s commune large in size and collective in nature". Under the "social unity government" and " party-state" of the commune system, countries obtained rural resources through the full control of the peasants’s. Peasants’only fully dependent and subject to the state, combined with mandatory, who setted up an idealized "comrades-type" relationship, can not establish a true partnership. Generalization of economic exchange relations of monetary relations during the transition gradually replaced the human contact. Relation of Marriage, Quasi kinship and benefit entered into differential matrices,which was made Rational. The purpose of the cooperation of peasants’more tends to their own interests. But peasants’did not change Logic of action to solve the problem,which was depended on Courtesy calls for reciprocity in differential matrices, the separate problem-solving behavior looking for resources through the private network of friends and relatives.Finally,peasants’can not effectively establish equality between the independent individual and social relations in general, the construction ofBroad and equal cooperation Between peasants’was discouraged. It is showed that, Anhui Xiaogang village history of cooperation and current situation, cooperation capacity of peasants’depends on whether the individual peasants’in certain conditions utilize social relations to mobilize joint action effectively,cooperation expected to benefit peasants’and depends on mutual trust and concerted action in the process of cooperation. Mutual Goals is a prerequisite for cooperation, trust is the basis of cooperation. The reciprocal result is not only the basic motivation to maintain cooperation but also the basic features of cooperation. Effective mobilization is a catalyst for cooperation. In the market economy, enhance the capacity of farmer cooperation should be started in three aspects,which are establishing the dominant position of peasants’, developing rural elite and state intervention.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期

