

Communication between DongQichang and Huizhou

【作者】 洪胜利

【导师】 陈林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 美术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 明代中后期以来,随着统治者对盐业等有关行业的调整以及城市经济的快速发展,徽州商帮也随之兴盛和发展起来。伴随着城市间的贸易往来,地区间的交流日益频繁,整个江南地区逐渐融合为一个统一的文化圈。尤其是古徽州地区,亦即我们通常所说的新安地区,在明末清初成为商业重镇。新兴的徽商在张利之后,十分注重对文化事业的扶持,因而使古徽州地区保持了良好的学统,并使之成为“东南邹鲁”。同时,晚明社会政治环境日益败坏,士人的思想和生活观念得到不同程度的解放,加上交通因为商人的贸易而有所改善,导致交游风尚的兴盛。徽商的崛起,以及徽州地域文化等的影响,吸引了无数文人墨客前往。在讨论这些名人贤豪与古徽州地区的关系时,董其昌是值得注意和研究的重要人物。种种资料表明,董其昌与古徽州之间存在着千丝万缕的联系。一方面,董其昌与徽籍名士成为密友石交。董其昌的画学思想和艺术理念,以各种方式渗入和影响着与其交往的徽州人。另一方面,董其昌亲自到徽州交游。徽州具有浓厚的文化氛围,以及其时该地域收藏古玩字画的风气,是董其昌至徽州的重要原因之一。董其昌是大画家,大鉴藏家和大理论家,他的艺术理念对徽州的收藏结构产生了重要影响。本文主要通过钩沉相关史料,对董其昌与古徽州地区的关系进行探讨,全面掌握董其昌与徽籍名士和徽州之间关系的基本面貌,以及董其昌对新安画派风格的形成所产生的影响。由于董其昌的推崇和宣扬,“元季四家”在画坛上享有极高的地位。在那样的社会和绘画语境中,徽州的收藏结构及新安画派画家的创作也受到很大影响。而古徽州丰厚的人文积淀,徽籍人士开阔的文化视野,广博的艺术收藏等,反过来也对董其昌艺术思想的形成等产生了积极的意义。

【Abstract】 Since middle of the Ming Dynasty, along with adjustment to salt industry and some related industries made by the authority, and rapid development of urban economy, businessmen in the region of Huizhou have become affluent and influential. With more and more frequent trade transactions and cultural communications among cities and districts, regions in the south of the Yangtze River gradually developed into a unified cultural circle.Under such an environment, district of ancient Huizhou, commonly known as Xin’an district at present, became a commercial center in the late Ming Dynasty and beginning of the Qing Dynasty. After gaining enough benefits, the burgeoning Huizhou businessmen attached great importance to cultural undertakings, which not only preserved the good tradition of study, but also renowned this region as "Zoulu Culture in Southeast of China". The fashion of making friends among scholars thrived since thoughts and life concepts of scholars in that time were liberated to some extent under the deteriorated social and political environment. Besides, due to the needs of commercial activities, the traffic situation was improved, which also led to flourish of this fashion. Numerous scholars were attracted to this region by the prosperous economy and unique local culture of Huizhou district. Among these scholars, Dong Qichang is an important figure who deserves special attention and researches while the relationship between scholars and ancient Huizhou district is mentioned about.The close relationship between Dong Qichang and ancient Huizhou district has been shown through quite a few documents and materials. Firstly, Dong Qichang developed intimate friendship with scholars of Anhui Province. His painting theories and art conceptions had influenced those scholars from several aspects. Secondly, Dong Qichang went personally to make friends in Huizhou district. One of the main reasons for Dong Qichang made tours to Huizhou was that this region enjoyed the rich culture and the strong fashion of collecting curios, calligraphy and painting works. As a great painter, professional collector and theoretician, he affected the collecting structure a lot in Huizhou district. Through studying some related historical materials, this thesis makes a discussion on the relationship between Dong Qichang and ancient Huizhou district, further portrays the contacting state between Dong Qichang and scholars in Huizhou district, and also illustrates the influences Dong made on the style of Xin’an Art School. Being highly praised and recommended by Dong Qichang, four painters with high reputation in later of the Yuan Dynasty, recognized as "Yuan Ji Si Jia", enjoyed great status in painting circle. Under such a social and painting environment, it was inevitable for Xin’an Art School being affected by Dong’s art conceptions in the collecting structure and compositing activities. By connecting Dong Qichang with the local culture and Xin’an Art School, this thesis summarizes the active relations between Dong Qichang and scholars of Anhui Province. Besides, in Huizhou district, the collection which was positively influenced by Dong Qichang’s painting conceptions in turn provided artists of Xin’an Art School with fine references and models.

【关键词】 董其昌古徽州新安画派关系
【Key words】 Dong Qichangancient HuizhouXin’an Art Schoolrelationship
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 12期

