

Marx and Engels’s Political Identity Thought and Political Identity in Contemporary China

【作者】 唐丽娜

【导师】 吴家华;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 马克思主义发展史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 经过30年的改革开放,我国取得了举世瞩目的建设成就,在改革中取得的经济、政治、文化、社会等各方面的发展,得到了全社会广泛的认同。党的十六届五中全会提出的构建社会主义和谐社会的纲领,是经济、政治、文化发展的一项全方位的重大战略性规划。这不仅要求坚持科学发展观推动社会全面发展,而且要求有效整合社会急剧转型期出现的多元社会关系,提高公众的政治认同水平,为改革开放提供稳定的政治环境。现代政治认同作为对于政治共同体、政府及其基本制度的认可和支持,以及对政治思想的认同和支持都是一种积极的、理性的政治认同,它是维系现代国家中民族团结、社会稳定与和谐的政治心理基础。因此,有效地增进和提高社会成员的政治认同,对我国公众的政治认同进行深刻的分析,并针对我国公众政治认同中出现的问题提出解决路径,对于建设社会主义和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。文章共分四章。第一章概述政治认同的基础理论,主要分析了政治认同的涵义、内容、特征和作用。政治认同是公众的政治心理以及由此产生的政治行为,属于政治文化的研究范畴,是人们在政治生活中产生的一种情感和意识上的归属感。在政治社会化过程中,人们依据一定的政治态度、政治目标确定自己的身份,把自己看作是某一政党的成员、某一政治过程的参与者或某一政治信念的追求者等等,并自觉以组织及过程的要求来规范自己的政治行为,与这个政治组织保持一致,支持这个组织的路线、方针、政策。第二章专门论述马克思、恩格斯的政治认同思想。马克思的理论体系中关于“政治社会化”、“意识形态”对政治制度的辩护功能、无产阶级国家的民主政治的论述,都包含着丰富的政治认同思想。恩格斯关于“利益”的论述、关于未来无产阶级革命策略思想等丰富了马克思的政治认同的思想。列宁提出的“灌输论”思想是对马克思恩格斯政治认同思想的新贡献。第三章分析转型时期我国公众政治认同的状况。转型时期我国公众政治认同呈现出积极进展,这主要表现为政治认同的三个转变:从消极认同转变为积极认同,从本能认同转变为理性认同,从价值认同转变为绩效认同。转型期我国公众在制度认同、绩效认同和价值认同方面也存在着不少亟待解决的问题。第四章是针对我国公众政治认同中存在的问题提出对策性建议,主要是从两个方面增强公众的政治认同:在政治认同的客体方面,重点构建公众对党和政府的政治认同;在政治认同的主体方面,提高公众的政治社会化水平,为构建社会主义和谐社会服务。

【Abstract】 After 30 years of reform and opening up, China has scored remarkable achievements, achieved through the reform of economic, political, cultural, social and other aspects of development, have been widely recognized by society as a whole. Party Plenum proposed program of building a socialist harmonious society, economic, political, and cultural development of a full range of major strategic planning. This requires not only uphold the scientific concept of development to promote social development, and requires the effective integration of rapid social transition, there’s multiple social relations, to improve the level of public political identity, for the reform and opening up provide a stable political environment. For the modern political identity as a political community, the basic system of government and its recognition and support, and recognition and support of political thought is a positive, rational, multi-level political identity, it is to maintain national unity in the modern state social stability and harmonious political psychological basis. Therefore, effective members of society to promote and enhance the political recognition of China’s public conduct in-depth analysis of political identity and political identity for our public propose solutions to the problems in the path to building a harmonious socialist society is of great significance.Article is divided into four chapters. Chapter One outlines the basic theory of political identity, the main analysis of the meaning of political identity, content, features and functions. Political identity is the public and the resulting political psychology and political behavior, research areas are political culture, is that people in political life and produced an emotional sense of belonging. In the political socialization process, people according to certain political attitudes, political objectives to determine their identity, to see themselves as members of a political party, a participant in the political process or the pursuit of certain political beliefs such that and consciously to organize and process requirements to regulate their political behavior, consistent with the political organization to support the organization’s line, principles and policies. The second chapter is on Marx and Engels’s political identity thinking. Marx’s theoretical system of "political society" and "ideology" of the political system’s defense capabilities, the proletarian state democratic discourse, contains a wealth of political and ideological identity. Engels on the "interests" of the paper, thinking about the future strategy of the proletarian revolution, and so enrich the thinking of Marx’s political identity. Lenin’s "Indoctrination" Thought is the thought of Marx and Engels new contributions to political identity. Chapter III is the Reform of Chinese public and political identity condition. Reform of Chinese public and political recognition and positive progress, mainly as a political identity of the three changes:from a negative into positive identity recognition, recognition from the instinct into rational recognition performance from the value of identity into identity. Transition in our system of public recognition, acceptance and value recognition performance also exist many problems to be solved. Chapter IV is a public political identity for our problems and to offer suggestions, mainly from two aspects of enhancing the public’s political identity:the political identity of the object, the focus on building public and the government’s political party identification; in the political identification of the main areas to enhance the public’s political and social level, building a socialist harmonious society.

【关键词】 马克思恩格斯社会转型政治认同路径
【Key words】 MarxEngelssocial transformationpolitical identityroute
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 11期
  • 【分类号】A811.6;D61
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】889
  • 攻读期成果

