

【作者】 滑宬

【导师】 刘建华;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中西医结合临床, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本文在综述了变应性鼻炎的中医学及现代医学研究和治疗进展的基础上,探讨变应性鼻炎的中医病因病机及辨证分型,尝试使用整体辨证论治思路和辨病辨证结合的诊治思路治疗变应性鼻炎。方法:对60例变应性鼻炎患者进行中医四诊资料收集并加以辨证,对证型和症状进行分析。结果:在60例病例中,属于气虚证的有21例,其中17例夹杂有其他证候或不属于气虚证的症状;属于热证和湿证的分别有9例和12例,其中多数人夹杂了各种气虚症状(分别为6例和10例);所有病人中,不论何种证型,出现气虚症状的有39例;有30例患者诉神疲,其中14人为气虚证;28人诉怕冷,其中13人为气虚证;48人诉遇冷发病,其中16人属气虚证;鼻粘膜色苍白或颜色淡的有20例,其中4人为气虚证。结论:变应性鼻炎患者多为虚实夹杂、寒热错杂,难以用单一证型治疗,应全面问诊,从整体辨证;神疲、怕冷、遇冷发病、鼻粘膜色淡这些症状,可以出现在气虚证以外的其他证候中,应以整体辨证为准,综合考虑病情;气虚是本病的重要病因病机,治疗中应贯彻补虚思想,但不能机械的套用补虚法,应根据辨证情况灵活决定治法,谨记扶正和祛邪的辩证关系。

【Abstract】 Purpose:Based on the summary of TCM and modern medicine research and treatment in allergic rhinitis, the article talks about the causes, the mechanism and the pattern identification of the disease and trying to treat allergic rhinitis by using holism pattern identification and the combination of disease identification and pattern identification.Method:to collect the traditional Chinese medical four examinations data of 60 patients with allergic rhinitis and analyze relation of the patterns and the symptoms.Result:Among the 60 cases,21 cases belong to qi deficiency pattern. In the 21 cases,17 are mixed with other patterns or other symptoms which not belong to the syndromes of qi deficiency pattern. Except for the 21 qi deficiency pattern cases, there are 9 cases belonging to heat pattern and 12 cases belonging to dampness pattern. In the 9 cases of heat pattern and the 12 cases of dampness pattern, has 6 cases and 10 cases that mixed with several kinds of symptoms of qi deficiency pattern. Over all,39 patients has symptoms of qi deficiency pattern. In the 30 patients who have lassitude of spirit,14 are qi deficiency pattern. In the 28 patients who fear of cold,13 are qi deficiency pattern. In the 48 patients who said the allergic rhinitis outbreaks by the cause of cold,16 are qi deficiency pattern.4 of the 20 patients who have pale tunica mucosa nasi are qi deficiency pattern.Conclusion:Most of the allergic rhinitis patients have complex patterns of deficiency-excess and cold-heat. So they are difficult to be treated by focusing on single pattern. They should be treated by comprehensive inquiry and holism pattern identification. In this research, the symptoms such as lassitude of spirit, fear of cold, the allergic rhinitis out breaking by the cause of cold and pale tunica mucosa nasi do not have good relativity with qi deficiency pattern. So they could not be the single defining characteristics of qi deficiency pattern. The defining characteristics should subject to holism pattern identification. The deficiency of qi is one of the most important causes and mechanism of allergic rhinitis. Therefore, the tonifying method should be used through the whole treatment. The method of treatment should be selected agilely according to the pattern identification and the differentiation relationship of reinforcing the healthy qi and eliminating the pathogenic factors, instead of mechanical tonifying.


