

【作者】 苏冠宇

【导师】 李献平;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 方剂学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 不寐,即现代医学所谓的“失眠综合证”,是中医神志病中常见的一种病证。指以经常性不能获得正常睡眠为特徵的一类疾病,主要症状为入睡困难,或寐而易醒,醒後难以再睡,甚至彻夜难以入眠。睡眠作为人类重要的生理现象,几乎占据了人类生命活动三分之一的时间,与健康关系密切。现今,社会竞争加剧,人们的工作节奏加快、身心长期处于紧张与疲惫状态,加上现代人的日常生活欠规律等因素,使的失眠在人群中普遍性加大,带来的危害对人群的影响越来越严重。近年来随着人们生活水平的提升,睡眠质量日渐受到重视,如何研究并找出克服失眠的方法,对于促进人们的身心健康,提高生活质量,具有相当重要的意义。祖国医学对不寐病的认识已有两千多年的历史,历代医家积累了相当丰富的治疗经验与方药。而利用古今有记载的医案研究各种方剂的应用规律、各医家处方用药特色,已成为现今趋势。通过查阅近年来三部《名医类案》文献与现代中医药关于不寐的研究进展,发现学者对《名医类案》、《续名医类案》的各方面取得了一定成就,然而存在着疾病种类的研究开采少,缺乏各类疾病方药统计分析,且《二续名医类案》尚未发现有文献研究;在不寐病方面,现代中医药工作者对于该病的研究具有相当的广度与深度,但从医案角度去探讨分析并总结其治法、方药者甚少。本课题以Access数据库结合SQL语句查询的方法,通过对三部《名医类案》不寐病中的240则处方,共308味药物进行统计分析,获得了治疗不寐病的核心药物,以及药物类别、药物性味、二味药、三味药、四味药配伍的频次统计结果。笔者以三部《名医类案》不寐病为背景材料展开研究,利用计算机及统计学方法,采用文献学研究与数据库统计结果分析相结合的方法,并借鉴着现代中医药工作者的经验,从组方用药的角度对诸不寐医案的处方用药进行分析,以其寻找出三部《名医类案》中的医家治疗不寐病的用药特色。

【Abstract】 Insomnia, or the so-called modern medicine’s "Insomnia integrated card" is a disease in the Chinese mind a common disease and syndrome. Refers to the normal sleep routine can not be characterized by a group of diseases, the main symptoms are difficulty falling asleep or sleep soundly obviousness awake, awake difficult to sleep, or even hard to sleep through the night. Important physiological sleep as a human phenomenon, account for almost one-third of the time the activities of human life, and health closely. Nowadays, of increasing competition, accelerating the pace of work people, long-term physical and mental tension and fatigue in the state, coupled with the daily life of modern law and other factors due to the insomnia in the general population increase, the harm to the population increasing impact. As people’s living standards improve in recent years, increasing attention sleep quality, how to study and find ways to overcome insomnia, promoting people’s health and quality of life, have very important meaning.Traditional Chinese Medicine on Insomnia awareness of the disease have been two thousand years of history, ancient physicians have accumulated abundant experience and prescription of treatment. The use of ancient and modern case studies have documented the medical applications of various prescription laws, characteristics of the physician’s prescription drugs, has become the current trend.In recent years three through access to Min Yi Lei An Literature and Modern Chinese Medicine Research on Insomnia, Found that scholars Min Yi Lei An and Xu Ming Yi Lei An has made some achievements in all aspects, but the types of diseases of the existence of exploitation, lack of statistical analysis of various diseases, prescriptions, and the Er Xu Ming Yi Lei An has not yet found in literature; In insomnia patients, the modern traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to study the disease has considerable breadth and depth, but as medicine point of view of the case to analyze and summarize the governing law, herbs are very few.This issue combined with Access database SQL statement query, through three Min Yi Lei An of 240 insomnia patients in the prescription, a total of 308 herbal medicine for statistical analysis, treatment of insomnia patients received heart medication, as well as drug categories, drug-induced taste, two herb, shamisen drugs, four herbs combined with the frequency results. The author with three Min Yi Lei An Insomnia disease as background material to conduct research using computer and statistical methods, using literature research and database analysis of statistical method of combining the results, and draw the experience of modern Chinese medicine practitioners, Prescription drugs from the perspective of various Insomnia Prescription Medicine to analyze the case, with its finding three "doctors medical case" in the medical treatment of insomnia plus disease drug characteristics.

  • 【分类号】R255
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】428

