

【作者】 彭磊

【导师】 马惠芳;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 应激性溃疡(stress ulcer, SU),又被称为急性糜烂出血性胃炎(acute erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis),是一种以炎性糜烂、浅表性溃疡及胃肠道出血为主要特征的急性应激性胃粘膜病变。病变主要累及粘膜层,以胃粘膜多发性糜烂为特征,但胃粘膜炎症很轻或缺如。本病临床上多为某些疾病或因素引起的并发症,临床主要表现为呕血,黑便或无明显症状。本病的发生,往往容易加重原发病,或造成大出血;临床症状表现亦不明显,容易错过治疗时机导致病情加重,严重影响了患者的生活和生存质量。本病属于中医“胃痛““痞满”等范畴,近年来中医在预防和治疗应激性溃疡方面进行了大量的实验研究和临床研究,并取得一定进展。研究表明,针灸不仅能够促进局部溃疡愈合,还能有效地调节整个机体的功能状态,从多方面促进溃疡的愈合,减少复发。针灸具有疏通经络、调和阴阳、扶正祛邪的作用。近年来的研究表明,针灸疗法可以通过疏通经络、调气、治神等效应,影响神经内分泌免疫网络中的神经递质及激素的释放,提高机体抗应激性损伤的能力,这是针灸防治应激性疾病的重要机制之一。针灸具有良性的双向调节作用,通过多层次、多途径、多手段综合调整机体而达到保护胃粘膜目的,从而达到治疗应激性溃疡的作用。研究目的:本课题以针刺防治应激性溃疡(stress ulcer, SU)的效果作为研究对象,以分布广泛且在脑-肠轴中有重要意义的脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor)作为重要研究指标,旨在探讨针刺对SU大鼠的保护作用和防治机制,为临床SU的防治提供一定的动物实验依据。研究内容:1针刺对应激性溃疡大鼠胃动力学以及饮食量的影响本实验的目的在于观察SU大鼠胃动力学状况,饮食情况的变化,测定炭粉推进百分率,测量大鼠每日进食量;以期评价针刺对SU大鼠胃动力学以及饮食情况的影响。2针刺对应激性溃疡大鼠胃组织病理形态学的影响本实验通过对应激性溃疡大鼠胃组织病理形态学的观察,分析大鼠应激性溃疡模型的可靠性,研究针刺对应激性胃溃疡的防治作用。3针刺对应激性溃疡大鼠海马中BDNF含量的影响本实验试图通过分析大鼠脑海马中BDNF的含量变化,分析观察SU对胃肠道功能和脑部的相关影响,评价针刺对SU的防治疗效。结果:1进食量:治疗组与模型对照组A相比较,#P<0.05,有明显差异;预防组与模型对照组B比较,**P<0.01,有非常明显差异。2胃肠推进百分率:模型组B与预防组对照,*P<0.05,有显著差异。3溃疡损伤指数评分:治疗组与模型对照组A相比较,##P<0.05,有非常明显差异;预防组与模型对照组B比较,**P<0.01,有非常明显差异。4 BDNF含量:治疗组与模型对照组A相比较,#P<0.05,有明显差异;预防组与模型对照组B比较,**P<0.01,有非常明显差异。结论:实验结果显示,针刺可有效防治应激性溃疡,并且可能能通过对脑-肠的相关干预,对胃肠功能进行调节,为今后进一步的研究提供了一定的理论依据。

【Abstract】 Stress ulcer (SU), also known as acute erosive gastritis (acute erosive-hemorrhagic gastritis), is a form of inflammatory erosions, superficial ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding as the main feature of acute stress-induced gastric mucosal lesions. Mainly involves mucosa to gastric erosion is characterized by multiple, but the severity of gastric inflammation was absent. The symptoms were mostly caused by certain diseases or complications of factors, clinical manifestations were vomiting blood, black stool or no obvious symptoms. The occurrence of this disease is often easy to increase the primary disease, or cause bleeding; clinical symptoms are not obvious, easy to miss the opportunity to lead the treatment of exacerbations, severely affected the life of patients and quality of life.The disease belongs to Chinese medicine, "stomach", "fullness" and other areas in recent years, Chinese medicine in the prevention and treatment of stress ulcer aspects of a large number of experimental studies and clinical research, and made some progress. Studies have shown that acupuncture can not only promote the local ulcer healing, but also effectively regulate the functional status of the entire body, from the various promote ulcer healing, reduce recurrence.Acupuncture is clear the meridians, yin and yang, and uphold the role. Recent studies have shown that acupuncture can clear the meridians, transfer gas, such as rule of God Effect, neuroendocrine-immune network in the release of neurotransmitters and hormones to increase body resistance to stress damage the ability to control it is acupuncture stress one of the mechanisms of disease. Acupuncture has a healthy two-way regulation, through multi-level, multi-channel, multi-tool to adjust the body to achieve comprehensive protection of gastric mucosa aim to achieve the role of stress ulcertreatment.Purpose:The subject of stress ulcer (SU) prevention and treatment to acupuncture results for the study, in order to widely distributed in the brain-gut axis has significant brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) as an important research target is to investigate acupuncture on SU Rats and control mechanism for the prevention and treatment of clinical SU to provide a basis for animal experiments.The study:1 Acupuncture on gastric motility in rats with stress ulcer and the impact of dietaryPurpose of this study is to observe the dynamics SU gastric conditions, diet changes in the determination of toner to promote the percentage of rats measured daily food intake; to evaluate acupuncture on gastric motility in rats and the SU diet situation. 2 Effects of acupuncture on gastric stress ulcer pathology morphologyThe experimental stress ulcer in rats by gastric histopathological observation, analysis of stress ulcer in rats reliability of the model to study acupuncture on stress ulcer in rats.3 Acupuncture on stress ulcer in the rat hippocampus BDNF contentIn this study tries to analyze the rat brain BDNF levels in the changes of SU observed on gastrointestinal function and brain-related effects, evaluation of prevention effects of acupuncture on SU.Results:1 Food intake:the treatment group and model group A compared,# P<0.05, significantly different; prevention group compared with the model group B,** P<0.01, very significant difference.2 The percentage of gastrointestinal motility:the model group B control and prevention group,* P<0.05, significantly different.3 Ulcer damage index score:the treatment group and model group A compared,# # P<0.05, very significant difference; prevention of group B compared with the model group,** P<0.01, very significant difference.4 BDNF content:the treatment group and model group A compared,# P<0.05, significantly different; prevention group compared with the model group B,** P<0.01, very significant difference.Conclusion:The results showed that acupuncture can effectively combat stress ulcer, and may pass on the brain-gut-related intervention, regulation of gastrointestinal function, as further research provides a theoretical basis.

  • 【分类号】R245
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】255

