
冬夏变化对大鼠血浆TXB2、6-Kuto-PGF1 a含量影响的研究

【作者】 赵永峰

【导师】 郭霞珍;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医基础理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 天人相应是中医认识人体的重要特征之一,是古人在长期的临床实践与理论思辨过程中形成的。“天人相应”理论指出人是与自然界息息相关的有机整体,人在自然界生活的同时,也必然受着自然界的影响。中医脏腑学说认为人体是以五脏为中心构成的有机整体,人体五脏功能变化也必然与自然界息息相关,即“五脏应时”。1.目的本研究通过文献与实验研究,以“心主血脉”为出发点探索心血管活动适应外界自然环境的季节变化规律;从而更深入的探讨中医“天人相应”、“四时五脏阴阳理论”。2.方法2.1理论探讨“心应夏”理论认为心与夏季相通应,心气旺于夏,在夏季心主血脉功能处于支配地位;而在其他季节,心的生理功能应时而变,处于从属地位。2.2实验研究2.2.1实验设计松果体分泌的褪黑素对机体有着调节作用,褪黑素的分泌与光照的变化有着密切关系;血浆中TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1a含量的变化与血液状态有着密切的关系,本实验通过摘除松果腺阻断光信号的传导,观察血浆中TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1a含量在冬夏季节的变化,并阐释其与“心主血脉”相关性。2.2.2实验动物动物:健康SD大鼠,雄性,体重80-100g。随机分为生理组、松果体摘除手术组(模型组)、伪手术组,每组8只,正常饲养1周适应环境。模型组、伪手术组动物分别于夏至、冬至前5周时施行松果体摘除手术及伪手术,与生理组动物在相同条件下饲养到夏至日和冬至日,晚8点腹主动脉取血。2.2.3检测方法大鼠心率、血压用血压仪检测,TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1a含量用放射免疫法检测。2.2.4分析方法运用SAS9.0统计分析软件处理数据。各组数据均采用均数±标准差(x±s)表示;各季节组内及冬、夏季各组间比较均采用单因素方差分析(One-Way ANOVA)检验(以P<0.05为差异显著,P<0.01为差异十分显著)。2.2.5实验结果在生理状态下大鼠血浆TXB2含量的冬夏季节比较中,发现冬季高于夏季的变化,且差异非常显著(P<0.01);含量呈现夏季高于冬季的变化趋势,且差异非常显著(P<0.01)。通过对冬夏两季大鼠血浆TXB2、6-Keto-PGF1a含量比值分析后,发现:正常生理状态下冬季的T/K比值显著高于夏至T/K比值。3结论3.1 TXB2/6-keto-PGF1α在冬夏季含量的变化是“心主血脉”功能在生物学上的体现3.2 TXB2/6-keto-PGF1α的含量变化与褪黑素的节律性调节有关

【Abstract】 Understanding of the human body to Nature is an important feature of Chinese medicine is one of the ancients in the long process of clinical practice and theoretical speculation formed. "Man" theory of nature that are closely related with the organic whole, people living in nature, but also inevitably suffering from the impact of the natural world. TCM viscera that constitute the human body is the five internal organs as the center of the organic whole, the five internal organs function in the human body must also closely linked with nature, that "the five internal organs seasonal. "1. ObjectiveThe study of literature and experimental studies to "Heart blood," as the starting Exploration of the cardiovascular activities adapt to seasonal changes of the natural environment; to explore deeper into the Chinese "Man", "four seasons five internal organs, yin and yang theory."2. Method2.1 Theoretical Discussion"Heart to be the summer" theory that the mind should be connected with the summer, the heart qi wang in the summer, the main blood vessels in the summer of heart function in a dominant position; while in other seasons, the physiological function of heart should be changed from time to time, in a subordinate position.2.2 Experimental Study2.2.1 Experimental DesignPineal secretion of melatonin has a regulatory role of the body, melatonin secretion is closely related to changes in illumination; plasma TXB2,6-Keto-PGFla content changes and the blood is closely related to the state, The experiment blocked by pinealectomy of light signal transduction observed in plasma TXB2,6-Keto-PGFla levels in winter and summer seasons, and to explain its "Heart blood" related.2.2.2 Experimental animalsAnimals:Healthy SD rats, male, weight 80-100g. Were randomly divided into normal group, the pineal gland removal surgery group,pseudo-operation group, normal feeding one week to adapt to the environment. Model group, sham animals were solstices 5 weeks before the implementation of Pinealectomy and sham surgery, and physiology in animals kept under the same conditions to the summer solstice and winter solstice, abdominal aortic blood.2.2.3 DetectionHeart rate, blood pressure was detected with a blood pressure, TXB2,6-Keto-PGFla levels detected by radioimmunoassay.2.2.4 AnalysisSAS9.0 statistical analysis software used to process data. Each set of data are used mean±standard deviation (x±s); the season group and winter and summer among the three groups are the single factor analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA) test (with P<0.05 as significantly different P<0.01 for the difference is significant).2.2.5 Experimental resultsIn physiological conditions, plasma TXB2 content in summer and winter seasons comparison, the changes found in winter than in summer, and the difference was significant (P<0.01); 6-Keto-PGFla content showed the trend of the summer than in winter, and the difference very significant (P<0.01). Through the summer and winter plasma TXB2,6-Keto-PGFla content ratio analysis, found that:under normal physiological conditions, the winter of T/K ratio was significantly higher than the summer solstice T/K ratio.3 Conclusion3.1 TXB2/6-keto-PGF1a content changes in the winter and summer is the "Heart blood," embodied function in biological3.2 TXB2/6-keto-PGF1αthe content and the rhythm of melatonin in regulating

【关键词】 心应夏TXB26-Keto-PGF1a
【Key words】 Heart in response to summerTXB26-Keto-PGF1
  • 【分类号】R223
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