

Study on Consumed Power of Vibrating Mill

【作者】 胡龙

【导师】 郑怀昌;

【作者基本信息】 山东理工大学 , 矿物加工工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 粉磨作业广泛的应用在矿冶、煤炭、化工、二次资源回收等各种原料的加工和利用中。然而,此过程能耗较高,给经济带来巨大损失。近年来,因振动磨机具有节能降耗的优点,受到了普遍关注。在使用振动磨机粉磨物料时,磨机工作参数的设置,决定了磨介群的运动轨迹、工作状态和作用方式,影响磨机的粉磨效率。同时,被磨物料的破磨特性决定了物料在粉磨过程中吸收能量的大小,影响磨机的能量利用。因此,深入分析矿岩的破磨特性,结合被磨物料的特性,合理设置磨机工作参数,使物料在破磨过程中获得更多能量,是振动磨机节能降耗的关键之一。本文通过岩块冲击碰撞试验获取不同力学性质的矿岩在冲击过程中的振动特征,在试验基础上分析矿岩在干燥状态、缓冲状态和浸湿状态下相互碰撞时振动能转换规律,得到不同力学性质的矿岩在冲击碰撞过程中的冲击特性,在此基础上,进一步分析不同破磨特性的物料与振动磨机能量损耗的关系,为振动磨机参数优化,降低能量损耗奠定基础。试验研究表明,当振动磨机粉磨莫氏硬度<2.5的物料时,可使用振幅为8~12mm,频率为500r/min的“高幅低频”的作用方式;当物料莫氏硬度>5.5时,可使用振幅为3~5mm,频率为800r/min的“低幅高频”作用方式;对于莫氏硬度在2.5~5.5之间的物料,振幅为5~8mm,频率为600r/min左右的“中幅中频”的作用方式能够更好的提高粉磨效率:在物料硬度和强度较小时,要及时清理磨机内积存的细粒物料;当物料含水量大时,要延长粉磨时间,增加粉磨强度,或者通过烘干等预处理,减少入磨物料的含水量。通过本文的分析,得出使物料获得较好粉磨效果的参数设置,有利于粉磨作业根据物料特性和粉磨要求,合理确定振动磨机的动力参数,进一步提高振动磨机的能量利用率。

【Abstract】 Grinding operation is widely used in many machining and utilize processes about raw materials, such as mining metallurgy, coal, chemical, and other secondary resources’recovery. But in this process, the energy consumption is very high which caused huge loss to the economy. Recently, Vibration mill has been attention for the advantages of saving energy. When the Vibration mill is working, the trajectories of grinding medium group, work state, and mode of action are determined by the setting of the mill operating parameters, they are all affect the mill efficiency. Moreover, the amount of energy absorbed to material in grinding operation process and the usage of the energy of Vibration mill are both determined by the Grinding character of materiel. Therefore, combining the characteristics of the materials to analyze the broken characteristics of the ore deeply and set a reasonable operating parameters can get more energy in the process of grinding, which is one of the keys to the Vibration mill energy saving.In this paper, different vibration characteristics are got in the concussion process of different mechanical properties of ore and rock. Based on the test, the vibration can be analyzed in natural state, buffer state and wet state respectively. Different mechanical properties and the different requirements are also got in the test. Based on all of that, making further analysis on the relationship between the characteristics of the materials and the loss of the energy can make good effects on the choice of the optimization parameters for the vibration mill reduce and reducing the energy loss.The result of the research indicates:when the Mohs’scale of hardness of the material is less than 2.5, vibrating mill can work in high amplitude and low frequency way. In which case, the amplitude is 8-12mm, frequency is 500 r/min; When the Mohs’scale of hardness of the material is more than5.5, higher frequency and lower amplitude should be used. In this case, amplitude is 3-5mm, frequency is 800 r/min; In addition, when the Mohs’scale of hardness of the material is between 2.5 and 5.5, intermediate amplitude and frequency are comparatively right, in this way, the amplitude is 5-8mm, the frequency is 600 r/min; For material of lower rigidity and intensity, the material storing up within machine is need to clear up in time; To wet material, milling time should be prolonged to increase milling intensity, or be reduced the water content of the material by pretreatment.By the analysis, the parameter setting is educed, which can make the materials obtain better grinding results. Based on the characteristic of material and the demand of grinding, seting the reasonable dynamic parameter can improve energy utilization ratio of the Vibration mill.


