

Preliminary Studies on Meet Nutritional Needs in Hemibarbus Maculatus Bleeker’s Juvenile Compound Feed

【作者】 李智强

【导师】 舒妙安; 何中央;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 水产养殖, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为了解花(?)的营养需求,为花(?)的人工养殖及人工配合饲料的研制与开发提供的理论依据,应用营养学方法研究了花(?)鱼种配合饲料中蛋白质水平、动植物蛋白配比水平及脂肪水平对花(?)鱼种生长的影响。其主要方法与结果如下:1.选用300尾体重35g±1.4的花(?)(Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker’s)鱼种随机平均分为5个试验组:F1、F2、F3、F4和F5,每组3个重复。分别投喂蛋白质水平为27.93%、32.08%、36.33%、40.02%、44.10%的5种饲料进行养殖对比试验,以研究饲料中蛋白质水平对花(?)生长的影响。经过100d生长试验,测定每组花(?)的增重,以饲料系数、相对增重率和蛋白质效率为评价指标,通过二次曲线回归方程拟合的方法分析,结果显示:花(?)鱼种饲料中不同蛋白质水平对花(?)的相对增重率、饲料系数和蛋白质效率存在显著差异(P<0.05)。以投喂蛋白水平为39.71%的饲料花(?)的生长最快,花(?)的相对增重率为504.27%;以投喂蛋白水平为35.60%的饲料花(?)对蛋白质利用最高,蛋白质效率为1.87;以投喂蛋白水平为40.06%的饲料花(?)对饲料的利用最好,饲料系数仅1.35。结果表明:花(?)鱼种配合饲料蛋白质水平为中蛋白质水平以35.60%~40.06%为最佳,考虑到生产成本和养殖效益,把花(?)鱼种配合饲料蛋白质最适宜含量定为36%~38%。2.选用800尾5cm花(?)鱼种随机平均分成5个试验组,每组2个重复,分别放养在10口规格4m×2.5m×1.0m的水泥池中,投喂粗蛋白水平约39%,但动植物蛋白和植物蛋白配比水平为0.5:1,0.75:1,1:1,1.5:1,2:1的5种配合饲料进行养殖对比试验。以研究饲料中动植物蛋白配比水平对花(?)生长的影响。经过55d的饲养,测定每组花(?)的增重,以饲料系数、相对增重率和蛋白质效率为评价指标,结果显示:花(?)鱼种饲料中动植物蛋白配比水平对花(?)的相对增重率、饲料系数和蛋白质效率存在显著差异(P<0.05)。以投喂动植物蛋白配比水平为(1.5:1)的饲料花(?)的生长最快,花(?)的相对增重率为1257.14%;以投喂动植物蛋白配比水平为1:1的饲料花(?)对蛋白质利用效率最高,蛋白质效率为1.77;以投喂动植物蛋白配比水平为1:1和1.5:1的饲料花(?)对饲料的利用最好,饲料系数仅1.43;以投喂动植物蛋白配比水平为0.75:1的饲料,花(?)增重(kg)所需成本最低为7.20元,采用二次曲线回归方程拟合时,以饲料的动植物蛋白配比水平为1.18:1时花(?)增重(kg)所需成本最低为7.39元。结果表明饲料中动植物蛋白配比适宜水平为(0.75~1.50):1,考虑生产成本饲料中动植物蛋白配比适宜水平为(0.75~1.18):13.选用720尾5cm花(?)鱼种随机平均分成6个试验组,每组3个重复,分别放养在18个试验桶(直径1.0m、高1.0m)内。以等量混合的鱼油、豆油作为添加的脂肪源,设计成脂肪水平为1.62%、3.71%、5.77%、7.96%、9.95%和12.01%共6种饲料进行养殖对比试验研究饲料中花(?)鱼种脂肪水平适宜量。试验周期60d。测得每组花(?)鱼种增重,以饲料系数、相对增重率和蛋白质效率为衡量指标,用二次曲线回归方程拟合,结果显示:花(?)幼鱼饲料中不同脂肪水平对花(?)的相对增重率、饲料系数和蛋白质效率存在显著差异(P<0.05)。以投喂脂肪水平为7.96%的饲料花(?)的生长最快,花(?)的相对增重率为1066.35±13.15%;以投喂脂肪水平为5.77%的饲料花(?)对蛋白质利用最高,蛋白质效率为1.84±0.10;以投喂脂肪水平为5.77%的试验饲料花(?)对饲料的利用最好,饲料系数仅1.39。研究结果表明:花(?)鱼种饲料中脂肪含量以5.77%~7.96%为最佳,考虑到饲料成本,把花(?)幼鱼饲料脂肪的最适含量定为6%~7%是适宜的。

【Abstract】 This paper studied the effects of Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker’s the dietary protein level,the ratio of animal and plant protein, the dietary fat level on the growth performance of H.maculatus by biological methods.Aimed at understanding the nutritional needs of H.maculatus but also provided a reliable theoretical basis for artificial bait and artificial breeding research on the H.maculatus.Its main findings are as follows:1. the effects of dietary protein level on growth performance of H.maculatus were studied. Three hundred fishes that average initial weight was 35g were randomly divided into 5 groups.Five diets protein level were individually in27.93%,32.08%,36.33%,40.02%and44.10%.After 100 days of testing, each H.maculatus measured weight gain.Using relative growth gain rates, protein efficiencies and feed conversion rates as measure indicators,using parabolic regression equation fitting, the results showed that: Significant differences were observed in relative growth gain rates, feed conversion rates and protein efficiencies among the treatments (p<0.05). Among all groups,juvenile H. maculatus grew the fastest and the weight growth rate was 504.27% under the protein level of 39.71%;protein efficiencies was the highest which was 1.87 under the protein level of 35.60%;feed conversion rate was the lowest which was 1.35 under the protein level of 40.06%. Based on these observations, the dietary protein level could be devised to range from 35.60% to 40.06% for juvenile H.maculatus.the 36%-38% protein level could be optimal in the diet in consideration to dietary. 2. A 55-day experiment was conducted to find out the advisable ratio of animal and plant protein in the diets for the juvenile of H. maculatus. Protein level in the same circumstances(mean 39%), five kinds of different ratios of the animals and plants protein which were individually 0.5:1,0.75:1,1:1,1.5:1, 2:1,were formulated for eight hundred fishes of 5 groups. After 55 days, each H.maculatus was measured weight gain. Using relative growth gain rates, protein efficiencies and feed conversion rates as measure indicators,the results showed that:Significant differences were observed in relative growth gain rates, feed conversion rates and protein efficiencies among the treatments (p<0.05). Among the five ratios of animal and plant proteinjuvenile H. maculatus grew fastest under the ratios of 1.5:1,and the weight growth rate was 1257.14%;protein efficiencies was the highest which was 1.77 under the ratios of 1:1;feed conversion rate was the lowest which was 1.43 under the ratios of 1:1 to 1.5:l;the Weight gain needed to feed costs was the lowest which was 7.20 yuang under the ratios of 0.75:1.Using parabolic regression equation fitting, the Weight gain needed to feed costs was the lowest which was 7.39 yuang under the ratios of 1.18:1. Based on the growth performance and feed cost, the advisable ratio of animal and plant protein was between 0.75:1 to 1.50:1 in the diet for the juvenile,the 0.75:1 to 1.18:1 ratio of animal and plant protein could be optimal in the diet in consideration to dietary.3.A growth experiment was conducted to determine the optimal dietary lipid level for juvenile H.maculatus.720 H.maculatus (average initial weight: 2.1g/fish)were randomly divided into 6 groups. Six semi-purified diets (crude protein:39%) were formulated to contain 1.62%,3.71%,5.77%,7.96%,9.95% and 12.01% fat with fish oil and soybean oil (1:1) as fat sources, respectively. Each diet was randomly assigned to triplicate groups of fish. After the 60 d, each H.maculatus was measured weight gain.Using relative growth gain rates, protein efficiencies and feed conversion rates as measure indicators,using parabolic regression equation fitting,the results showed that: Significant differences were observed in relative growth gain rates, feed conversion rates and protein efficiencies among the treatments (p<0.05). Among all groups, juvenile H. maculatus grew the fastest when fat level 7.96%,and the weight growth rate was (1066.35±13.15)%; when fat level was5.77%the protein efficiencies was the highest, which was (1.84±0.10), the feed conversion rate was the lowest,which was 1.39.Based on these observations, the dietary fat level could be devised to range from 5.77%to 7.96%for juvenile H. maculatus,the 6%-7% fat level could be optimal in the diet in consideration to dietary.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 S1期
  • 【分类号】S963.71
  • 【下载频次】78

