

Monitoring Software Implement of WEB-Based Sewage Rate Measurement System in Open Channel

【作者】 郝雅青

【导师】 马珺;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 测试计量技术及仪器, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国乃至全世界对环保问题的重视,在线实时环境远程监控系统不断被设计出来,并亟待投入使用,因此,研究一整套污水排放实时监控系统有着十分重要的意义和实用价值。本文主要的研究是实现污水排放的实时监控,为环保部门、生产厂家远程监控污水排放提供有效的监控手段。本文设计的系统实现采用自动化、信息化,科学化的高科技手段,建设污染源在线自动监测系统,解决环境监控执法人员不足、生产厂家违法排污的问题,节约执法成本,提高监察效能。具有环境监测与环境管理工作“点多,面广、量大”,而且具有“全方面、全天候、全时制”的特点。本文的创新工作和主要内容如下:本文以山西省太原市及周边地区各工业废水及生活废水排污点为试点应用背景,利用太原理工大学测控技术研究所自主研发的槽体智能流量计为信息采集系统,开发了基于Web的污水流量排放监控及管理系统。构建了分布式浏览器、Web服务器、数据库服务器三层信息发布系统的B/S架构污水排放监控及管理系统。污水排放远程监控管理系统以在线自动监控管理软件为核心,以Internet、GPRS、GSM网络通讯为传输媒介,运用现代传感技术、自动测量技术、自动控制技术、计算机应用技术以及相关的软件和通迅网络所组成的一个综合性的在线自动监测系统。本系统主要实现目标:监测污水排放量、水质、取样情况、流量计状态等信息,合理管理、控制污水排放。本文研究了基于Web的明渠污水流量计量监控及管理系统的相关技术,采用了基于JSP+JDBC+SQL SERVER技术实现B/S模式的系统体系结构。设计出了污水流量监测系统整体硬件网络架构、采用VPN专线解决系统安全性的分析以及监控软件的整体架构,设计数据库结构,将排污口各个子系统的数据集成到系统数据库服务器中。本文详细设计了系统的软件平台,包括软件框架的搭建与各个功能模块的设计,采用了Java相关的最新技术如Ajax等在JSP中开发Web的应用,给出了B/S架构基于Web浏览器的监控系统的主要功能模块的开发流程与实现界面,主要包括:历史数据查询显示、实时数据查询显示、报表打印、系统报警、远程控制等模块。数据接入服务器与数据采集终端保持实时在线连接,同一时刻对所有企业的污染源进行实时在线监测,使环保部门可以及时准确掌握各个企业污水排放口实际运行情况和污染物排放发展趋势与动态,实时观看所有排污口数据变化情况。各种的统计分析报表和图表上都能分类汇总得到每种污染物的排放量、污染物排放浓度、排放总量、污水流量等信息。对污染物排放量发展趋势过快的情况提前预警。本系统实现了对污水排放量的实时监测,为水资源保护和污水处理提供了便利条件,实时性好。不仅对水资源保护具有重大的意义,而且对我国信息产业的发展也具有重要的促进作用。

【Abstract】 With the attention of China and the world on environmental issues,online real-time environmental remote monitoring system continues to be designed,and urgently being put into use. Therefore,Study of a set of real-time monitoring system of sewage disposal of great significance and practical value. In this paper,the research is to achieve real-time monitoring of sewage,for the environmental protection departments,and control manufacturers to provide effective control of sewage discharge means. This design of the system to achieve automation , information technology , high-tech scientific instruments.Construction of pollution sources on-line automatic monitoring system.Understaffed environmental enforcement settlement,the manufacturer illegal sewage problems,saving enforcement costs,improve surveillance effectiveness.With environmental monitoring and environmental management "point is wide and large," but also "all-weather conditions,and full-time" system features.This work and main contents are as follows:In this paper,Web-based open channel flow measurement system monitoring and management of related technologies,Method based on JSP + JDBC + SQL SERVER technology B/S model system architecture.Design sewage flow monitoring system as a whole hardware network infrastructure,dedicated VPN solution with security analysis system and software architecture design.Design database structure,outfall each subsystem data into the system database server.In this paper detailed design of the system software platform,Including software framework structures and the design of each functional module,Using the latest Java-related technologies such as Ajax and other Web development in JSP in the application.Gives the B/S Web browser based on the main functional modules and implementation of the interface development process.Include:performance curve drawing,history data inquiring and reporting after the commissioning,Remote Control and system alarm implements.Data access server and data collection terminals to maintain real-time online connection,the same time the sources of all enterprise real-time online monitoring,To make timely and accurate knowledge of environmental protection departments of various companies the practical operation of the outfalls and pollutant emission trends and dynamic , real-time view of data changes all the sewage outfall.Statistical analysis of various reports and charts can be classified summary of the emissions of each pollutant,the concentration of pollutant emission,discharge,emissions and other information.Emissions trends on the situation of rapid advance warning. The system implementation of real-time monitoring of water discharge for water conservation and sewage treatment facilities provided,due to on-line monitoring,real-time is good. Not only for protection of water resources is of great significance,but also for the development of China’s information industry also has an important role in promoting.

【关键词】 远程监控B/S模式污水流量JSP
【Key words】 monitoring softwareB/S patternSewage flowJSP

