

Numerical Simulation of Mine Discharge of Excavate Coal on Level Two in Taiyuan Xiyu Coal Mine

【作者】 岳佳佳

【导师】 张永波;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 矿井涌水量是指在矿山建设和生产过程中单位时间流入矿井的水量。它是矿山设计部门确定排水设备和制定防治水措施的主要依据,也是确定矿床水文地质条件复杂程度的指标之一。矿井涌水是生产和建设中要重点解决的问题,矿井涌水量预测的准确与否对于防止矿井突水、淹井等事故,保障矿山生产安全,降低生产成本有重要意义。本文在了解国内外涌水量预测的基础上,以太原市西峪煤矿为研究区探讨了涌水量预测问题。本文研究对象西峪煤矿是山西省的主要煤矿之一,位于太原市西南边山,形状呈菱形,面积约10.5km2。一水平和二水平上组煤层已经开采完,现在全面开采二水平中下组煤层。二水平标高+650m,开采深度多在+700m标高以下,开采的最低标高在+430m左右。奥陶系峰峰组含水层为第一个间接底板充水的主要含水层,峰峰组的水量大且不易疏干,而奥陶系峰峰组岩溶水静水位标高高于二水平的水平标高,因此二水平开采属带压开采,二水平中下组煤层具有潜在的危险性。特别在水文地质条件比较复杂,断裂构造发育部位,属间接底板岩溶裂隙含水层充水的水文地质条件中等-复杂类型。因此为了保证采煤工作的顺利进行,要预测峰峰组正常涌水量,制定合理的水防治措施,防止突水事故的发生。本文通过分析研究区域的水文、气象、地形地貌以及水文地质等条件,对水文地质条件进行概化,参数分区,利用Visual Modflow软件建立数学模型;并且根据抽水试验的资料对模型进行参数修正和识别校验,以确认数学模型与实际模型等价相似,保证模型的可用性和计算的准确性;根据已知的水文地质条件对奥陶系峰峰组涌水量采用数值模拟法进行预测。本文利用研究区临界突水系数,求出安全疏干水位并且通过不断改变涌水量大小,使地下水位保持在安全疏干水位之下,此时的涌水量即为所求。通过涌水量的调试预测达到安全疏干水头的时间以及达到疏干水头时在丰水年、平水年和枯水年条件下的不同涌水量。

【Abstract】 Mine discharge is the inflow water of unit time flowing into mine during the process of mine production and mine construction. It is the main gist of determining the drainage facilities and prophylactico therapeutic measures of water for department of mine designing and is also one of the key indexes to estimate the complexity of hydrogeology condition. Mine discharge is the keystone safety to solve in mining production and mine construction. Forecasted the mine discharge exactly have important meaning for preventing mine water inrush,mine flooded and other malignant mine accidents. It also has important meaning for reducing production cost and ensuring safe production. The paper discussd the matter with the study area of Xiyu mine in Taiyuan according to realize the internal and overseas forecasting mine discharge.The paper’s study object Xiyu coal mine is one of the main mine in Shanxi, located the southwest of Taiyuan, it’s acreage about 10.5 km2. The upside coal measures of level one and level two had been mined, now mine the midst and underside roundly. The level two’s water table is 650m, the depth mostly under 700m, the lowest is about 430m. Ordovician’s water is the main water of the first indirect soleplate overflow, fengfeng’s water is not easy to discharge, and it’s static state water level also higher than level two. The exploitation of level two is under press, the mine of midst and underside has the danger of overflow. Especially at the place of complex condition and rupture. It’s the type of midding-complex. Therefore forecast the mine discharge of fengfeng to ensure mine work can process successfully, set down the measure logically to prevent the overflow.The paper analysed the hydrology, weather, landform and physiognomy, analysed hydrogeology condition, ploted parameter, established mathematical model by Visual Modflow. Checked parameter and model based on data of pump test, to make sure the mathematical model and real model conformed, advanced usability and veracity. Adopt the numerical simulation to forecast the mine discharge .Gain the safe water level by excess modulus, charge mine discharge make sure that the water table under safe water level. Forcast the mine discharge in normal rainfall, more rainfall and less rainfall when they are under safe water table.


