

Surrounding Rock Control Technique of the Soft Coal Fully Mechanized Face with Greater Mining-Height

【作者】 刘兴滨

【导师】 康立勋;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,大采高综采主要是在硬煤层、顶板条件好的条件下进行,其围岩控制的理论和技术还不足以有效指导困难条件下的大采高安全高效开采,特别是象晋煤集团赵庄矿复杂地质条件下软煤层的大采高综采。由于该煤层节理裂隙发育、断层、褶曲等地质构造多,导致工作面推进较慢(最慢时达到18.5m/月),顶板下沉量大;由于煤质较软承载能力较低,煤壁片帮严重;回采巷道变形量较大,主要表现为底臌严重(实测回采巷道最大底臌量达到1.6m),影响了正常的材料运输和人员通行。论文针对赵庄3#煤层赋存状况、围岩地质力学条件,运用理论分析、数值模拟和井下实测相结合的手段,系统研究了软煤层大采高工作面覆岩结构及运动规律、回采巷道底臌控制及工作面煤壁片帮防治技术。研究结果进行了实践应用,实现了赵庄3#煤层的安全开采,并取得了以下研究成果:(1)进一步揭示了大采高采场的覆岩结构及运动规律。与一般大采高综采工作面相比,软煤层大采高工作面上覆岩层运动规律有其特殊性。主要表现为:在大采高条件下,由于采出空间的增大,回采后顶板的变形位移增大,上覆岩层的平衡结构将出现在更高的层位;(2)软煤层工作面煤壁片帮与开采高度、煤体节理裂隙发育情况、顶板垮落特征等因素有关。通过提高液压支架初撑力和加快推进度等手段可对片帮有效地加以控制。(3)分析了大采高回采巷道底臌机理及其影响因素,提出了复杂条件下大采高综采工作面回采巷道底臌控制技术方案;(4)通过理论分析、数值模拟和井下实测揭示了赵庄煤矿软煤层大采高开采矿压显现规律。论文研究成果不仅指导了赵庄矿3305工作面的生产,也为拓展大采高综采适用范围做了有益的探索,具有重要的工程实际意义。

【Abstract】 Currently, the fully mechanized coal greater mining primarily in hardware, roof under good conditions. The surrounding rock control theory and technology is not enough to guide effectively the difficult conditions of high security and exploitation of greater mining. In particular, under complicated geological conditions Zhaozhuang soft coal mining a greater high-mechanized mining,Jincheng Coal Mine. As the coal seam faults, fissures, joints, folds and other tectonic development, resulting in a slower advance of working face (the most slowly reached 18.5m / month),a greater quantity of roof subsidence; due to a lower carrying capacity of soft coal,coal wall Tablets to help serious; roadway deformation was greatly manifested at the end of heave severe (measured at the end of the dark roadway maximum reached 1.6m), affecting the normal movement of material and personnel transport.Occurrence for Zhaozhuang 3# coal seam conditions, rock geomechanical conditions, the use of theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and measured a combination of down hole tools, systematic study of soft-coal mining face greater mining height cover rock structure and motion law, mining tunnel floor heave control technology and the coal-face wall piece to help control and so on. Practical application of research results have been achieved zhaozhuang 3 # coal seam of the safety of mining, and made the following findings:(1) Further revealed the structure and motion law of overlying strata with greater mining height. And compared to the general fully-mechanized mining face, the soft coal greater mining high face overlying rock law of motion has its particularity. Mainly as follows: under the Greater mining height, due to filling of space required for mined-out area increases, the recovery after the roof of the deformation increases, the balance of the overlying rock structure will appear in the higher horizon;(2) The ribs fall of the face coal wall has a relationship with the mining height, coal joints fractured situation, the falling roof characteristics and other factors. By increasing the resistance of hydraulic support and improving the mining process to control the ribs fall of coal wall effectively.(3) Analysis the mechanism of the greater mining height roadway floor heaves, determine the impact factors, and determine the control technology programs of greater mining height roadway floor heave under complex conditions.(4) Through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and down-hole measurement reveals the mine pressure behavior of soft coal with greater mining height.The research results not only guided the production of 3305 face of Zhaozhuang mine, but also for the development of fully mechanized mining exploration application of a useful, important works in practice.


