

Device Design and Experimental Study of Loquid-Particle Two-Phase Compulsive Circumfluence Oriented Hole Surface Finishing

【作者】 倪有强

【导师】 杨胜强;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题来源于国家自然科学基金项目“面向孔表面光整加工的液粒两相强制环流理论与技术基础的研究(50675149)”,课题主要研究液粒两相强制环流光整加工技术。其加工原理为:具有一定压力的液体经过环流发生装置,在工件内形成强制环流,带动磨粒进行环流运动,磨粒在强大的离心力的作用下,对工件内壁进行滚压、刻划等作用,再加上液体自身具有的巨大能量对工件内表面的冲击作用,从而实现内孔表面的光整加工本论文的主要内容为:阐述了传统的孔表面光整加工工艺;介绍了两相流与螺旋流的相关知识以及液粒两相强制环流的光整加工机理;利用计算机仿真软件FLUENT对提出的几种装置模型进行仿真模拟,考虑仿真模拟结果、装置制造的难易以及经济成本等方面,确定实验装置模型为液粒两相强制环流发生器;根据装置模型进行装置的相关设计;最后进行基础性实验,验证该工艺的可行性以及液体流量大小、喷嘴数量、喷嘴位置等因素对加工质量和加工效率的影响。该工艺的成功应用,将创造出一个适用范围广泛的光整加工新办法来解决内孔表面的光整难题,并能整体改善零件加工表面的物理力学性能,为此工艺的普及应用提供了有利的理论基础及实验依据;而且还能使传统光整加工技术和非传统光整加工技术得到进一步的完善,提高我国光整加工技术的水平,推动相关行业的发展,产生重大的社会效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 The research is supported by the nation science fund project (50675149) which research on "Theory and Technological Basis of Liquid-Particle Two-Phase Compulsive Circumfluence Oriented Hole Surface Finishing", to research liquid-particle two-phase compulsive circumfluence finishing technique. Through the circulation occurs device, compulsive circulation is formed by the liquid, which has a certain pressure. It stimulates particles to make circulation movement. Particles have the function of rolling, scoring, etc., for the hole surface by means of strong centrifugal force, and the liquid has the tremendous energy to impact the hole surface, to achieve the hole surface finishing.The primary content of thesis:expatiating traditional technology of hole surface finishing; introducing correlation knowledge of two-phase flow and spiral flow and the finishing principle of liquid-particle two phase compulsive circulation finishing, carrying through simulation of some equipment former be mentioned by FLUENT software, deciding to adopt set of liquid-particle two-phase compulsive circulation flows finishing considering simulation result. difficult or easy in manufacturing and cost etc; carrying through correlation device design by selected equipment; finally, the device be processed to put up some basic experiment, so that the feasibility of this technology and infection of quality and efficiency in magnitude of liquid flux、nozzle amount、nozzle position and so on can be validated.The success application of this technology will have a broad scope of application, and create a new approach to solve the hole surface finishing problems. It can improve overall physical and mechanical properties of part surface, providing a favorable theoretical basis and data for the wider application of this technology. Simultaneously, the traditional finishing technologies and non-traditional finishing techniques can be further improved, enhancing finishing skill levels, promoting the development of related industries, having significant social and economic benefits.


