

The E-C Translation of Metaphor Used in English Economic News from the Perspectives of Translation Equivalence Theory

【作者】 原志宏

【导师】 杜耀文;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 翻译作为一种跨语言文化的交际活动,在当今社会的诸多领域中扮演着越来越重要的角色。多年以来,翻译对等一直是翻译理论中的核心概念之一,国内外的专家学者都提出了各自的翻译对等理论。而对于翻译标准,虽然国内外翻译学家持许多不同的见解,但实质上都认为对等是翻译的基本标准之一。本文作者认为,翻译理论的提出应当以指导翻译实践并解决可能遇到的问题以及优化译文效果为目的,翻译手法与策略的选择则是翻译对等思想的体现。隐喻作为一种语言现象,长期以来倍受众多学者的关注。随着社会经济的快速发展,在诸如经济新闻报道的经济语篇中,隐喻表达的使用越来越多。专家学者们已经渐渐承认隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手法,同时还是一种认知方式,影响着人们的思维与认识世界的态度。就隐喻的机制及其翻译而言,国内的研究并不逊色于国外,而对于英文经济类语篇中出现的隐喻,国内的研究较国外起步晚一些,相关研究仍在进行中,至于英语新闻隐喻的翻译,目前看来国内的相关研究并不多见。本文结合Lakoff等提出的概念隐喻以及其他相关隐喻分类方式,对广泛意义上的隐喻与概念隐喻作出类比,并对隐喻进行归类划分,采用不同的翻译策略,以期达到较好的对等翻译效果。本文共分五章,第一章介绍了本文的研究目的、研究方式以及全文的结构安排;第二章回顾介绍了不同的具有对等思想的翻译理论及流派;第三章介绍了隐喻及其在经济新闻中的使用,其中包括隐喻研究、经济新闻特点、经济隐喻等内容的论述,并对隐喻与概念隐喻、文学隐喻与经济隐喻这两组概念分别做了比较;第四章重点介绍了对等理论关照下经济英语新闻隐喻的翻译,其中包括对翻译理论与实践的关系、隐喻分类及其相应翻译策略的选择等内容;第五章得出结论。本文讨论的主线是翻译理论如何应用到翻译实践中去。翻译理论作为一个动态发展的体系,虽然不同学者流派对其理论的表述各有异同,但其对翻译实践的指导意义是共通的。翻译中绝对的对等是目前无法达到的,因此,在英语经济新闻隐喻的翻译中,如何根据其隐喻类型,文体以及文化背景等因素来选择适当的翻译方法,以达到最优的译文效果,这项研究对翻译本身和翻译教学都是有意义的。

【Abstract】 As a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural communicative activity, translation plays more and more important roles in modern society. And over the years translation equivalence theory has been one of the core theories of translation, and foreign and domestic scholars and experts have proposed relevant translation equivalence theories of their own. As for the translation criteria, though there is a wide variety of opinions abroad and at home, it is generally agreed that equivalence should be considered as one of the primary standards of translation. The writer of this paper considers that a translation theory should be proposed at the aim of guiding translation practice,solving problems encountered by the translator in their translation and optimizing reading effect of the translated pieces,while the choosing of translation methods and strategies are embodiment of the thought of translation equivalence.Metaphor is a linguistic phenomenon and has been specially concerned about for long time. With the rapid development of society and economy,more and more metaphorical expressions appear in economic discourse,like economic news and reports,and scholars and experts have gradually admitted that metaphor is not merely a rhetorical device but a way of cognition which affects people’s way of thinking and attitude towards how to know the world. The study of metaphorical mechanism and metaphor translation in China is on par with that of other countries, and though starts a bit later than western countries,the study of metaphor used in economic discourse is also underway,but the research of translation of economic metaphor is rather few at home. In this paper,the analogy between conventional metaphor and conceptual metaphor is made and metaphor is classified in combination with the concept of conceptual metaphor proposed by Lakoff and other relevant means of classifying of metaphor,and different translation strategies are adopted in the translation of metaphor in the hope of better equivalence translation effect could be achieved.There are five chapters in all in this paper. Chapter one is the introduction of the purpose and method of the study,and the framework of the whole paper;Chapter two is the review of different theories and schools of translation with the equivalent thought;in Chapter three,metaphor and its using in economic news are introduced,including metaphor study,characters of economic news and economic metaphor,besides,comparisons of two pairs of concepts are made respectively : metaphor/conceptual metaphor, and literary metaphor/economic metaphor; in Chapter four, the E-C translation of metaphor used in English economic news from the perspectives of translation equivalence theory is discussed mainly, including the relationship between translation theory and practice, classification of metaphor and the choice of corresponding translation method and strategy, etc.; in Chapter five a conclusion is arrived at. The main line of the paper is that how to apply translation theory to translation practice. As a dynamic developing system,though the description of the theories differ from scholars and schools,it is universal that theories should be instructive and meaningful to translation practice. The absolute translation equivalence is beyond the reach of the study at present,so in translating metaphor used in economic news,attention should be paid to how to choose the proper translation method in accordance with factors such as metaphor type,style of the text and cultural background,in order that the best translated text could be achieved,and thus the research done in this paper is significant and meaningful to both translation and its teaching.


