

Research on After-Sales Service System Application Based on Business Process Orchestration and SOA

【作者】 李向远

【导师】 孙林夫;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着信息技术的发展,在网络时代出现了大量基于Web的应用系统。面向服务的体系结构(Service-Oriented Architecture)对现代软件开发模式产生了深远的影响。面向服务体系结构凭借其松散耦合、与平台无关等特性,可以帮助企业建立灵活统一的系统,按照模块化的方式来添加新服务或更新现有服务,以满足新的业务需要,使企业能够对业务的变更做出快速的反应。面向服务的Web应用系统可以在最大程度上降低系统间的耦合,为整合遗留系统和开发新系统打下了良好的基础,提高了系统的可重用性、灵活性和易扩展性。论文在介绍面向服务的基本概念和特征的基础上,对面向服务架构所涉及到的关键技术WebService和业务流程编排进行了详细分析。把服务封装成WebService是实现SOA一个很重要的方法,利用WebService封装服务,可以实现与技术平台、编程语言无关的目的。通过业务流程编排引擎对服务的组合调用,可以灵活应对业务流程的变更。论文在对基于汽车产业链协作ASP平台上多个售后服务系统进行调研分析的基础上,结合SOA的理论研究,提出了基于SOA的售后服务系统解决方案。论文以“服务”为抽象对象,将售后服务管理系统中的三包单管理业务流程抽象出可以重用的服务,建立了基于服务的系统体系结构模型,并运用WebService和业务流程编排引擎,对系统进行了设计与实现,使设计的售后服务系统对提高系统业务流程的可重组性和可适应性具有更大的柔性。

【Abstract】 With the development of the information technology, many application systems based on web appear during the period of internet. SOA have deeply impacted on the developing schema of modern software. SOA can help enterprise to build flexible and uniform platform, inserting new services and updating existed services according to the way of module, so SOA can solve new business requirement. Enterprises can give immediate response to business changing. Web application system based on SOA can build foundations of integrating remaining systems and establishing systems, improve their reusing, flexibility and expandability.On the bases of deeply introduce to the basic concepts and theory of SOA, The thesis carefully analyzes the key technologies of SOA, for example web service. Web Service is a very important tool to construct SOA, Web Service which packages business functions into services, reaches the purpose of being independent of technology platform and programming language. Business process orchestration provides a way to the realization of web services composition.The thesis brings forward a project of after-sales service system based on SOA, uniting the study of SOA theories, and the investigation and analysis on several after-sales service systems which is based on automobile chain cooperation ASP flat form. Meanwhile, combining the SOA theory and web service technology, the form management modules of after-sales management system are designed and implemented in the form of basic service. The technologies are explored from the aspect of improving system’s reorganization and adaptability.


