

The Study on Advanced Geological Prediction of Daxiangling Tunnel of Yaan-Lugu Motorway

【作者】 邱晓东

【导师】 魏安;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 地质工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在西部地区大规模高速公路的建设中,由于西部地区地质条件复杂、山峦叠嶂、沟壑纵横给高速公路建设带来了极大的难度,因此隧道工程显得尤为重要,而在隧道工程的施工过程中探明掌子面前方的地质情况成为隧道施工安全的重要控制性因素之一。为了保证隧道的安全施工,超前地质预报工作成为隧道施工工序的重要组成部分。本文详细阐明了大相岭隧道区工程地质条件,在收集前人研究资料,分析国内外技术方法的基础上,运用现代物探手段对隧道地质灾害进行超前预报,并且在大相岭隧道超前预报的实际工作中总结经验。本文主要围绕以下方面展开:1.系统总结了超前地质预报的各种方法,阐述了地质雷达的工作原理、工作方法、解译方式和使用效果。将探测结论、勘察资料和工程实际相对比地质雷达在大相岭隧道中的探测有良好的预报结果,但是地质雷达在探测过程中的干扰因素较多,影响了其预报的准确性。2.通过TSP技术在大相岭隧道中的实际应用,阐述了其工作原理和工作方法。在大相岭隧道长距离的探测过程中分别使用TSP203、TGP206和TGP12三种系统进行了探测,从探测结果和工程实际相对比,总结了三种探测系统的优缺点。3.以地质分析为核心,采用多种超前预报方式进行综合超前预报,对隧道岩性、围岩类别、断层、破碎带,地下水等主要工程地质条件及涌水等地质灾害,从不同程度上进行了预测预报,对施工进行了有效的指导作用。4.通过对大相岭隧道的预测预报分析,建立了一套隧道地质灾害超前预报的总体思路:以地质分析法为核心,采用TSP技术进行长距离的超前探测,根据探测结论的分析,采用地质雷达进行中距离的探测,最后采用掌子面素描来进行短距离的预报,在特殊地段采用超前钻探来进行预测和验证。最终将超前预报作为一种施工工序纳入到正常的施工过程中。

【Abstract】 In the large-scale highway construction of the western region in China, the complicated geological conditions, mountains peaks and vertical and horizontal ravines have brought great difficulty to the highway construction, thus the tunnel project is particularly important, while in the process of tunnel construction, proving the geology conditions in front of the tunnel’s working face is one of the important controlling factors of the tunnel construction safety. In order to ensure the safety of the tunnel construction, advanced tunnel geological prediction is an important part of tunnel construction processes.This paper elaborated the engineering geological conditions of Daxiangling tunnel area, on the basis of collecting previous studies and analyzing the techniques and methods at home and abroad, modern geophysical methods were used to predict tunnel geological disasters, and experiences were summarized during the real work of forecasting Daxiangling tunnel geological disasters. This paper mainly focused on the following aspects:1. Various methods for advanced geological prediction were systematically summarized, and the working principle, working methods, interpretation methods and the application effects of geological radar were elaborated. Comparing the probe findings and survey data with engineering practice showed that ground geological radar for the detection of Daxiangling tunnel had a good prediction results, but there are many factors affecting the forecast accuracy in the process.2. Through the practical application of TSP technology in Daxiangling tunnel, its working principle and working methods were described. Three kinds of systems named TSP203, TGP206 and TGP12 were adapted to probe in the long-distance observation of Daxiangling tunnel, and comparing the observation results with engineering practice, the advantages and disadvantages of three types of detection systems were summarized.3. With geological analysis as the core, a variety of advanced geological forecast methods were used to predict tunnel lithology, rock types, faults, fracture zones, as well as geological conditions of projects like groundwater and geological disasters like water inflow.4. Through the forecast analysis of Daxiangling tunnel, a set of general concept of tunnel geological disasters prediction was established:Taking geological analysis as the key, TSP technology was used for advanced forecast of long-distance detection, according to the conclusions of the detection analysis, and ground penetrating radar was used for medium-range detection, finally, tunnel face sketch was used for short-range forecasting, and advance borehole drilling was adapt to predict and verify in some special sections. Advanced geological forecast would eventually be a procedure of the normal construction process.

  • 【分类号】P694
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】337

