

Research on Agile Construction of Emergency Materials Acquisition Network

【作者】 陈梓杰

【导师】 徐菱;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当今世界,局部的、区域性的、甚至是国家或全球范围内的自然灾害、公共卫生突发性事件频发发生,给人类造成重大甚至是毁灭性打击,对人类的生存和社会的发展构成了重大的威胁。加强应对自然灾害、突发性公共卫生事件、突发性公共安全事件等严重危害社会稳定事件的应急能力建设,已成为各国政府关注的热点。应急物流系统建设是应急能力建设的重要组成部分。高效的应急物流系统能够为突发性公共事件提供大量必须的应急救援物资,对减少各类突发公共事件造成的人员和财产损失、防止事件危害程度的进一步恶化、加快灾后重建、加快恢复秩序和生产等都有重要的作用。物资筹措环节作为应急物流首要环节对整个应急物流系统的运作效率都起到了至关重要的作用。建立高效、敏捷的应急物资筹措系统对应对难以预测的突发事件,提升应急物流系统效率,增强应急能力都尤为关键。本文在研究敏捷制造、敏捷供应链、应急供应链、国民经济动员相关理论基础之上结合我国应急物流系统的运作实际,提出了敏捷应急供应链的概念。研究了敏捷应急供应链和以其为基础的应急物资敏捷筹措网络构建的相关问题。主要有以下一些内容:首先,研究了敏捷应急供应链的定义、内涵、运作环境和实现方法。其次研究了现有筹措途径及特点,敏捷筹措网络的结构及组织,结合应急物资的需求特点研究了单一物资需求的情况应急物资敏捷筹措网络的双层规划两级系统模型,并研究了模型的优化算法。之后,研究了应急物资敏捷筹措网络的实体选择指标体系、以市场机制、行政手段、法律保障为基础的网络运作协调机制和参与实体的补偿机制。最后,从时间性、成本、稳定性和适应性四个方面构建了应急物资敏捷筹措网络的敏捷性评价指标体系,使用AHP方法评价网络的敏捷性。

【Abstract】 In the current world, local, regional and even national or global scale natural disasters, public health emergencies occur frequently, causing significant and even destructive blow to the survival of human and social development. How to strengthen emergency response to natural disasters, public health emergencies, unexpected serious public safety incidents and other emergency incidents including social stability and capacity-building, has become a hot spot of every government in the world.The construction of emergency logistics system is an important component of emergency response capacity-building. Highly efficient emergency logistics system for the sudden emergency of public events is beneficial to provide a large number of essential emergency relief supplies to reduce all types of public emergencies resulting from personnel and property losses, to prevent further deterioration of the incident harmful levels to speed up post-disaster reconstruction, to speed up to restore order and production have an important role. Supplies as a contingency financing part of the first link in the logistics of the entire emergency response system, the operational efficiency of the logistics have played a vital role. It has become particularly critical to establish efficient and agile systems to deal with emergency supplies for the financing of unpredictable incidents, emergency logistics system, to enhance efficiency and to enhance emergency response capabilities.This paper put forward the concept of agile supply chain based on researching agile manufacturing, agile supply chain, emergency supply chain, national economic mobilization theories with China’s actual operation of emergency logistics system. Through the agile emergency supply chain concept and related theory, the agility of its emergency supplies based on the financing of network construction and related issues are researched. Major studies of the paper are as follows:Firstly, the paper studies the definition and content, operational environment and the realization method of emergency agile supply chain. Secondly, by examining the existing financing channels and features, agile network structure and organization of the financing, combined with the needs of emergency supplies characteristics of a single material demand of the agile network of emergency supplies for the financing of two bi-level programming system model and study the model of algorithm. After study the entity selection of emergency supplies’agile network criterion for system and network operations coordination mechanisms and instruments, the entity’s compensation system to build a market mechanism, administrative measures, legal protection coordination mechanism based on the establishment and operation of a state of peacetime compensation mechanism. Finally, to build an agile network agility evaluation index system based on time availability, cost, stability and adaption, using the AHP method of evaluation network agility.


