

Research of the Effective Mechanism and Measures for Environmental Pollution Control in Fire Protection Area

【作者】 陈海波

【导师】 付永胜; 瓮茂贵;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 火失去控制则为灾,火灾不仅造成人员伤亡和财产损失,还会造成大气污染、土壤污染、江河污染、有毒气体及放射性物质的污染等环境影响,随着人类环保意识的加强,火灾对环境的破坏及对动植物生存的危害越来越引起全世界各国的普遍关注。文中根据火灾统计数据研判,对我国近十年的火灾起数、死亡人数、受伤人数、直接损失等火灾统计数据进行对比分析,说明了我国火灾的环境危害也愈加严重。分析了燃烧本身产生烟、热量、各种有毒气体,不仅对人体有危害,它们还是引起温室效应的主要气体,火灾还能烧毁建筑物形成灰色垃圾,对森林、草原造成毁灭性的破坏。文中还列举了近年的消防部门执勤警力和资源,系统论述了消防人员的活动、设备的运行、消防灭火救援行动中灭火剂的生产和使用,给环境造成严重危害。对消防力量本身运行消耗社会资源引用了“等价碳排放”概念,进一步形象而具体地分析和说明了灭火救援与环境污染的关系。针对目前国内外相关研究和本文前阶段调研分析结果,以成都市作为实例,结合成都市近年火灾统计结果分析,指出火灾造成的危害已不容忽视,提出加强成都市消防基础设施、完善灭火装备、大力发展消防防污、治污方面的科研,主动在灭火救援行动中充分考虑环保因素,最终促进人类环境保护和消防安全两大主题和谐发展。

【Abstract】 If fire runs out of control, it becomes disaster. Fire accidents always cause injuries, deaths, property losses and pollution in atmosphere, soil and river. Furthermore, gases and radioactive substance release during burning upset the balance of environment and has many long-lasting effects. In recent years, people’s environmental awareness has been reinforcing. They begin paying more and more attention to the harm that fire accident will make to the nature environment and to the plants and the animals.This document researches the fire accident reports in recent decade in China. It analyses the statistic data, including the total number of the fire accidents, the death toll, the injured number, as well as the direct damage. The research shows that the recent fire accidents cause more serious environmental Pollution in China. This document shows that the smoke, hit and toxic gases that are generated during inflammation, not only hazard human beings but also make contribution to greenhouse effect. The fire could also burn buildings down, which could damage forest and grassland fatal. This document also enumerates the applied manpower and resources of fire department in recent years. It shows that the fire force activities, utility/circle usage, and the production and utilization of fire extinguishing agent could cause serious environmental damage. The document introduces the concept of "equivalent carbon emission" to present the social resource that is consumed to maintain normal fire force activity. This concept gives more precious view and analysis of the relationship between fire fighting and environmental pollution.Based on this research and other related reports, this document analyses the statistic data of recent fire accidents in Chengdu. It introduces the research to develop fire fighting in frustration in Chengdu, to improve fire-fighting utilities, as well as to develop environmental protection and control pollution in fire fighting. It takes environmental factor into account during fire fighting, which could promote harmonious development of environmental protection and fire protection.

  • 【分类号】X506
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】191

