

The Study on Routing Simulation and Visualizaton of Wenyu River Dam-Break Flood

【作者】 孙秀丽

【导师】 冯民权;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人类社会的不断发展,大坝的数量日益增多。在我国,已建水库8.6万座,大部分大坝运用都在30多年以上,老化损坏现象日益显露,大坝的安全隐患问题较多。随着工业的发展,除常规水坝外,其它形式的大坝也在不断的增长。大坝给人类带来了巨大的经济利益和社会效益。但是,当大坝、堤防溃决时,大量的水体突然释放,产生的洪水波会对下游地区人民的生命以及财产造成灾难性的破坏,影响当地社会经济正常活动,并对下游生态环境造成不良影响。因此研究溃坝洪水演进规律具有十分重要的意义。本文通过研究溃坝洪水的运动规律,建立了溃坝洪水演进模拟的一维和二维模型。并采用一维模型和二维模型相结合的方法对文峪河水库的溃坝洪水进行了模拟,模拟溃坝洪水到达区域的水深、流速等。在VB、Tecplot软件平台下,对文峪河水库溃坝洪水演进的可视化系统进行了初步研究。本文主要对以下几个方面进行了探讨:(1)本文采用同频率放大法,对文峪河水库设计洪水过程线进行了推求;对文峪河水库溃坝条件下的溃口最大流量以及溃口流量过程线进行了计算。(2)建立了溃坝洪水演进模拟的一维模型和二维模型。对一维非恒定流模型采用Preismann.A四点偏心隐格式进行求解。二维模型采用隐式交替方向法(ADI)求解。(3)针对文峪河水库地形特点,采用一维模型和二维模型相结合的方法对其溃坝洪水进行模拟。给出了不同时刻淹没区各点的水深、流速等。为防汛指挥机关进行有计划、有步骤的撤离提供依据。(4)基于文峪河水库溃坝洪水演进模拟结果,开发了溃坝洪水演进的可视化系统。系统对不同频率条件下的流量过程以及溃坝洪水的演进过程进行了动态演示。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of human society, the number of dams is increasing. In China, there are 86 thousand reservoirs, and most of dams have been used for more than 30 years. The aging damage of dam is server, and there are many safety issues of dams. With industrial development, except the conventional dam, dams of other forms are increasing. The dam has brought huge economic and social benefits. But when dam-break occurs, a lot of water suddenly releases, and flood wave will have a devastating damage to people’s lives and property of lower reach. This also impacts local normal socio-economic activities, and results in adverse effects on the ecological environment of the lower reaches. Therefore, study of dam-break flood evolution is of great significance.In this paper, dam-break flood of campaign laws was studied. One dimension model and two-dimension model was established for routing simulation of dam-break flood. One dimension model and two dimension model were applied at the same time to simulate the dam bursting flood of WenYu river reservoir. The water depth, velocity and so on of every point were got in the inundation area. In VB and Tecplot software platform, the visual system of dam-break floods of Wen Yu River reservoir was studied. This paper mainly studied the following contents:(1) The design flood hydrograph of Wen Yu river reservoir was calculated by using amplifying method of the same frequency. Then the largest discharge and hydrograph of discharge of dam breach were simulated under the conditions of dam-break.(2) One dimension model and two dimension model were established for routing simulation of dam-bursting flood. The Preismann.A implicit scheme of 4 points was used to solve the one dimensional equation. The alternating direction implicit (ADI) scheme was used to solve the two dimensional equation. (3) Focusing on the terrain of Wen Yu river reservoir, the one-dimension and two-dimension model were used at the same time for simulation of dam-break flood of Wenyu River Reservoir. The water depth and velocity of every point in inundation area were calculated. The results can provide the basis for flood control authorities to organize the planning evacuation.(4) Based on dam-break flood simulation results of Wenyu River Reservoir, the visual system of dam-break flood was developed. In this systerm, the discharge process of different frequency and evolution of dam-break flood were shown.


