

The Rebuild & Design of Lianhua Hydropower Plant Computer Supervisory and Control System

【作者】 林繁鑫

【导师】 杨晓萍; 朱纯祥;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 电气工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 莲花水电站1999年建成,电站安装13.75万千瓦水轮发电机组四台,总容量55万千瓦。莲花水电站目前是黑龙江省最大的水电站,担负着黑龙江电网的供电和调峰工作,在黑龙江省电网尤其省东部网中占有非常重要地位,现水轮发电机组已运行近十年,计算机监控系统设备出现老化现象且系统配置已经过时,为适应安全生产和技术进步,本厂计算机监控系统急需进行升级技术改造。计算机和网络技术的发展,为工业生产的各个领域都带来了巨大的进步,同时随着越来越多,越来越大的水电工程开发,也需要功能更强大、运行更可靠的监控系统。本文通过分析水电厂计算机监控系统的模式,及通信系统的发展情况,结合莲花水电站的设备现状及自动化系统的特点,分析说明了与之相适应的计算机监控系统结构模式和功能配置,系统层级之间采用以太网,现地控制层采用MB+网的现场总线,并对于改造中解决的一些技术问题都做了说明。现地控制单元是机组监控系统的核心,本文分析莲花LCU的组成和模块选择,并针对LCU的控制功能介绍了其功能软件及控制流程。友好的人机界面对于运行及检修人员提高工作效率具有很帮助,本文最后阐述了人机联系概念以及莲花水电厂计算机监控系统的人机联系界面改造及后台管理功能。这套经过升级后的监控系统工作效率高,可靠性强,为实现电站“无人值班、少人值守”提供了坚实的保障,它的应用对水电厂的高效运行,安全生产有着非常重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The LianHua hydropower plant was built in 1999, it consists 4 generaters, the capacity is 550MW (4x137.5MW). LianHua hydropower plant which offer power and meet the peak for Heilongjiang power grid, is the biggest hydropower plant in Heilongjiang province and take very important role. Hydraulic power set have worked for ten years right now, its computer supervisory control system have been aged and system disposition is outdated. For production safety and science development, the computer supervisory control system needs to be updated. The development of computer and network have been taken great progress for every part of industry, meanwhile with more and more bigger hydropower plant set up, more powerful and more reliable supervisory control system.This paper analyses the development of the structure mode as well as communication system, lianhua equipments and its automatic characteristic, elaborate suitable structure mode and function disposition. Between levels adopt Ethernet and local control unit use MB+ network. This article also give some solution for problem meted in working, LCU is the core of supervisory control system, this article also elaborat lianhua LCU structure、module choose and application software and control flowage In view of LCU control function. Friendly man-machine interaction will largely improve maintenance efficiency. The paper, therefore, in the last part gives an introduction of the concept of man-machine interaction and picture transformation. The updated supervisory control system has high efficiency and reliability. It has made a strong base for "Few man being on duty and remote controlling". Its application has a very important significance for running and management for hydropower plant.

  • 【分类号】TV736
  • 【下载频次】53

