

Study on Reliability Evaluation and Optimal Switching Device of Distribution

【作者】 石璐萍

【导师】 姚李孝;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着用电需求的不断增加,电力系统的规模也日益扩大,人们对电网供电可靠性的要求也越来越高。为了进一步研究如何切实改善配电网薄弱环节,并在配电网改造过程中兼顾电网可靠性与经济性,本论文研究了配电网开关类设备的优化配置方法。文章提出用以配电网可靠性的开关优化配置方法,在保证用户供电可靠率指标的前提下,使得开关配置的综合费用最低。根据线路开关的安装信息,采用故障扩散的方法分别进行开关优化前后配电网络的可靠性评估。并在此基础上以系统开关配置的总费用与系统平均供电不可靠率的加权和最小为目标函数建立优化模型,采用改进的PSO算法得到开关配置方案。后期引入变异因子有效的保证了群体多样性,增强了全局搜索能力。通过应用于实例测试,PSO算法简单,收敛速度快;优化前后系统的可靠性指标改善明显并取得较好的经济效益。若将该成果推广应用,将取得比较客观的社会效益和经济效益。最后,在VC++6.0环境下,开发了开关优化配置提高配电系统可靠性系统。该系统操作界面友好,能处理复杂配电网的计算,有利于结果的比较分析,可用于配电网优化规划的辅助决策支持。

【Abstract】 Recent years, the size of power system has expanded gradually, and the customers demand for the distribution network reliability becoming higher. How to improve the weaknesses of the distribution network effectively, and give both considerations to reliability and economy, this paper studied the switching devices optimized configuration on it.This paper presents a method of switches optimizing, on the premise of ensuring Average Supply Available Index, to reach the lowest charge of integrated switches. According to the instillation information of switches, using the method of fault pervasion to get the reliable assessment for distribution network, and on this basis, set up a sample to achieve the minimum weighted sum function of charge of integrated switch and Average Supply Available Index, introduce the advanced PSO algorithm to get switch optimization. Calculation examples show that the PSO algorithm is simple and is able to converge much faster. Then, the utilization of variation ensures the diversity of the groups effectively, enhances whole search capability. By testing it in experience, obtained better economic profit and improved the reliability indexes significantly.Finally, the system of reliability evaluation and optimal switching device of distribution network has been developed in VC++6.0. This system has friendly interface, can deal with complex calculations of the distribution network, and helpful to the result analysis. It can be used to aid decision-support of the distribution network optimal planning.


