

Study on the Model Teasting of Buoy Hydraulic Automatic Control Gate Hydraulic Issues

【作者】 王静波

【导师】 李智录;

【作者基本信息】 西安理工大学 , 农业水土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为满足灌区信息化建设需要,本文在全面总结归纳前人在水力自动闸门研究成果的基础上,针对水力自动闸门在实际应用中存在的不足,以低功耗和可控性为.研究目标,提出了浮筒式水力自动控制闸门,并通过水工模型试验研究了该类闸门的水力特性和控制特性。此项研究成果不仅有着重要的实用价值,而且对提高我国灌区信息建设及管理水平有着重要意义。论文主要研究内容及成果如下:(1)全面系统地分析了水力自动闸门在实际应用中存在的问题,指出稳定性不够和控制性较差是影响其难以普及的根本原因,而自动控制闸门的稳定性和控制性明显优于水力自动闸门但它确需要动力供电系统,在相对偏远的地区如果专门架设供电线路虽不存在技术问题,但从经济效益上分析绝对是不划算的。为此,本文在继承二者优点基础上,提出了浮筒式水力自动控制闸门,该类闸门在最大限度地借助水的浮力的同时,又保存了闸门的控制功能,保证了闸门的稳定性和灵活性,但它并不需要动力供电系统,只要借助微型供电系统(如太阳能等)就能实现闸门的自动控制。(2)为了研究浮筒式闸门的水力特性,设计并进行了水工模型试验,通过对浮筒式水力自动控制闸门的模型试验,得到了自由出流情况的流量与闸前水位和开度的流量计算公式和淹没出流情况的流量与水头差和开度的流量计算公式,同时也验证了浮筒式水力自动控制闸门的在不同流态下稳定性。(3)浮筒式水力自动控制闸门流量控制器的设计是在分析现行渠道的运行基本原理,分析渠道运行准则和闸门运行机理后,根据浮筒式闸门的模型试验成果,说明流量控制器的工作原理和过程,闸门控制特性的好坏取决于控制参数的选取。(4)并结合石头河灌区干斗渠实际情况和浮筒式闸门的特点,将原有分水闸改造设计为浮筒水力自动控制闸门的可行性,详细研究了浮筒闸门应用的设计思路和闸门孔板高程的确定方法。

【Abstract】 To meet the irrigation needs of information technology. In this paper, a comprehensive summary of induction predecessors have automatic hydraulic gate on the basis of research results for hydraulic automatic gate in the practical application of the deficiencies, low-power and controllability of the research objectives, proposed pontoon-style hydraulic automatic gate, through the hydraulic model tests study the hydraulic characteristics and type of gate control characteristics.The results not only has important practical value, But also raise China’s irrigation construction and management of information is of great significance.Thesis research content and results are as follows:A comprehensive and systematic analysis of hydraulic automatic gate in the practical application problems that have poor stability, and control affect the poor are difficult to spread the root causes, the automatic gate stability and control much better than automatic hydraulic gate, but it does need power supply system in a relatively remote areas, erection of power lines though not if the special technical problems, but an economic analysis is absolutely uneconomical. In this paper both in the advantages of inheritance is proposed based on a pontoon-style hydraulic automatic gate, to maximize the use of such gates in the buoyancy in the water, while also preserving the gate control functions to ensure the stability and flexibility of the gate, but it does not need power supply system, as long as the use of micro-power supply system (such as solar energy) will be able to achieve automatic control of gates.In order to study the hydraulic characteristics of float-type gate designed and carried out hydraulic model tests, through the gate buoy automatic hydraulic model tests, get a free out of the flow of traffic and gate opening before the water level and flow of the calculation formula and drown out the flow of traffic and head difference and opening the flow of the calculation formula, while also verified the pontoon-style hydraulic automatic gate stability under different flow pattern.Pontoon-style hydraulic automatic gate flow controller design is the analysis of the basic principles of operation of the existing channels, analysis canal operation guidelines and the running mechanism of the gate, after, according to float-type gate of the model test results, indicating traffic controller working principle and process of, gate control characteristics of the good or bad depends on the selection of control parameters。Stone River Irrigation Area in conjunction with the actual situation and drifting buoys Douqu gate characteristics, watched the original transformation is designed to float hydraulic sluice gate automation feasibility study in detail the application of the pontoon gate design ideas and the gate orifice Elevation Determination。


