

Research on Coordinated Regional Land Use of Shijiazhuang Mining Region

【作者】 邸少楠

【导师】 许月明;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,随着国家对不同地区各项改革措施和经济发展战略的实施,我国各地区经济都有了飞速的发展,同时区域经济发展的格局也发生了明显的差异。十六届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于完善社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》提出了“五个统筹”,其中统筹区域发展对统筹区域土地利用提出了新的更高的要求。在此背景下,本文就统筹区域土地利用问题进行了初步探讨。通过对资源型区域的代表——煤炭城市石家庄市矿区的统筹区域土地利用问题进行分析研究,主要体现了以下两方面的现实意义:首先,通过石家庄市矿区土地利用分区、合理统筹分配各业用地、协调各级各部门用地关系,可加快实现石家庄市矿区土地利用的社会、经济和生态效益的最大化;其次,为一般资源型城市统筹区域土地利用提供借鉴与参考。文章在对石家庄市矿区自然条件、社会经济条件、土地利用现状等问题进行深入调研的基础上,对石家庄市矿区统筹区域土地利用问题进行了系统和全面的分析,主要从五个方面展开论述:第一,介绍了文章的研究背景和意义,回顾国内外研究进展,明确研究目的、主要内容和研究方法;第二,整理并归纳了统筹区域土地利用相关理论发展概况,建立起了以资源优化配置、统筹区域经济发展、协调可持续发展、比较优势理论、系统论等理论为主要内容的理论指导框架;第三,通过对石家庄市矿区与石家庄市其他区域的经济发展、土地利用两方面的比较,得出石家庄市矿区在石家庄市的比较优势,明确矿区在石家庄市这个大区域中的土地利用战略定位;第四,在矿区土地利用战略的定位下,通过矿区内部的土地利用特点,并结合矿区经济发展现状特点,提出了统筹区域土地利用分区方案,将矿区分为林业生态旅游区、农业发展保护区、综合优化开发区和工业重点开发区。第五,文章最后提出了各个区域的发展战略、土地利用方向以及统筹区域土地利用的各项措施。文章可能的创新点有:第一,在统筹区域土地利用研究中,首次分外部统筹和内部统筹两个层次进行统筹区域土地利用分析。第二,在对石家庄市矿区的分区过程中,采用了针对石家庄市矿区自身特点的影响因素指标进行分析并做出区域划分。

【Abstract】 Since reforming and opening, with the different parts of the reform measures and implementation of the strategy of economic development, China has made rapidly regional economic development, while the pattern of regional economic development is also obvious differences occurred.“The central committee of the CCP about perfect socialist market economy system of some problems”adopted by the Party’s Third Plenary Session of its Sixteenth Central Committee proposes“five balances”, the“balancing development among regions”puts forward a new higher requirements for co-ordination of land use. In this context, the“co-ordination of land use”issues were discussed in this paper. Based on the analyzes the“co-ordination of land use”issues by the representative of resource-based region-coal mining city of Shijiazhuang mining region, mainly embodies the following two aspects relevant: First, by Shijiazhuang mining region’s land use division, reasonable allocation various industries land , coordinate various departments of land relations, can accelerate the Shijiazhuang mining region Land uses’social, economic and ecological benefits to maximize; Secondly, it can provides reference and reference for the general resource-based cities for co-ordination of land use.Based on the investigation in Shijiazhuang mining region for its natural conditions, social and economic conditions and land use status, the paper comprehensive analysises the co-ordination of land use”problem of Shijiazhuang mining region in from five aspects: first, the article introduces the background and significance of the study, reviews the research progress at home and abroad and clear the aim, contents and methods; Second, the paper summarizes the related theory of co-ordination of land use, and built a theory framework includes theories:”optimizing the distribution of resources”,”planning regional economic development as a whole”,”all-round, coordinated and sustainable development”,”The theory of Comparative Advantage”and”system theory”;Third,through coparativing the advantages on the land-using and economic devlopment between Shijiazhuang mining region and other regions in Shijiazhuang ,found out the Shijiazhuang mining region’s advantages and cleared the area of land use strategic positioning in the area of Shijiazhuang;Fourth, by the strategic positioning, through the mining land-use internal characteristics and economic development present situation, the paper determine the land use zoning plan,it divided four areas: Forestry ecological tourist area, Agricultural development protect area, comprehensive optimization development zone and key industrial zones;Fifth, finally the paper pointed out the development strategy, the differentiating land uses and measures of land-using of every area .The innovation of the article may include: first, in coordinating regional land use study, the first time to analysis the co-ordination of land use problem from two levels that sub-internal co-ordination of external co-ordination land use. Second, in the Shijiazhuang mining region’s land-using division, it adopted index factors which according to the characteristics of shijiazhuang mining to analysis and made area division.


