

Research on the Evaluation and Countermeasures of the Pollution from Livestock and Poultry Breeding in Hebei

【作者】 白明刚

【导师】 马长海;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的不断发展和居民生活水平的不断提高,居民食物消费结构发生了显著变化,对肉、奶、蛋等畜禽产品需求的迅速增长,从而推动畜禽养殖业迅速发展。河北省是畜牧大省,随着畜禽养殖业的发展,畜禽养殖污染已成为农村环境污染的重要污染源。畜禽养殖污染能够对水体、土壤、大气及人体健康造成直接或间接的影响。系统分析河北省畜禽养殖的环境污染状况,评价河北省畜禽养殖污染的经济损失,可以为整个社会敲响警钟,呼吁政府、养殖户和广大群众都应注意畜禽养殖污染的防治;分析河北省畜禽养殖污染的成因,并提出改善河北省畜禽养殖污染防治的对策,可以为政府制定防治畜禽养殖污染的政策措施提供有价值的参考。为了充分了解河北省畜禽养殖粪污处理状况、畜禽养殖环境污染的影响及其防治中存在的问题,本文重点对河北省石家庄、保定、邯郸、唐山4个市的63个县(市、区)、174个乡(镇)、382个行政村进行了问卷调查。本文在参考大量相关文献的基础上,确定了河北省畜禽粪尿产生量的计算参数和计算方法,结合河北省畜禽养殖的相关统计资料和畜禽粪污的处理状况,分析了河北省畜禽养殖的环境污染现状,并利用意愿调查评价法对河北省畜禽养殖污染的经济损失进行了评价。其次,本文还结合调查和统计资料,并利用外部性理论、市场失灵理论、政府失灵理论等相关理论对河北省畜禽养殖污染的成因进行了深入的分析。结果表明:第一,1990-2007年河北省主要畜禽粪尿产生量呈逐年增长趋势,其中2007年河北省主要畜禽粪尿产生量为15450.87万吨。第二,1990-2007年畜禽粪尿中各种污染物流失进入水体的量呈现逐年增长的趋势,其中2007年畜禽粪尿中COD的流失量为35.12万吨,是工业COD排放量1.07倍,是生活COD排放量的1.04倍。第三,1990-2007年河北省畜禽粪尿对环境总体有一定的影响,但不严重,其中2007年河北各市受到畜禽粪尿污染的影响程度不同,邯郸影响严重,唐山市较严重,石家庄市和保定市有影响,其它市相对较轻。第四,经估算,河北省畜禽养殖污染造成的经济损失总值为64.74亿元,这个经济损失占河北省2007年地区生产总值的0.47%。第五,畜禽产品需求的不断增长、农村资源产权模糊、畜禽养殖污染的外部性、在畜禽养殖污染防治上存在的政府失灵是造成畜禽养殖污染的主要原因。最后,结合前文的研究成果,本文提出了一些改善河北省畜禽养殖污染防治的对策。首先,政府是公共利益的守护者,政府应加强畜禽养殖环境的管理。其次,养殖户应在政府的引导下,综合运用产前、产中和产后治理技术防治畜禽养殖污染。第三,要通过多种渠道加强畜禽养殖污染防治的宣传教育,增强养殖户和周边群众对畜禽养殖污染的认知和环保意识,充分发挥周边群众的监督作用。

【Abstract】 As China’s economic growth and continuous improvement of living standards,residents of food consumption structure has changed significantly and the demand for meat, milk, eggs and other livestock products has grown rapidly, which promoted the rapid development of livestock and poultry breeding. Hebei is a big province of Animal Husbandry, with the development of the livestock industry, the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding has become a major source of pollution in rural areas. It’s able to influent water, air, soil and human health directly or indirectly. Analyzing the status of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding and estimating the economic loss of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding can alarm for the whole community, calling on the government, farmers and the masses should pay attention to prevent and control the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding .Analyzing the causes of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding and researching countermeasure of improving livestock pollution can provide a valuable reference for the government to formulate policy on prevention and control measures of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding in Hebei Province.In order to understand the situation of Livestock waste treatment, the impact on the villagers of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding and the control problems of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding, the paper conducted a survey of Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan, Tangshan in Hebei Province, which involves 63 counties (cities or districts), 174 townships (towns) and 382 administrative villages. Based on extensive literature references, the paper determined the calculation parameters and calculation method of the output of the livestock and poultry’s excreta in Hebei Province, combined with livestock-related statistics and the treatment methods of the Livestock and poultry’excretion in Hebei Province, analyzed the status of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding in Hebei Province, and estimated the economic loss of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding by contingent valuation method (CVM). Secondly, combined with survey data and statistical date,the paper analyzed the causes of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding by the external environmental economics theory, market failure theory, government failure theory and other related theories.The results show that: 1)The output of the main livestock and poultry excreta showed an upward trend year by year in Hebei Province from 1990 to 2007 , which was 154.5087 million tons in 2007. 2) The amount of the main livestock and poultry pollutants into water showed an upward trend year by year in Hebei Province from 1990 to 2007, which was 351,200 tons in 2007 .It is 1.07 times of the emissions of industrial COD, is 1.04 times of the emissions of living COD in Hebei Province in 2007. 3) Generally, the feces and urine of the main livestock and poultry had a certain influence on the environment in Hebei Province from 1990 to 2007, but not serious. In 2007, the cities of Hebei Province impacted by Animal feces and urine were different. Handan affected severely, Tangshan affected more seriously, Shijiazhuang and Baoding had some influence, other cities relatively light. 4) By estimate, the economic loss of livestock and poultry pollution is 6.474 billion yuan in Hebei Province, which is accounted for 0.47% of GDP in Hebei Province in 2007. 5) Growing demand for livestock and poultry products, the level of economic development, fuzzy property rights of rural resources, the externalities of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding and the government failure on preventing the pollution of animal husbandry are the major reasons which lead to the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding.Finally, combined with earlier research results, the paper propose some countermeasure to improve the control of the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding in Hebei Province. Firstly, the government is the guardian of public interest, so the government should strengthen the environmental management of livestock and poultry breeding. Secondly, under the guidance of the government,farmers should use the technology of pre- production, during production and after production to control the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding. Thirdly, enhance the public education on the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding by various channels, enhance the cognitive and environmental awareness of the farmers and the masses surrounding farmers on the the pollution from livestock and poultry breeding, give the masses surrounding famer to play a supervisory role.


