

Research on Apple Industrial Development of Hebei Province

【作者】 刘峰

【导师】 赵邦宏;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 河北省是苹果主产大省之一,到2007年底,全省苹果种植面积250千公顷,产量247.88万吨,苹果栽培面积居全国第三位,产量低于山东、陕西和河南三省,居全国第四位,苹果产业已成为河北省重要的农业支柱产业。但是近年来,随着苹果栽培面积和产量的迅速扩大和快速增长,苹果市场由卖方市场转入买方市场,河北省苹果产业发展出现了诸多障碍,如何充分发挥河北省苹果产业的优势,如何发展河北省现代苹果产业,对发展河北省现代农业,促进河北省苹果产业持续健康的发展具有重要的理论和实践指导意义。本文通过对河北省近年来苹果产业发展现状的评价,从苹果生产规模、苹果种植品种及区域布局、苹果优质生产基地建设、苹果产品加工以及苹果出口几个层面,对苹果产业发展中存在的问题进行科学分析,得出苹果生产规模增长较慢,苹果种植区域布局不尽合理、品种结构单一,采后处理、加工能力较低,苹果专业合作组织发展缓慢,苹果出口能力较弱是目前河北省苹果产业发展中存在的主要问题。采用定量分析与定性分析相结合等方法,从宏观与微观两个方面对影响河北省苹果产业发展的主要因素进行了科学分析。从苹果生产成本角度入手,分析苹果生产的成本构成;运用比较分析法,通过对比苹果种植与其他农作物种植的成本收益,分析了种植苹果的机会成本,为农户生产经营决策提供依据。通过问卷调查法对居民消费行为进行调查,分析居民水果消费偏好及行为特征,了解居民消费行为的特点。对果农采用新栽培模式的意愿和行为进行实证分析,得出树苗价格及家庭收入对果农是否采用新栽培模式具有显著影响。通过对“三优一体”栽培模式的分析得出,此模式下生产成本大幅度下降,成本收益率明显提高,应大力推广“三优一体”新栽培模式。从宏观影响因素出发,分析价格、流通体制变迁、产业化模式等因素对苹果产业发展的影响,通过典型案例分析优势产业化模式对苹果产业发展的积极作用。最后,结合河北省苹果产业发展的实际情况,从技术扶持、产业化经营、市场需求导向三个层面提出了河北省苹果产业发展的对策建议。

【Abstract】 Hebei Province is one of the large apple-producing provinces of China, its cultivated area ranks the third of China and Yield less than Shandong, Shaanxi and Henan Province, ranks fourth in China. Apple industry has become an important agro-industry in Hebei Province. But in recent years, with the apple cultivation area and production of rapid expansion and rapid growth, apple’s market from a seller into the buyer’s market, apple Industry in Hebei Province has many obstacles have emerged. How to give full play to the advantage of Apple Industry in Hebei Province, how to develop modern apple industry in Hebei Province, for the development of modern agriculture in Hebei Province, how to promote the sustained and healthy development of Apple Industry in Hebei Province have great theoretical and practical significance.By review of Apple Industry Development of Hebei Province in recent years, research from apple production scale, planting apple varieties and regional distribution of high-quality apple production base construction, processing of apple products and apple export , analysis on the apple industry in the scientific of the problems and reach a conclusion that apple production scale grow slowly, apple producing area of the layout is not quite reasonable, single product structure, post-harvest handling, processing capacity low, Apple Professional Development Cooperation slow, weak export capacity are the main problems of the development of Hebei Province apple industry.Comprehensive use of economic theory, combine with quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis methods from the macro and micro aspects affecting apple industry development in Hebei Province to conduct a scientific analysis of the main factors. From production costs the perspective of apple, analyzes the costs of production constitute apple. Another comparative analysis by comparing apples and other crops growing cost of benefits, the opportunity cost of growing apples, as farmers provide the basis for production and management decision-making. Through the questionnaire survey on consumer behavior, analyze the consumer preferences and behavior of residents of fruit characteristics, by understanding the characteristics of consumer behavior provide a reference for the apple production and management. On the farmers will adopt new cultivation model empirical analysis, price and household income affect significantly to the whether farmers to adopt new cultivation methods. Cultivated by the new model to analyze the effect that the“Three excellent in one”cultivation mode, production costs drop dramatically, significantly increase the cost of benefits, should be vigorously promoted in Hebei Province "three excellent in one" new cultivation methods.Starting from the macro factors, changes in distribution system analysis, Apple industrial policy, the production of technical standards, dominant mode of industrialization and other factors impact on the apple industry, competitive industries through case studies of typical mode of Apple’s positive role in industrial development. Finally, for Apple’s industry development in Hebei Province actual needs, from technical support, industrial development, market demand-oriented proposed three levels of industry development in Hebei Province Apple feasible path and Policy.


