

Research on Comprehensive Evaluation and Protection of Historic Cultural Elements of Towns and Villages

【作者】 祁雷

【导师】 王广和; 李宏伟;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 作为一个具有5000年历史的文明古国,中国有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。丰富的历史文化要素以其历史渊源,反映历史发展的脉络,是人类的宝贵财富。然而,近年来,大规模城市开发建设和国家城镇化,使我国的历史遗产遭到很大程度的破坏。目前,历史村镇保护更新成为我国城镇化进程中的重要课题,但我国村镇历史文化资源普查鉴定相关研究仍然很薄弱,缺乏对这些脆弱遗产资源保护和继承的理论指导和依据,致使我国具有保护价值的历史文化要素不断被破坏,令人痛心。因此,探索并建立一套切实可行的综合价值评价体系,科学制定行之有效的保护对策和方法,将有助于我们及时发现保护中存在的问题,审视与探索适宜的城市保护理论,这样才会更有效地指导我国的村镇建设与保护事业的发展。促进我国优秀历史文化遗产的保护传承。本文以村镇历史文化要素综合价值为研究对象,对其评价体系的建立及保护进行了较为深入的探讨。论文首先回顾了目前我国历史文化要素价值评价方面已有的研究成果。在系统剖析国内现有的一些关于村镇历史文化要素的评价标准的基础上,分析其不足,提出改进思路。在此基础上,提出了整体综合价值的定性、定量评价方法。特别是在定量评价方面,运用以量化为研究中心、多元复合式的研究模式,结合物质文化要素和非物质文化要素两个方面,建立起一套较为严谨、科学的评价指标、定权及评价体系。提出历史村镇综合价值评价的结果如何应用于村镇的规划设计,并建立与设计决策的反馈机制。最后,文章介绍了河北省井陉县石头村综合价值评价的实例。结合具体的项目对村镇历史文化要素综合价值评价体系及保护开发决策、设计相结合等方面进行了探索。

【Abstract】 As a 5,000-year history of ancient civilization, China has a long history and splendid culture. Historic cultural elements are the human treasures, with its rich history, reflect the context of historical development. However, in recent years, large-scale urban development and the state of urbanization, historical heritage of our country was a large degree of damage. At present, the historical towns become cities and towns to protect the process of updating the important issue. However, our historical and cultural resources survey of villages identified research is still very weak, the lack of protection of these fragile heritage resources, and guidance and basis for the theory of inheritance, resulting in the protective value of China’s historical and cultural factors continue to be destroyed, Distressing.Therefore, to explore and establish a viable comprehensive value assessment system, will help us to discover problems in the protection, explore the city proper protection theory. Only in this way, we can more effectively guide our towns and villages to the development and protection.In this paper, the author integrated elements of historical and cultural villages to study the value of its evaluation system and protection for a more thorough discussion.Firstly, the author reviews the historical and cultural elements of the current value of our evaluation of existing research results. Analysis in the system some of the existing national historical and cultural factors on the town’s evaluation criteria, based on analysis of its shortcomings, proposes improvement ideas.Secondly, the author proposes a holistic and integrated value of the qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods. Particularly in the quantitative evaluation, using quantitative as research centers, multi-compound research model, combining elements of material culture and intangible cultural elements of both, to establish a more rigorous, scientific evaluation, and evaluation to determine weight system. Evaluation of historical towns and villages raised the value of the outcome of an integrated applied to town planning and design, and build and design the feedback mechanism of decision-making. Finally, the author introduces a comprehensive evaluation instance of the stone village in Jingxing County, Hebei Province. Combination of specific projects, historical and cultural elements of the town comprehensive evaluation system and to protect the value of the development decision-making, combining aspects of design is explored.


