

Studies on the Effects of Burdock Fructooligosaccharide on Performance, Nutrient Digestion and Metabolism in Sheep

【作者】 郭勇庆

【导师】 张英杰;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以从牛蒡根中提取的牛蒡果寡糖(BFOS)作为饲料添加剂,探讨其对绵羊生产性能、营养物质消化代谢和血液生化指标的影响。研究分三部分:第一部分:BFOS对绵羊生产性能的影响。选用3~4月龄、体重32 kg左右的道赛特和小尾寒羊F2杂交公羔40只,分为4组,分别饲喂4种添加不同剂量BFOS(分别为0、3.2、6.4、9.6 g/d/只)的日粮,经10d预饲期后进行为期54d的饲养试验。结果表明:在试验期内各组绵羊日增重和料重比差异不显著(P>0.05),但添加BFOS试验组羊只表现出平均日增重提高和料重比降低的趋势。平均日增重以第三组(9.6g/d/只)最高,比对照组高6.99%;料重比以第三组(9.6g/d/只)最低,比对照组低6.0%。第二部分:BFOS对绵羊营养物质表观消化率和氮平衡的影响。每组选用3只绵羊放入代谢笼,经3d适应期后,进行为期5d的消化代谢试验,收集粪样、尿样。结果表明:添加BFOS试验组提高了干物质(DM)、有机物(OM)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)、粗蛋白(CP)、钙(Ca)和磷(P)的表观消化率(P>0.05)。其中DM、OM、CP、NDF、ADF、Ca的表观消化率均以第三组(9.6g/d/只)最高,分别比对照组高3.56%、3.01%、4.0%、4.74%、5.8%和27.02%。P的消化率以第一组(3.2 g/d/只)最高,比对照组高19.23%。对于粗脂肪(EE)的表观消化率影响较小,以第二组最高,比对照组高2.17%(P>0.05)。关于BFOS对绵羊氮平衡的影响,饲喂添加不同剂量BFOS的日粮,对于氮平衡的各指标(进食氮、粪氮、尿氮、可消化氮、氮消化率、沉积氮、氮的总利用率和氮的净利用率)均未产生显著影响(P>0.05),但与对照组相比,试验组羊只表现出减少粪氮和尿氮排出量,提高可消化氮、氮消化率、沉积氮、氮的总利用率和氮的净利用率的趋势。对于绵羊粪氮排出量,各试验组均低于对照组,试验组粪氮排出量随BFOS添加量的增加有递减趋势。其中粪氮排出量以第三组(9.6g/d/只)最低,比对照组降低7.17%;对于尿中排出氮,以第二组(6.4 g/d/只)尿氮排出量最低,比对照组降低10.85%;对于可消化氮,第三组比对照组高4.18%;氮消化率试验组均高于对照组,其中第三组比对照组高4.05%;沉积氮第三组比对照组高18.21%。氮的总利用率第三组比对照组高17.94%;氮的净利用率以第二组最高,比对照组高14.34%。第三部分:BFOS对绵羊血液生化指标和免疫球蛋白的影响。在试验期最后一天,每组随机选取4只绵羊,颈静脉采血,制备血浆和血清,血浆测定血浆尿素氮、血糖和总胆固醇含量,血清测定免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA和IgM的含量。结果表明:添加BFOS有降低血浆尿素氮、总胆固醇水平,提高血糖水平的趋势(P>0.05);添加BFOS提高了绵羊血清免疫球蛋白IgG、IgA含量(P>0.05),对IgM影响较小。

【Abstract】 The experiment was conducted to examine the effects of Burdock fructo- oligosaccharide (BFOS) as an additive on performance, nutrient digestion and metabolism, blood biochemical index after it added to the sheep basal diet. This study includes three sections:In the first section,40 Small Tail Han sheep and Poll Dorset F2 Hybrids, 3~4-month-old male lamb with an initial weight of 32 kg were randomly divided into 4 groups,fed control diet or the control with3.2 or 6.4 g or 9.6g of FOS/d (ten sheep each group)for 54 d respectively following 10 days pretreatment. The results showed that there was no significant difference (P> 0.05) in Lamb on daily gain and feed/gain in the test period. However, sheep fed BFOS showed the tendency that the average daily gain increased while the feed/gain decreased, the average daily gain of groupⅢwas 6.99% higher and feed/gain was 6.0% lower than that of the control group.In the second section, three sheep were selected from each group, which were put into the metabolic cages. After an adaptation period of 3 days, faeces and urine were collected during a 5-day collection period.The results showed that: the apparent fecal digestion of DM,OM,NDF,ADF,CP,Ca and P was improved (P>0.05).The apparent fecal digestion of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and Ca of groupⅢare all maximum.The apparent digestion of DM, OM, CP, NDF, ADF and Ca in groupⅢwas 3.56%,3.01%,4.0%,4.74%,5.8% and 27.02% higher than that of the control group, respectively. The apparent digestion of P in groupⅠwas the highest , 19.23% higher than that of the control group. There was no significant difference on the apparent digestion of EE, groupⅡwas the highest, which were 2.17% higher than that of the control group.For BFOS on nitrogen balance, there was no significant difference on nitrogen balance index (consumption of nitrogen, fecal nitrogen, urinary nitrogen, digestible nitrogen, nitrogen digestibility, nitrogen deposition, the total and net nitrogen ratio) fed with different of dietary (P> 0.05) in sheep. However, compared with the control group, the experimental group showed that the fecal nitrogen and urinary nitrogen excretion were decreased while the digestible nitrogen, nitrogen digestibility, deposition of nitrogen, total nitrogen and net nitrogen ratio were increased.For fecal nitrogen excretion, all experimental groups were lower than the control group, with the BFOS concentration increased, the fecal nitrogen excretion has an decreasing tendency. The fecal nitrogen discharged in groupⅢwas the lowest, 7.17% lower than that of the control group; The urinary nitrogen discharged in groupⅡwas the lowest, 10.85% lower than that of the control group; For digestible nitrogen, groupⅢwas 4.18% higher than that of the control group; For nitrogen digestibility, the experimental groups were higher than that of the control group, groupⅢwas 4.05% higher than that of the control group; For deposition of nitrogen , groupⅢwas 18.21% higher than that of the control group; For total nitrogen utilization, groupⅢwas 17.94% higher than that of the control group; For net nitrogen utilization , groupⅡwas the highest, 14.34% higher than that of the control group.In the third section, at the last day of the trial, four sheep in each group were randomly selected, jugular vein blood, separate plasma and serum. Plasma was used to determine the plasma urea nitrogen, blood glucose and total cholesterol; serum was used to determine the immunoglobulin IgG, IgA, IgM levels. The results showed that:compared with the control group, the experimental groups showed the tendency that the level of plasma urea nitrogen and total cholesterol decreased while the level of blood glucose levels increased (P>0.05) ;the experimental groups improved serum immunoglobulin content of IgG, IgA (P> 0.05), but the content of IgM was less affected.


