

Studies on the Immuno-interference of Divalent Vaccine of Classical Swine Fever and Pseudorabies

【作者】 贺卫洁

【导师】 高轩; 李明义;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 预防兽医学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 猪瘟和猪伪狂犬病是目前危害规模化养猪健康发展的猪的主要传染病,给养猪业带来巨大的经济损失,为了减少多次免疫引起的应激反应,降低接种疫苗的成本,同时预防和控制两种疾病的流行,开发研制出一种经济、方便、免疫效力高的猪瘟和伪狂犬的二联苗就显得急为迫切。本实验分为三个试验。首先对仔猪同时免疫猪瘟和猪伪狂犬病二联苗后的免疫效果进行了观察试验,结果表明:同时免疫两种活疫苗(二联苗组),猪伪狂犬病会干扰猪瘟前期抗体的产生。二联苗组猪瘟抗体3周后才达到阳性,而猪伪狂犬病抗体在7d时就达到阳性,两种抗体均在49d达到峰值,峰值均比单一免疫、分时免疫的峰值略低。分时免疫两种疫苗产生的抗体均比单一免疫时的抗体要低,且相互干扰不明显。其次是转移因子对猪瘟免疫增强效果的观察试验,结果表明:转移因子各组的阳性率均比对照组阳性率要高。转移因子低剂量组在第7d时与对照组比较,免疫效果差异显著;中剂量组第7d时与对照组比较,免疫效果差异极显著;高剂量组与中剂量组结果相似。转移因子第7d时的免疫增强效果明显高于14d和21d。研究表明,转移因子具有短期内迅速提升抗体水平的免疫增强作用,随着时间的推移,免疫增强效果逐渐降低。转移因子以“中剂量2ml/头+猪瘟疫苗1头份”注射即可。最后是转移因子对二联苗免疫增强效果的观察试验,结果表明:转移因子在作为免疫增强剂时,第7d时的免疫增强效果最佳,且在第21d时平均抗体达到阳性,表明转移因子作为二联苗的免疫增强剂,能有效的减弱PR对CSF的干扰现象,使CSF抗体可以提前一周达到阳性。同时转移因子还能提高CSF的阳性率,进一步表明转移因子对CSF有明显的免疫增强作用。转移因子对PR也具有免疫增强作用。本实验表明,猪瘟和猪伪狂犬病二联苗存在免疫干扰现象,即PR干扰猪瘟前期抗体的产生,致使猪瘟抗体3周后(28d时)才能达到阳性。转移因子对猪瘟单苗免疫增强效果明显,对二联苗猪瘟抗体增强效果亦明显,可使猪瘟抗体2周后(21d时)即可达到阳性抗体,减弱猪伪狂犬病对猪瘟的免疫干扰现象。

【Abstract】 Classical Swine Fever (CSF) and pseudorabies (PR) are main epidemic diseases which greatly influence the healthy development of large-scale hog industry. In order to decrease the stress reaction from repeated immune inoculation, reduce the cost of vaccine and control the epidemic prevalence of two kinds of diseases, studies on the development of an economical, convenient and high immune efficacy divalent vaccine for CSF and PR is urgent and essential.The experiment was divided into three parts.First of all, pigs inoculated by the divalent vaccine for CSF and PR and their immune efficacy were inspected after inoculation. The result shows that, while immunization of divalent vaccine is performed, PR can interfere with the pre-antibodies of CSF. The antibody of CSF can be detected after 3 weeks inoculation, however, the antibody of PR can be tested for only 7d. The amount of two kinds of antibodies are in peak after 49d, and their corresponding peak values are slightly lower than those of single or hourly immunization, respectively. Also, it turns out that antibodies of hourly and split inoculation are lower than those of single inoculation, but interference between them were not obvious.Then the transfer factor to strengthen the immune effect of CSF vaccine was observed. The result shows that compared with control group, each group of transfer factor inoculation has a higher positive rate. In the low dose group of transfer factor, its immune effect is different from the control group at 7d after inoculation. In the median dose group, the result turns out to be significantly different at 7d. However, the high dose group is similar to the medium dose group. The immune effect for inoculating transfer factor at 7d is superior to those of at 14d and 21d. It suggests that when CSF vaccine is inoculated, transfer factor can be used to lower the immune response, reduce immune injury and raise the level of antibodies. Thus, injected transfer factor in the dose of 2mL per head and CSF vaccine in dose of 1 copy per head, simultaneously, is recommended.Finally, transfer factor used to strengthen the immune effect of divalent vaccine was inspected. The result shows that the immune effect is optimal at 7d if transfer factors are utilized as immune enhancement agents and the average level of antibody turns out to be positive at 21d, which suggests that if the transfer factors are inoculated as immune enhancement agents of divalent vaccine, it can effectively lower PR’s interference to CSF and shorten the period that can detect a positive result. Concurrently, transfer factor can raise the positive rate of CSF which infered that it can significantly improve the immune effect of CSF. In addition, the transfer factor also has immune inhancement effect. The experiments shows that the divalent vaccine of classical swine fever and pseudorabies have immune interference, which means that the pre-antibodies of PR can interfere with the production of CSF antibody, which leads to CSF’s late positive result after 3 weeks (28d). The transfer factor can both significantly strengthen the single CSF and divalent vaccine’s immune effect and the antibody produced by CSF vaccine can be detected a positive result at 2 weeks. It suggests that the transfer factor can lower the immune interference between PR and CSF.


