

Effects of Different Iron Supply on Growth and Photosynthesis in Pinus Tabulaeformis during Seedling

【作者】 袁晓宏

【导师】 刘桂林;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 城市绿地系统是市区人类生活所必须的环境空间,良好的绿地系统能够改善环境、调节气候、美化景观、提高人居生活水平,而城市的绿地布局结构的科学性恰恰决定了绿地作用的发挥程度。城市是“自然——人工”式的复合生态系统,城市生态安全关注城市面临的主要环境问题从而搭建生态安全格局建立健康的系统格局,绿地环境为城市生存与发展保驾护航。论文在城市绿地系统布局研究的基础上运用景观生态学、景观学、城市规划学、植物学以及系统论等学科知识,将定性与定量分析相结合从而建立较为完善的城市绿地布局的理论体系。论文以邯郸市为例,首先进行资料收集和现场调研得到邯郸市绿地现状资料,接着构建相应的生态安全指标体系,对数据资料进行统计分析从而得出邯郸市绿地现状的生态安全性状态,同时分析景观生态结构,指出绿地在生态方面表现出的不足。然后从基于生态安全的绿地布局影响因素方面进行梳理,试图找出这些因子与绿地布局的关系,阐述绿地系统建设的优劣。最后通过这些影响因素构建基于生态安全的邯郸市绿地布局体系。城市由于地理环境、资源状况、演变方式等不同而呈现不同形态,在进行绿地布局的构建时会有不同的影响因子,具体到邯郸而言,本研究得出的结论是邯郸的绿地布局结构主要依赖于自然环境、人口密度、环境污染状况、文脉沿承以及防灾避灾这五个方面,通过这五个方面在绿地中的体现进行叠加最终得到基于生态安全的邯郸市绿地布局结构。本研究是把生态安全与绿地布局进行结合研究的一次尝试,最终将评价结果应用到绿地规划布局中,使绿色植物的生态效应得到最大化发挥从而有效改善城市生态环境,获得良好的生态效益和社会效益。

【Abstract】 Urban green space system is a city of human life must environment, good green system can improve the environment, adjusting the climate, landscaping, improve the living standards, and urban green space layout structure of scientific decision on the function of the green. City is the "nature, artificial" type of compound ecosystem, green environment for survival and development of city, urban ecological security escort on urban environmental problems facing the main ecological security pattern to build the system Establish healthy structure.Based on the study of urban green system,the autror used landscape ecology, landscape architecture, city planning, botany and systematic knowledge.The combining qualitative and the quantitative analysis to establish comparatively complete theoretical system of urban green space layout. In handan city as an example, the first data collection and field investigation data obtained, then the present city green building corresponding ecological safety index system for data analysis and status of the city green ecological safety, and analysis of landscape ecology, green ecological structure in the show. Then based on ecological security of the green space layout, the influence factors to find these factors and the layout of the green space system and construction quality. Finally, through these factors based on ecological security of handan city green space layout system.Due to the geographical environment, urban resources situation, the evolution of the different ways in different forms, the construction of green space layout will have different impact factor, specific to handan, this study is the conclusion of the green space layout structure in handan depends on the natural environment, population density, environmental pollution, and avoid disaster along the cap context, through these five respects plagues in the five aspects of the green based on ecological security finally got the handan green layout structure.This study is the ecological security and green space layout of combining research, and will eventually evaluation results of application to the green space layout, green plant ecology effect to maximize play effectively improving the city’s ecological environment, obtain good ecological benefit and social benefit.

【关键词】 邯郸生态安全绿地布局
【Key words】 Handanecological securitythe urban green space

