

The Ornamental Plants Applying in Interior Landscape Design

【作者】 闫玉洁

【导师】 王立君;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪以来,多层建筑和室内空调设备出现后,室内空间与室外自然风景的联系困难了。而与自然的隔绝、脱离的日趋严重,使现代人的体能下降。因此,有人提出了回归自然的主张,怀念日出而作、日落而息的与自然共呼吸的生活方式,在当前引起了很大的反响。室内园林已成为当今的时尚,而室内植物是室内坏境改造的关健因素。本文的主要内容为以下几个方面:(1)课题研究的背景、内容、意义及方法;(2)室内植物景观发展概述及理论基础:主要概述了室内植物景观从公园前3000年至今,国内外的发展历程,并归纳出植物景观设计所依托的中国传统风水、生态美学、生态学、环境心理学等理论依据;(3)室内植物景观的功能及特点:主要概述了室内植物景观的生态功能、心理功能、美学功能、建造功能等多种功能;(4)室内植物景观设计在不同空间中的应用:详细论述了观赏植物在旅馆酒店、商务办公、购物休闲、大型公共厅堂、家居环境等各种类型空间的应运,并对室内植物景观设计的特点和设计手法做了粗浅归纳;(5)室内植物景观的实例分析和现状思考:详细分析了建筑大师贝聿铭所设计的北京香山饭店和北京中银大厦俩个不同建筑类型的室内景观的设计手法和设计特点,并分析了观赏植物在室内设计中应用的现状、目前存在的问题以及今后发展的趋势,为当代观赏植物在室内设计中的应用提供具体的参考。通过本论文的研究,希望使人们能够树立这样一种理念:科学的将观赏植物运用于室内设计中,能够满足在现今社会城市居民回归自然的心理需要,能够为人和自然的沟通搭起一座桥梁,使人与自然和谐发展,科技与人文共同进步。将观赏植物应用于室内设计,给室内设计业提供了一个新的发展思考点,开辟了一个新的创造领域,并且作为一个比较新的课题将带动自身以及其他相关领域的进一步发展。室内植物的用途,远远超过人们所固有的对绿色的需要。在用现代文明改造自然的景观又用现代文明破坏自然、毁灭自然的今天,作为设计师得不断探索研究,以寻找人居渴望的景致,把自然的、历史的、人文的景观元素带回人类的怀抱。

【Abstract】 Multilayer the day afer tomorrow has appeared on building and interior air-conditioner during the past 20 centuries, interior space contact with outside natural scenery has been difficult. Gradually be grave but breaking away from natural being all cut off, make modernist’s physical power come down. Therefore, somebody has brought forward natural view of return , has thought of sunrise but has done, sunset but cease and breathe at ease together life-style, before present have aroused very big echo. Interior forest of regiment already becomes fad in the nowadays. Houseplant is that the turn off that interior bad boundary reforms is good for a factor.This article focuses on several aspects: (1) Research background, content, significance and methods; (2) Interior landscape and the theoretical basis for the development of an overview: The main outlines of the interior landscape from the park since before 3000, the course of development at home and abroad, and concluded the plant landscape design relies on traditional Chinese feng shui, ecological aesthetics, ecology, environmental psychology, theoretical; (3) Interior landscape of the functions and features: The main outlines of the interior landscape of ecological function, psychological function, aesthetic function, the construction of functions and other functions; (4) Interior landscape design in various space applications: Is discussed in detail view in the hotel rooms, business offices, shopping and leisure, a large public hall, home environment and other types of space to be shipped, and interior landscape design design features and design methods to do the superficial induction; (5) Interior landscape and present examples of thinking: This part of the detailed analysis of the architect IM Pei designed the Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel and Beijing Bank of China Building both a construction of interior landscape design technique and design features, and analysis of ornamental plants in the interior design of the application status, current problems and future trends for the contemporary ornamental plants in the interior design of specific reference.Through this study, the hope that enables people to establish such a concept: Ornamental plant science will be applied to interior design to meet current social urban residents in the psychological needs of returning to nature, man and nature can build a bridge of communication, the harmonious development of human beings and nature, science, technology and human progress together.The ornamental plants used in interior design, interior design industry to provide a new development point of thinking, opening up a new creativity in, and as a relatively new issue will drive itself and the further development of other related fields. The use of indoor plants, far more than the people inherent in the need for green. Change the nature of modern civilization in the landscape of modern civilization with destruction of another nature, destruction of nature today, as designers have to constantly explore, looking for Habitat desire scenery, the natural, historical and cultural landscape of the human element back embrace.


