

The Canvass of Court Mediation in Administrative Litigation System

【作者】 陆之悦

【导师】 罗文燕;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 诉讼法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文的研究对象限于行政诉讼调解制度的构建。在对我国现行《行政诉讼法》、《最高人民法院关于执行<行政诉讼法>若干问题的解释》中关于行政诉讼调解相关规定及行政审判实践进行研究分析后,从规范、理论以及实践三个角度结合域外相关立法例对我国行政诉讼调解制度的建立提出相关建议。本文第一章首先以房屋拆迁行政争议为例对行政纠纷产生的背景作一简要介绍,结合当前行政诉讼纠纷解决机制的发展历程将本文研究对象确定为行政诉讼“调解”。在评述了当前行政诉讼中当事人在法律未禁止的范围内围绕诉讼标的进行妥协、让步,并由人民法院从旁监督之定位,及对调解、和解、协调和解在我国诉讼法中的表述与概念进行界分后,提出作者关于上述诉讼行为的定义及在我国建立行政诉讼调解制度的必要性。本文第二章在对浙江省杭州市中级人民法院2006-2008年度已审结行政案件的总数与撤诉案件增长情况、行政诉讼案件职能分布情况、市域机关被诉具体行政行为类型分布情况、行政诉讼案件结案方式进行分类统计的基础上,结合第一章行政诉讼调解之概念界定进行分析,提出了以下三个设问,从而引出行政审判实践对建立行政诉讼调解制度的需求:1、在行政诉讼案件总量稳步上升的2006年及2007年,为何2008年案件撤诉率会猛增至进37.3%,超出前一年度近25%?撤诉率的上升与行政诉讼案件总量增加有无关联?2、在被诉行政行为集中在与规划行政管理有关的职能部门时,如何缓解司法资源的有限性与行政争议复杂性之间的矛盾?3、审判人员在实践中经常向当事人表述的“这个案子你们想不想调调看?”,除了《行政诉讼法》第五十条之外是否违反其他法律法规或行政法原则?本文第三章围绕我国行政诉讼调解制度的可行性进行理论分析:首先就诉讼调解制度与行政诉讼价值取向的联系进行探讨,对我国目前行政审判的指导性意见所示司法机关为行政诉讼适用调解制度提供的宽松环境进行阐释;其次从分析法学派之集大成者霍菲尔德“法律概念最小公分母”理论的角度对“公权力不可处分”进行文义分析;最后从法律保留原则、法律优越原则行政诉讼调解制度的适法性进行论述,得出在行政诉讼中建立调解制度并不违反依法行政原则。解决了上述前提性问题后,本文第四章从行政诉讼调解制度的适用范围、结案方式、调解协议的性质及调解程序四个方面结合美国、德国等相关国家和地区之经验给予相应制度建设的建议。

【Abstract】 This dissertation limits to the court mediation in administrative litigation system. During the study of our present Administrative Litigation Act’s relative rules, this article based on legal norms, theory and reality when summarized and analyzed the relative legislation of other counties, then give suggestion on the legislation of our norms of court mediation in administrative litigation System.In Chapter One, as a prerequisite, it distinguished the conception of court mediation negotiated settlement and compromise settlement. Then it combined with the current administrative litigation dispute resolution mechanism for the development process, and identified this dissertation is limits to the court mediation in administrative litigation system. The author also distinguished the conception of court mediation negotiated settlement and compromise settlement. After appraised defacto court mediation in our country and show the emergent of legislate our norms of court mediation in administrative litigation system, the author shows her conception of court mediation in administrative litigation system.In Chapter Two, it shows four statistices in Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court from 2006 to 2008, and point out the necessity of reconstruct today’s confirmation rules on the court mediation of an administrative litigation, which is based on legal norm and reality. At the end of this chapter, the author raise three questions for the disquisition:1. Administrative litigation cases a steady increase in the total in 2006 and 2007, why in 2008 the rate of cases soared to withdraw an accusation into 37.3%, exceeding the previous year, nearly 25%?2. How to alleviate the limited nature of judicial resources and administrative complexity of the contradiction between the dispute?3. Did judges expressed to the parties "did you want to mediate in this case or not?" violate the principles of Administrative laws?In Chapter Three, based on the rules of our present Administrative Litigation Act, it first analyzed the relationship between legislative intention, administrative litigation and court mediation. Then, it deeply checked weather court mediation violate the principle of manage our country affairs in accordance with law or not. Finally, the author used the principle of administrative litigation as an theory instrument to explain reform mediation administrative litigation system is proper Chinese law.After resolving the problems above as premise, the Chapter Four analyzed four different aspects:the scope of application, the form to conclude a case, the character of mediation agreement, and meditational procedure, from which and the experience of continental legal system, it gives some suggestions on the litigation of our norms.

  • 【分类号】D925.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】213

