

The Effect of Organizational Justice on Organizational Change: LMX as a Mediator

【作者】 张光腾

【导师】 金杨华;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,企业界频繁的发生着企业战略转型、并购、裁员等组织变革活动,特别是近年的经济危机加剧变革的频次,企业对变革管理认识的需求更加强烈。本研究结合中国企业的变革管理现状,把握当前研究趋势,旨在探讨组织变革情境下组织公正与LMX、员工变革反应等结果变量之间的关系。近几十年来,组织公正一直是组织行为学研究领域的热点问题。作者将当前有关组织公正理论的研究趋势大体归为四条主线:(1)组织公正的前因和结果变量的界定,在这方面组织公正学者已经做了相当充分的工作;(2)影响组织公正效应的调节变量和中介变量研究,这条主线是近年来组织公正研究的主要趋势之一,越来越多的学者将其他组织理论纳入到组织公正领域加以研究;(3)将组织公正置于特定情境中,探讨组织公正产生的独特效应;(4)组织公正的整合研究,有一批学者开始把目光转移到组织公正理论的整合趋势的研究上,目前主流的整合理论包括团体介入模型、公正启发式理论、不确定性管理理论和公正理论。其中第一种研究路径已经相对成熟,而第四种研究趋势在国内研究相对较少,因此本研究遵循第二和第三种研究趋势,对特定情境下的组织公正作用机制做探索性的研究。具体来说,本研究将组织变革反应的测量设定在以组织变革为背景的特定模拟情境中,探讨组织公正效应。有研究证实,组织公正与变革反应等结果变量之间的关系不完全是直接起作用的,社会交换理论的引入能够做出更多的解释,因此本研究加入LMX,检验其对组织公正效应的中介作用。另外,员工沉默是近年来才被组织行为学者关注的一种员工行为,却又是普遍存在于所有企业里的一种组织现象,已有研究表明信任等组织变量能够对沉默行为进行预测,但是就组织公正与员工沉默之间的关系还未有过讨论,本研究的研究目的之一就是探讨它们之间的关系。本研究主要采用问卷调查的方法,以110名浙江企业员工为调查对象,经数据整理与分析,得到以下结论:(1)组织公正量表、组织变革反应量表、组织认同量表和员工沉默量表都具备良好的信度和效度;(2)组织公正能够对LMX、变革反应、组织认同进行预测;(3)LMX能够影响变革反应、组织认同和员工沉默;(4)LMX能够部分中介作用于组织公正与变革反应和组织认同。具体来说,程序公正能对LMX、消极情绪和组织认同进行预测;分配公正能对消极情绪、控制应对和对变革的抵制进行预测;互动公正能对LMX和控制应对进行预测。LMX能有效预测控制应对、组织认同和员工沉默。互动公正部分通过LMX对控制应对产生影响;程序公正部分通过LMX对组织认同产生影响。文章的最后对研究的意义及其局限作了探讨。

【Abstract】 Currently, the frequent business transformation have taken place in corporate, just as enterprises’strategic transition, M&A, layoffs and other organizational change activities, especially the economic crisis has broken out in recent years, the more frequent change happened, the stronger needs of enterprise change management awareness. In terms of management situations of Chinese enterprises, with recent research trends, this study try to search for the relationships between organizational justice and outcome variables, such as LMX, reactions to organizational change, etc.In recent decades, organizational justice has been a hot issue in the research field of organizational behavior. The author categorizes the research trends of organizational justice theory broadly into four major streams:(1) defined the antecedent and outcome variables of organizational justice (boundary conditions), in which many scholars has already done adequately; and (2) mediating and moderating effects on the relationships of organizational justice and organizational variables, which is the main trend of studies in organizational justice in recent years, and more and more scholars have began to introduce other organization theories into the research field of organizational justice; (3) research in a specific context, to test the unique effects produced by organizational justice; (4) the integrating research of organizational justice, some scholars was going to shifted focus on the integration of organizational justice theory, and the recent mainstream of organizational justice theory including Group Engagement Theory, Fairness Heuristic Theory, Uncertainty Management Theory and Fairness Theory. The first research path has been relatively mature, while the fourth stream in China is relatively less, so this study was to follow the second and third research streams, exploring the mechanism of organizational justice in the specific contexts.Specifically, this study measure reactions to organizational change in the context of organizational change, in order to test the effect of organizational justice. Some evidences suggest that organizational justice has indirect effect on outcome variables such as reactions to organizational change and so on. Social Exchange Theory has been introduced to enhance the explanations, so that to test LMX as a mediator. In addition, employee silence as a behavior is concerned several years ago, but is prevalent in all enterprises. Although studies suggest that organization variables (eg, trust, etc.) can predict employee silence behaviors, the relationship of organizational justice and employee silence has never been examined, that is one of the purposes of this study.This study used a questionnaire survey approach with 110 samples from Zhejiang enterprises, getting the following conclusions:(1) organizational justice scale, reactions to organizational change scale and employee silence scale all have a good reliability and validity; (2) organizational justice can predict LMX, reactions to organizational change, organizational identification and employee silence; (3) LMX influences reactions to organizational change, organizational identification and employee silence; (4) LMX as a part mediator on the relationship of organizational justice and reactions to organizational change and organizational identification. Specifically, procedural justice can predict LMX, negative emotions and organizational identification; distributive justice can predict negative emotions, control coping and reactions to organizational change; interactional justice can predict LMX and control coping. LMX can predict control coping, organizational identification and employee silence. LMX partly mediate the effect of interactional justice on control coping, while LMX partly mediate the effect of procedural justice on organizational identification. Finally, the article studies the meaning and limitations discussed.

  • 【分类号】C936
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】332

