

An Empirical Research on the Cooperation Development of Regional Trade and Investment

【作者】 潘尧

【导师】 马淑琴;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工商大学 , 国际贸易, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,长三角地区作为我国对外开放的前沿阵地,贸易投资发展成绩斐然。然而在取得举世瞩目成就的同时,长三角地区贸易投资不均衡的现象日益凸显。省际、城际之间对外贸易发展的差异明显,已经严重影响长三角地区经济一体化的进程。因此,总结长三角地区贸易投资发展经验和特点,制定协调各区域贸易投资发展战略,对缩小地区间贸易投资水平差距,提高长三角地区国际竞争力水平,实现贸易投资水平升级无疑有着极为重要的意义。文章尝试从实证的角度来分析长三角地区贸易投资协调发展的问题。本文在整理前人研究相关区域协调理论的基础上,首先定义长三角地区贸易投资协调发展的目标为地区间发展差距逐步缩小,并分析了区域贸易投资协调发展的作用机理,构建了长三角地区贸易投资协调发展的理论模型;利用地区省际和城际的数据定量分析了长三角各地区在对外贸易总额、出口商品结构、出口贸易主体、出口贸易市场、利用外资规模等方面的发展特征和差异。在此基础上,本文从省际的角度出发构建了长三角地区贸易投资的相应评价指标体系,引入贸易投资协调度的概念,并利用主成分综合评价模型对长三角地区的贸易投资协调发展状况进行了测度;实证结果表明,长三角地区的贸易投资水平在不断提升,地区间贸易投资发展由不协调向协调发展,但协调状况并不稳定。继而本文又从城际的视角出发,根据经济收敛理论模型,利用长三角地区25城市的面板数据,分别验证了长三角地区城际之间存在随机收敛和条件收敛现象,并得出贸易投资对缩小地区间经济差距有着正向作用。最后,本文在实证分析的基础上,提出了区域产业协调分工合作、区域政府协调合作、区域基础设施建设一体化、区域企业主体协调合作等区域贸易投资的协调途径。本文第一至第三章为文章的背景和理论基础,内容包括导论、文献综述和文章的理论基础;第四至第六章是文章的核心部分,主要从定量和实证的角度来探讨长三角地区贸易投资协调发展状况;第七章为政策和建议部分,主要从产业、市场、企业、政府等角度来探讨地区间贸易投资如何协调发展的问题。采用定量和定性相结合的方法,从协调发展的视角出发,利用主成分评价分析模型对长三角苏浙沪地区贸易投资的发展状况进行分析,并构建地区贸易投资发展协调度是本文的核心和亮点之处。利用长三角25城市间数据对长三角地区随机收敛和条件收敛现象进行考察,进而分析地区贸易投资发展与缩小地区经济差异的相关性是本文的难点。

【Abstract】 Since China’s reform and opening, as the forefront of the trade and foreigninvestment, the Yangtze River Delta(YRD for short)has made the great achievements. But at the same time, the inequality divergence of the trade and investment has appeared. The inter-provincial and inter-city differences in trade and investment are significant,and has been seriously affected the process of economic integration in Yangtze River Delta region. Therefore, reviewing the YRD trade and investment development experience and characteristics, and coordinating the inter-regional trade and investment strategies is very importmant to hightening the global competition and trade investment level.This paper tries to use empirical ways to analysis the probem about the regional trade and investment coordinate development in YRD.First,based on the reviewing the regionl coordinate development theorys, we analysis the characters about the total quantity of international trade, the export commodity structure, the export participants, the export market, and the quantity of FDI in YRD. Then we establish the indexs to analysis the trade and investment development,and use the PCA model to test the YRD regional trade and investment coordinate development. This analysis suggests YRD trade and investment development level is improved, and the coordination level in YRD become relatively low, but its performance is unstable. And based on the economic convergence model, we use the 25 cities panel data to test the stochastic convergence and condition convergence of YRD. We find that trade and investment can make positive contribution to the reduce the regional economic inequalities of YRD. At last we make some suggestions such as regional industry coordinate division, regional government coordinate cooperation, advancing regional infrastructure integration, strengthen regional corporation integration. The paper has six charters, the main content are as follows:The first three chapters of this paper illustrate the research background and theoretical principles, including introductions, literature reviews and basic theories. The part from chapter 4 to chapter 6 is the core of this paper which quantitatively and empirically elaborates regional trade and investment coordinative development situations of the Yangtze River Delta. Chapter 7 is policy recommendations. They are put forward specifically from the positions of industry, market, enterprises and government, dedicating to coordinate regional trade and investment development.We use the Principal Evaluation Method to analyze the development situations of trade and investment in the Yangtze River Delta regions—Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Establishing a Coordinative Development Degree of regional trade and investment is the core and highlight of this paper. We use the data from 25 cities of the Yangtze River Delta regions to investigate their stochastic convergence and conditional convergence phenomenon. And try to find the relations between regional trade and investment and regional economic disparity, which is the biggest difficulty of this paper.

  • 【分类号】F752.7
  • 【下载频次】174

